To my fellow Clerics,
I never truely understood what the big deal was with playing clerics. All the complaints about zerggers, expenses, resource management etc....but all that changed when I rolled one at L5. I have only pugged with him 3 or 4 times and after yesterday....I get it. From the twin zergging dwarves (one was a ranger!!) to the squishie wizard and sorc.....I get it.
Went through 3 CSW wands 22 CSW scrolls (probably not a lot but still) and tons of mana in 1 elite TR run. Don't get me wrong. It was absolutely fun, great XP but resource intensive and I'm still learning the class. Good thing I was funded by someone higher up or I'd never be able to afford itTacticians they were not. I found myself talking myself. Here are a few of the tamer highlights....many were repeated to myself over the course of the run.
"W*F...stay in range"
"Yer gonna die before I get there"
"Geez you have any AC at all"
"Critted again were ya"
"Where the **** are you going"
"I guess you guys don't want my buffs huh...OK"
Were we ever in any serious trouble...nah...but what an eye opener.Experiences like this can only make my melee characters play a little better....i.e. smarter. I'm looking forward to the next PUG run because I think pugging is where I'll up the learning curve....
Another sidenote...Why the **** am I so slow!!!!!?....even with 10% striders.