Hey devs,
Let me start this post by saying that i understand that when you multiclass you are cutting down your overall effectiveness of each class. Also i would like to thank you for the implementation of the new feats that help out folks who chose to multi-class. The ability to change a saving throw from one stat to another is simply huge.
My suggestion or request goes to those of us who have done the unthinkable and created evenly leveled multi-classed casters. I began the journey of Laquido as soon as i unlocked the dark elf race. When i achieved the lvl cap at lvl 10 and was a 5cleric/5wiz i had a ton of fun of being a crowd control healer. The class was very effective, and worked wonders on raids. as the level cap increased to 12 Laquido gained 2 levels of wizard and started using firewall to great effect, while still being able to keep his party alive. At lvl 14 is when the ability to successfully land enchantment based spells became very noticeable. I was 7/7 and could effectively cast any spell in the game from a scroll, thanks again to the change of how scrolls were cast by caster lvls, But i had to take both of my enchantment focuses and heighten, and change them to maximize, empower just so i could find a group.
With the release of the new content i lvled up my cleric side to be a better healer, this is largely due to the fact that the SR's in the game are simply beyond this character. The max i can cap my spell pen is +16, which means i usually have to roll an 18+ to simply get a spell through the resistance, then they still get a chance to save.
I have said all that i have simply to paint a picture for the feat(s) that i would love to see in the game. If there was a feat or an ability that allowed multi-classed characters to use their combined caster levels for Spell pen and DC if the caster levels were within 2 levels of each other (one spell level) that would be huge in helping people like myself that would love to be very versatile in the game.
I am going to miss out on the highest lvl spells in the game, and am ok with that. But the fact that i can't land a heightened hypno, dance, or fear makes my arsenal of spells useless.
Even to see a feat that simply allowed heightened spells be cast at the characters max level would be a huge gain.
I would love to see some functionality for this character.
Thanks in advance for reading
~ Ebo