Just like the title suggests, why do sorcerers get bluff as a skill? do they get sneak attack at all? just curious... what are the skills to put into pure sorcerers?
Just like the title suggests, why do sorcerers get bluff as a skill? do they get sneak attack at all? just curious... what are the skills to put into pure sorcerers?
I believe bluff may be used for hate management. Ive yet to try it myself. I do know that UMD, Concentration, balance, and jump are good skill investments for sorcs.
The way bluff works in DDO is that although you still maintain aggro, for a short period of time it allows you to use abilities that you would need to not have aggro to use (Read: Sneak Attack), to be used against whomever you have bluffed. It has an animation and does take a short amount of time. Honestly, DDO-wise it is a pretty useless skill for a Sorc except if you want to make use of the few Bluff-related dialog options available to certain NPC's.
As stated, the reason you get Bluff is because per P&P it is a base skill for a Sorc, in P&P Bluff has a lot more uses than it does in DDO.
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Take diplo on a sorc its awesome.Diplo works like intimidate but the opposite any agro you have will be redirected to your nearest buddyOh and diplo kills are top notch in ddo.
Diplomacy makes me happy. Especially when it's me and another sorc jumping through fire walls and he doesn't have it....
-=I'm more of a wipe the party kind of caster. - Mhykke=-
I agree bluff is pretty useless in DDO (unless you are a soloing rogue) but haggle is a valuable skill if you have the points. Better money for vendor trash looted and lower costs from brokers and vendors. People devote entire character builds to haggle to buy/sell for their other characters.
Aerak the Bulwark-Awryn Shadowblade-Aerrik Lightbringer
Member of D.W.A.T.
Hah i meant Diplo on my original post here not bluff. You never know... DDO Poker would benefit from the bluff trait.![]()
Bluff in ddo is primarily used for NPC conversations. It's pretty useless in combat, even for a rogue.
Sorcerers main stat is charisma, so they get most all charisma based conversation skills as class skills. Makes sense to me.
Agree w/ Shade here, Bluff is pretty useless in my opinion unless you are soloing (it only lets you get in like 1 sneak attack), you are going for improved feint, you don't mind interrupting your actions for a skill with such a short-term benifit (for Rogues), you are a Sorcerer interested in being able to hit the conversation lines pertaining to bluff with NPC's, you have no idea where to spend skill points on your Sorc![]()
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08