Big Cash Mercs / Sarlona / Leader
Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle
"You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver
1) Done quests on normal, fail all the time in hard and elite.
2) Almost
3) Done it
To the OP, I know what you mean. I pretty much only PuG because of my really odd playing hours. I usually hit pretty sensible groups, and I'm learning the balance between heals and CC (Khaz is a 22 WIS/18 CHA/10 everything else support n00b) so I don't fall back on wanding that much. The simple fact is, with a low-level cleric main, I gots no money, so I usually have to like the people in a PuG as people before I'll crank out the scrolls (on the weeks I can afford them).
And to your list of statements, I've said them all out loud as I play (no mic, so my party was spared). I'll especially agree on the "Where are you going" one, for that one zerger who always manages to infiltrate my decent PuGs. They always run off where you have to pull up your map just to find the blue dot--it's especially bad in explorer areas--and then their health starts to drop. That's when I automatically target them and pop a heal, restoring myself from full health to full health and usually bruising my forehead (from the self-smacking). In their defense (most of them), they don't wander off and then shout for heals.![]()
"Life, monsieur, is a capital which a man ought to invest as sensibly as he can." - Dumas
Originally Posted by QuixoticDan
That's when I automatically target them and pop a heal, restoring myself from full health to full health
I hate that.
You know, that is why clerics don't die as much...kinda a self protective reflex action. Too bad we can't store extra for when we need it....
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
You make the effort, which is a mark in your favor.
(hint: try missing ward at third/fourth level)
I honestly believe that a party of solo-only players is better than even a static group. The skill needed to complete quests on elite, even hard, mean that you know what you can handle yourself, and if the group stays to that max, you'll breeze through it, even elite.
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Kolyana=Ultimately, anyone can do whatever they want, as long as [...] everyone pulls together as a team and does what they need to do.
'Eh, but these are people I'll never meet, right?' - M Raiter, when arguing against user-friendly UI.
Guild Association: Old Timers Guild
"Old Timers Guild: Dungeons & Dinosaurs Online"
Been stated a bajillion times before, being a cleric at low to mid levels is not fun. But once you get past those painful levels you get to own everything and everyone.
Oh as for people running off before you buff, do like I do and dont buff. I have Death Ward - Mass at 16 because, well, I dont need a cat that claws midair.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
Ninja cleric'ing rules. I run anonymous on both my clerics so I can scan for the stuff I want to run. Cleric's can be an gravy train to XP ville if you pick your groups carefully or group with guildies whenever you can.
Remember, parties don't know what kind of inventory you have so if the group is not playing smart, don't break out your goods to waste on them. When mana is out it's out. I only use my supplies on groups that are playing well or if the group is so fun to be in that even if I go broke it was worth it to be around fun people.
Ya, I'm thinking along these lines as well.
To everyone, this thread has been a lot of fun to read. Thanks for all your input. Knowing that I will be slower than most is OK with me....just a little revamping. Expedious Retreat clickie....hmmmm. Off to rummage through my bank accounts.
I have a feeling that my lowbee cleric won't be low for long with the upcoming week of +25% XP.![]()
Bearrin (L20 Fighter) - Desmondo (L19 Drow Rogue) - Freebay (L18 Bard) - Freebee (L19 Fighter) - Eclypsse (L18 Sorc) - Freebs (L19 Barb) - Intuit (L20 Cleric) - Krule (L12 Wizard) - Perseus (L17 Cleric) COLOR]
Reminds me of a group I got into doing sc todayI join this human Barbs group, there's two of em so far a Human and a Elven Barb, I am on my new WF Barb and am thinking well at least things will die really fast.... We then add a dwarven Barb (when they show up I notice that they are guildies), and I think to myself ohh ohh, if I was on my Cleric I probablly wouldn't go anywhere near this group. I ended up switching to my Rogue (they wanted the chests I guess
), we got a sorc and they then picked up a Cleric.
Just reading about groups you wouldn't touched reminded me of a group I was in today![]()
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08