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  1. #1
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Default More Unique looking Shields!

    I really like the Skyvault Shield, not for it's stats, but how it looks, please consider making more shields like that, or even allowing that shield avatar to be randomly generated in the game.

    I saw a lot (not all) of the shields that can be created via the shield pieces in teh orchard quests, and they lack any real visual pazazz.

    There are a bunch of us out here that do believe in form over function, we have been quiet enough, please consider our type of fun in DDO just as important as those who like PvP, Raids, and Exploration as their primary enjoyment out of DDO.

    I'm standing up for the Form over Function crowd! Equal Representation

    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  2. #2
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    While you're at it please work on Docents too. K thanks.
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  3. #3
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knightrose View Post
    While you're at it please work on Docents too. K thanks.
    I made a female WF a long time ago, and was dismayed at the fact that WF male/female is in mental capacity only, no difference in physical nature whatsoever, but you would think that WF wizards would create docents to help them facilitate their appropriate grnder?

    Not in Stormreach, we have a bunch of genderless robots, who are sentient, and try to be as human as possible, yet have no concept of gender identity.

    BTW, humans have to associate themselves with a gender, that's why you see/hear so much about it on Jerry Springer. Yeah, crazy stuff.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  4. #4
    Community Member Redd's Avatar
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    agreed with OP, but I'd like to see it go a step further. I'd like the option to design our own personal shield or armor graphic
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  5. #5
    Community Member arminius's Avatar
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    Doncha love standing in a raid party with 6-8 people holding the Madstone Shield? I haven't seen such uniformity since the days when the Co6 armor was standard issue.

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  6. #6
    Founder GreyRogue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtmouse3 View Post
    I made a female WF a long time ago, and was dismayed at the fact that WF male/female is in mental capacity only, no difference in physical nature whatsoever, but you would think that WF wizards would create docents to help them facilitate their appropriate grnder?

    Not in Stormreach, we have a bunch of genderless robots, who are sentient, and try to be as human as possible, yet have no concept of gender identity.

    BTW, humans have to associate themselves with a gender, that's why you see/hear so much about it on Jerry Springer. Yeah, crazy stuff.
    WF gender is completely true to Eberron lore. The warforged were built as soldiers, so they didn't really need gender. It was only after the Last War ended that warforged started to become integrated into society (although that effort is ongoing). At that point, some warforged began to identify more with "maleness" and some more with "femaleness" and some don't really identify a gender at all. There isn't much point for a sentient living construct to have secondary sexual characteristics because they don't reproduce sexually. The warforged form in the game is not the only one in the lore (there are smaller scout types, for example), but it certainly makes sense when all existing warforged were made to be living weapons.

    Edit: Oh, and totally /signed for more variety in shields (and armor!).

  7. #7
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    More shield and armor skins please!

    More variety is what we need!!

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  8. #8
    Stormreach Advisor
    oronisi's Avatar
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    I would love to see more shields, or make the unique shield models more accessible....there are the mod 5 shields that get hardly used and also the shield in the Shroud Pt1 is cool but you can't get that model elsewhere.

    I'd also like to see more armors, more reason to wear the non-popular armors like hide, brigadine, and halfplate (halfplate has some really coold half armor, half robe looks), and docents.

    And to top it all off, I'd love to see a second WF model used to replace the current female WF model, as a smaller WF maybe a little smaller than an elf. I mean, in that Eberron story they published on, it had a small WF slightly bigger than a halfling right there. Not to mention, I've seen some small WF npc's before.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtmouse3 View Post
    I made a female WF a long time ago, and was dismayed at the fact that WF male/female is in mental capacity only, no difference in physical nature whatsoever, but you would think that WF wizards would create docents to help them facilitate their appropriate grnder?

    Not in Stormreach, we have a bunch of genderless robots, who are sentient, and try to be as human as possible, yet have no concept of gender identity.

    BTW, humans have to associate themselves with a gender, that's why you see/hear so much about it on Jerry Springer. Yeah, crazy stuff.
    My female WF keeps a pink docent to wear around town......I've been trying desperatly to find a better one to wear in dungeons.

    I really wish we could at least choose which graphic for our stuff.
    I know it does not really make sense, but it would make me a much happier gamer.

    I really lucked out on one toon, that I was very concerned about the appearance of her armor.....I found some +5 full plate with a really evil looking graphic design to it.

    I have another suit that is pink and none of my toons wants to wear it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  10. #10
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    I really hope they listen to the voices that have spoken in this thread, and decide to make some additions that we have suggested here.

    Redd, I would be ecstatic if they allowed us to apply our own skins to the avatars and items our avatars wear, but I'm just trying to get this one small step implemented. I have been on these threads championing graphical addies for a long time, and yet have I gotten a response from devs directly.

    I have seen threads where devs stated that animation, and how items are worn on each individual race are very difficult and time-consuming.

    personally, I have experience with 3D Animation programs (3D Studio Max, outdated but concepts are the same) and I understand the dev time can be better utilized, but it's been 2 years that have gone by for DDO, and not a single new avatar or race. Meanwhile, LotRO literally sprang into existence, and surpassed DDO in form and function.

    I know, different development teams, blah........but dangit, I pay religiously for this game, and I would like to see some graphical benefits for this game.

    Alternate WF bodies


    Thank you,
    Last edited by Shaamis; 02-28-2008 at 03:41 PM.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  11. #11
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    I'd like to see coats-of-arms on the shields (ones you can actually see), particularly if they were related to in-game groups, Houses, Silver Flame, The Twelve, etc.

  12. #12
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    I really like my Sorrel, awsome work on that one.

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