Heya Devs,
I'd mentioned this in the General Forum, but realized that this might be the place to post. Again, let me say I have no idea how hard something like this would be to code, but it seems fairly straightforward.
I don't know how difficult it would be, but it would really be awesome to be able to combine Shield Bash with TWF. It would be even *more* awesomer () for those with Improved Shield Bash as a feat (*not* me BTW).
As it is right now, being in a defensive stance 'offlines' your main weapon. Would there be a way (Shift + Ctrl? Shift + Alt?) to be able to go one step further and be able to fight with both the shield *and* a main weapon. Then, release the Ctrl/Alt key and go back to the defensive stance?
I have no idea if this has been brought up by anyone else in the two years of prior suggestions/play (I just started playing). But it seems that when using a shield as a weapon (as incidentally as it might be), those with the TWF feat should be able to fight with *two* weapons.
Just a thought/wish.