Hey all,
I'm new to Stormreach and still learning my way around. I've decided that I want to play a drow, but I'm lost as to what class I want to play. I'd like to be able to handle explorer zones and quests on solo/normal by myself. But at the same time I'd also like to be welcome and at least semi-useful in groups all the way up to the raids ( at least the easier ones). I'd like to have an alignment of Chaotic Neutral, which kind of rules out paladins. I also have an innate dislike for multi classing, but I am willing to take 1-2 levels of a class then switch to another for the rest of my levels ( so I can play it off RP wise as a switch in my life's calling) if need be.
I don't want to be incredibly squishy or have to spam multiple clickies for every encounter.
Right now I'm thinking either
A TWF ranger
A TWF fighter
A 1fighter/15 cleric Battle priest ( leaning towards this one, but I hate splitting my stats all over the place)
A Rogue ( though I've heard terrible things of their combat ability)
A caster priest
Any advice or pointers would be appreacited.