Ok, I just came back to the game after about a 6 month hiatus. My main character is a 9 Cleric/1 Pali that I have a lot of fun playing, but he has some issues. He was originally patterned after Grenfell's Warpriest build, with a few minor changes. His current stats with all the increases and equipment are as follows (this is from memory, the general idea is there):
Str: 21
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 8
Wis: 20
Cha: 12
The best items I have are +4 strength. Otherwise everything is just +2 gear.
For feats, I have MT, IMT, Empower Healing, and Extend. I can't list the entire enhancement list, but I know I have Wisdom II, EOZ III, and Dwarven Faith II at least. Plus the Life magic and wand increases.
I don't want to re-roll at this point, because it's taken a long time to get to this point, and as I said, he's fun to play. I'm just trying to think of how to improve him. I've been thinking of respecing the enhancements and picking up DVs to make better use of the charisma (I've got Divine Cleansing right now). Obviously picking up some better gear would be nice as well. My other idea is to drop out the Extend Spell feat (I've got one free respec) and picking up Heighten or Toughness. In the short time I've been back I've made very little use of the extend ability.
Would Heighten be valuable for this? I'm wondering if my lower wisdom will be a bane to being able to hit things even if they're heightened. Are there other feats that would be more useful? How much use is Toughness (it's just an addition 1 HP/ level right?)? Would it be better to just wait for 12 to take one of those?
Like I said, I enjoy the character, but at the same time I feel like he could be better.