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  1. #1
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Default Frustrating occurence last night, and FYI for YOU

    Frustrating occurence last night, and FYI for YOU

    Beat the part 4 of the raid last night, went to the chest on the left, double-clicked on it, and my loot popped up in the treasure window.

    I double-clicked on the first item that was mine, and I was instantly killed, and transported to part 5.

    Unfortunately, the alter was underneath the trasure window, and somehow, when I clicked on my loot in the chest, it also registered me clicking on the alter.

    Everyone, be careful, cuz for some reason, I was able to click through the treasure window, onto the alter. I lost loot, but I'd hate to see that happen to others as well.

    I reported it as a bug, we'll see what happens.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  2. #2
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtmouse3 View Post
    Frustrating occurence last night, and FYI for YOU

    Beat the part 4 of the raid last night, went to the chest on the left, double-clicked on it, and my loot popped up in the treasure window.

    I double-clicked on the first item that was mine, and I was instantly killed, and transported to part 5.

    Unfortunately, the alter was underneath the trasure window, and somehow, when I clicked on my loot in the chest, it also registered me clicking on the alter.

    Everyone, be careful, cuz for some reason, I was able to click through the treasure window, onto the alter. I lost loot, but I'd hate to see that happen to others as well.

    I reported it as a bug, we'll see what happens.
    Unless you know for sure, I'm betting someone clicked on the portal. Because clicking on the alter activates the portal, which also rezzes dead people so they can loot.

    Clicking on the portal zaps everyone to part 5.

    So more then likely, while you were looting someone was, Hey, I'll just get a head start.

  3. #3
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    Wasn't you dude. Some jerky hit the portal. The alter wont spawn your party into 5.
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  4. #4
    Founder RichD's Avatar
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    Last edited by RichD; 02-29-2008 at 01:48 PM.

  5. #5
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I was really mad, but it could have been someone just clicking (not double-clicking) on the portal?

    the reason I say this, is because I was the only on in there for at least a few minutes. wondering *** happened.

    it was on the end of part 4, the chest on the left, close to the alter. The treasure window was definately up, but I cant remember if I double-clicked to grab an item, and clicked one more time on the gray background of the treasure window. I was just mad, because I knew I didnt click on the alter or the portal directly, the closest might have been through the loot window.....

    Thanks for any insight,
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  6. #6


    This is incredibly bad design, in my opinion.

    I don't care if you need to add in a "holding chamber" through the portal, there's absolutely no way it makes sense for everyone to die and be pulled away from their chests because one person went through the portal.

    It's a huge flaw in this quest and a enormous opportunity for griefing.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    This is incredibly bad design, in my opinion.

    I don't care if you need to add in a "holding chamber" through the portal, there's absolutely no way it makes sense for everyone to die and be pulled away from their chests because one person went through the portal.

    It's a huge flaw in this quest and a enormous opportunity for griefing.
    MT, clicking on the alter doesn't cause you to go to part 5, it activates the portal.

    One person clicking on the portal bring the whole raid into the part 5.

    There are reasons, if you haven't done it, that I don't want to just blurt out. It's for a reason. Someone jumped the gun.

    But someone had to have clicked on the Portal to activate it, and I have never clicked through a UI. If anything I find that you often get blocked by things like trees and such.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    MT, clicking on the alter doesn't cause you to go to part 5, it activates the portal.

    One person clicking on the portal bring the whole raid into the part 5.
    Uh... I know. That's what I said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    There are reasons, if you haven't done it, that I don't want to just blurt out. It's for a reason. Someone jumped the gun.
    Yes, I've done it. Yes, I know why it happens. No, that doesn't make it good design.

    You could accomplish the same "story reasons" by having the portal take you some where and then having a second interactive event pull everyone in that area into part 5 (as I suggested, a "holding chamber"). Then if someone jumped the gun, all that would happen would be that you would be pulled into part 5 as soon as you used the portal.

    Allowing 1 person to potentially deprive 11 other people of their hard earned loot is exactly what DDO is designed to not do, in every other example in the game. This, in effect, allows someone to "ninja loot" the entire raid (except that the person doing it doesn't get the loot in question themselves; but the people who don't get their loot aren't going to care much about that).

    It's bad design.
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  9. #9
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    It's bad design.
    Hear hear.

    If I wanted to experience griefing, I'd play WoW.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  10. #10
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    If nothing else, your looting, or trying to, and someone decides to go in and buff. They maybe didnt hear the 3 times someone said DO NOT GO INTO THE PORTAL because they were eating chips or something.

    One click - boom half the group doesnt get ingredients. You were just about to click on that supreme shard you have needed for the last 20 runs, and zap your in part 5.

    Not fun.

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