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  1. #41
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    The reason they don't make class-specific quests is that it means they're spending time building content that only 1/9th of the player base (or, perhaps, 'character base') can use. Time which could be better spent building content that all of the player base can use.
    I understand the reason for this, but it would still be cool.

  2. #42
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    I would rather see some new low lvl content 2-7 maybe something with goblins in it?

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Dariun View Post
    Mathematically, you are correct, but most players will give up after 750 because (1) having to wait 30 more sessions (at 25 kills per session) to get any more XP is rather unappealing and, more importantly, if you are close to leveling outside the XP range for the area, you might end up killing 700 of those 750 and then running a quest and levelling up so that you can no longer get XP for killing the last 50 of those 750.
    While I can agree about (1), that is, I can see that perception of how long it's going to take is discouraging, I don't agree with (2). Unlike many other MMOs I've played, you don't "level up" in DDO as soon as you have the appropriate amount of experience. You level up when you choose to, and can bank as much as one level of XP in advance.

    If someone's 50 kills away from a slayer mark and they get enough XP to level out of the area, all it takes is a modicum of will power to hold off on leveling for a day or two and go get those last 50 slayers.
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    I don't agree with (2). Unlike many other MMOs I've played, you don't "level up" in DDO as soon as you have the appropriate amount of experience. You level up when you choose to, and can bank as much as one level of XP in advance.

    If someone's 50 kills away from a slayer mark and they get enough XP to level out of the area, all it takes is a modicum of will power to hold off on leveling for a day or two and go get those last 50 slayers.
    Of course. That is the proper way to manage that situation.

    And anyone who isn't a new or very casual player will understand that.

    Which was my point.

    P.S. LOL at me for forgetting my (2).

  5. #45
    Stormreach Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    But the 10, 25, 50 and 100 XP values are minimal, and you've already said you refused to even go in the orchard while capped.

    Doesn't that argue my point?
    It wasn't those bonuses that kept me out. I didn't expect to find any groups going in that wouldn't also drag me past all the find-its, rare encounters, quests, or whatever else was in there. That would have ended up as a lot of wasted XP on one run. I surely didn't stay out of Gianthold, and while I was capped I did lose (and shrug off) some of the lower slayer rewards.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  6. #46
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    Default The need for solo quest's needs a better answer.

    befor DDO i did DAoC (dark age of camelot) for some 3 years. and i saw thier introduction to soloing. I wound up having to play the very sad and lonely
    game of ----catch up----!! nobody knew of me nobody wanted to group with me. and if i had a snagg on one of the side quest's, getting answers was very very hard. (who are you? what are you asking? hey tom should we answer this? no we dont know him) those who gravitate to solo runs tent to be long time LONERS. there is a question concerning if a group of foren languedge speaking people tried to play the game. like if 6 mexicans tried to play and speak spanish ONLY how long would they get away with it? A solo quest system could allow non english players to loyder around in the game. ok ok i dont know the english non english rules in the game. just consider who and why people would want solo play.
    I also have this fear of national security. what would happen if any kind of terrorist of ANY country tried to use a DDO game as a meeting place
    for illegal porposes? ------ i'm sorry for taking this way off topic.
    Last edited by KIELBASEE555; 02-29-2008 at 05:38 PM.

  7. #47
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariun View Post
    Mathematically, you are correct, but most players will give up after 750 because (1) having to wait 30 more sessions (at 25 kills per session) to get any more XP is rather unappealing and, more importantly, (2) if you are close to leveling outside the XP range for the area, you might end up killing 700 of those 750 and then running a quest and levelling up so that you can no longer get XP for killing the last 50 of those 750.

    Just another stupid game mechanic that hurts people who don't understand all the nuances (i.e., new and casual players)...
    Wait, the explorer zones are designed to give someone with limited time to go out and do something, that isn't as group intensive, right? So if someone is spending hours trying to get their kill count up solo to earn xp, they are better served doing a quest.

    If it means so much to them to get that last 50 mobs, then do it.

    Sorry, but XP just isn't hard to get in this game, like other games. Even easier with no death XP loss.

  8. #48
    Community Member Muppethero's Avatar
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    I find most solo content later on in the game 4+ is not easy to do solo. More so if you are a squishy.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Muppethero View Post
    I find most solo content later on in the game 4+ is not easy to do solo. More so if you are a squishy.
    This might be true at mid levels (say 4-8ish) but at higher levels (9+) spellcasters can often solo more things than their nonspellcasting counterparts.
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