This has been really bothering me for some time. The underwater gates in Delera's Tomb for the optional Omaren Guardians are STILL broken! I was elated when it said this was going to be resloved in Mod.6 release notes, and immediatly let down the day of the update when it said in known issues that they are still stuck. I am a Guild Leader on Thelanis and a player on 3 servers. My Guild on Thelanis is comprised mainly on players very new to the game. I personally like to play with them and show them how to find and complete all optionals and maximize xp earned from Aggression/I.D./Ransacked bonuses in the quests. Now i don't know exactly how this got broken in the 1st place, but it has been broken a long time. Please fix it soon. It brings a sense of completion to this part of Deleras as we get rid of ALL the unloy scum and don't leave any hiding in some unreachable spot that many new players ask about. Thank you for your time.