The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
My freshly level 6 wizard is currently hacking his way through the Splinterskull Fortress by using a shortsword of lesser Goblin Bane or his Nicked Heavy Mace , a chitin shield, a robe of Stability or a Robe of Invulnerability, and Magic Armor/Magic Shield buffs, plus several Guild Ship buffs, too.
Edit : He wears a "lesser fire guard" robe right now.
Plus the "Insightful Goggles".
And of course the most essential thing : "Master's Touch", the spell.
If I don't forget it, he gets "Heroism", too.
And sometimes he casts a "lesser death aura", too. But I'm still unsure whether it helps or not, because i can hardly make out which damages to foes come from which things.
I think he has a +1 Strength bracers piece, too.
Edit : The complete character as he is right now :
Most of his better items came a) from my other character or b) by using the free "jewel of fortune" from the current "Greater Jewel Of Fortune" coupon code thing which the DDO shop gives away for free right now (until March 29th; see here : or here : ).
Right now he is going through it fairly well (difficulty: normal, quets 1-3 right now) and he has never died there so far - which is of course because a Cleric hireling and a summoned monster are travelling with him.
Surprisingly, even for me as the player, he is very capable of just hacking his way through, instead of permanently casting spells.
Last edited by Alrik_Fassbauer; 03-27-2012 at 02:12 PM.
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
I rolled a 17cleric/2ranger/1barb elf for a while.
i went barb for the movement speed, ranger for the twf feat without meeting the dex requirement, and elf for bonuses with scimi's (racial and unyielding path). I actually called this ol' girl Druid but killed her off for the slot once the real thing was annouced.
Figther casters are great fun. keep it up.
Not viable at all. People laugh when they see the class split.etc.etc.etc
They might laugh, but I can decide not to care.
However, if they believe that PGs require to consist of certain hard-wired classes only, then one might get a problem.
Then it's what I call conservatism and traditionalism excluding more creative things. As it often happens in real life as well.
What's then needed are simply PUGs where the "outcasts" stick together. THEY know what their characters are capable of doing !
Is the multi-class "gimp" player actually the more skilled player?
Well sure. They take a perceived "handicap" and which forces them to play better and know their toon's strengths & weaknesses.
Just a thought.
The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC
If you want to talk about re-evaluating old builds in light of speculation about the upcoming expansion, start a new thread. That way folks don't have to read pages and pages of stuff about obsolete build info just to get to what you want to talk about now.
That's the reason for the "so-called internet niceties."
Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.
tiny bit confused.. unless you mean melee pm i don't really see how it be done. i mean if you splash your dc/sr/cl gonna be a bit lower..not likely to be too much of use in epic
Builds like this are not supposed to be the most 'optimal' (and I use that term loosely), they are about having fun and enjoying your way of playing!
A build like this could... Set up mobs with debuffs, lay down damaging AOEs, throw some dots, mobs close in, you can make use of tactics by sundering, tripping, stunning, turtle up or start swinging with self-buffed goodness. You can be a one man army![]()
The problem is DDO is a bit more narrow then we like to admit. Im no game programmer so I dont know why it is but with your example there,
Debuffs will be ok, damaging AOE's will be very weak and saved against, DOTs will be ok, tactics will be weak at higher levels, turtle up and ac will be low (as with most chars) and swinging a weap far less effectivly then a full, or mostly, class of the same level.
I applaud "odd" builds in DDO and dont overly care what people run. And in PnP for sure it can work.
However, these types of threads never make it clear to newer players, while builds like these discussed will work you will be below par for alot of the things you do. You will need equipment to close that gap and game knowledge to make it even better but, come end game you will find things alot more difficult then if you made a morte common build.
I know "cookie cutters" are boring and deviating from them is always ok BUT they have been made and designed but clever people who spend hours working the numbers and squeezing things in to make the build work and any sacrifices minimal.
That's what I think as well.
It's simply teaching you to get around the weaknesses.
It's like in the Star Wars universe flying a TIE Fighter : It has no shields ...
None at all. And because of that, those who survive must be double deadly compared to the X-Wings that have ...
Yes, it's a case of efficiency.
And I think that's a real-life thing, too. Nowadays, with the computer taking over whole parts of Real Life, and everything being evaluated in terms of economy ("does it provide profits ? does it mean losses ? is it efficient ?"), people rather tend to turn towards more efficient builds.
It's like ... buying pre-baked pizza compared to making your pizza with your own hands (and I did ! - It was rough, but very, very tasty !).
Last edited by Alrik_Fassbauer; 03-31-2012 at 06:45 AM.
Incidentally, the home-made pizza generally tastes a lot better than store-bought pizza, as long as you follow directions.
Same goes for builds like this.
Also, as far as I know, thread necromancy isn't against the rules on this forum. This was an interesting thread to bring back up.
The guy who likes to experience every class. Except Fighter >:[ I don't like you Fighter.
Hey Devs! Let's give Warpriests and Eldritch Knights some loving, kay? :<
... and use 3 sticks of butter
What most people don't understand is that a major part of a toon's power comes from their gear - and a build that is fun to play will command more than its share of gear.
I played a 12 Fighter/7 Monk/1 Rog, and it was pathetic compared to my 12 Wiz/6 Rngr/2 Rog simply because it wasn't geared nearly as well.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
My general take on multiclass builds in general is this:
(1) You need to have a specific role in mind when you plan the build. i.e. Tank, DPS, Healer, Soloist, whatever. Pick no more than two.
(2) You need the components the multiclass mix to have synergy with each other, in a way that contributes to your intended role(s). If there's no synergy, why bother?
(3) Finally, examine and plan your build in detail, examining each choice as a trade-off comparison against proven, well-understood builds intended to fill specific roles.
I'm playing a 12 Wizard / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue Pale Master tank who's farming epics on his second life. He's quite viable at endgame, but it required a lot of careful planning and a lot of gear farming.
Give a man a fish, and he demands two more tomorrow.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll leave to find somebody who'll just give him a fish.
Beat him unconscious with the fish, and it's comedy.
Ed, are any of your fighter/wizard builds Elf and use armor? just curious if you use arcane fluidity.
and do you prefer the ranger/wiz or fighter/wiz?