So awhile back i had an idea for a very different barbarian. With changes coming with mod 7, and arrival of mod 6, this build has reached an exciting peak, and has the potential to sneak its way (no pun intended) into the race for max DPS TWF.
I will Spec the build out to 20, as i do with all my builds.
Halfling 14 Barbarian/6 Rogue
Starting Stats
Str 12
Dex 20
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 8
Ending Stats
Str 20
Dex 44
Con 24
Int 13
Wis 14
Cha 14
457 Hit Points (unraged)
Stats are unraged, using +6 stat items, Exceptional dexterity 1/2/3 from greensteel, and +3 dex tome +1 Con int tome and +2 str tome.
Lvl progression:
1 Rogue
2-7 Barb
8 Rogue
9-16 Barb
17-20 Rogue
3 Finesse
9 IC: Piercing
18 Toughness
Ending AC:
10 base
17 Dex
7 Armor (bracer)
5 Deflection
3 barkskin Potion
4 Insight (greensteel)
6 I.Uncanny dodge
3 dodge
-2 Rage
53 AC Unbuffed (could throw on shield if needed for +7)
Buffed Ending AC:
10 base
17 Dex
7 Armor (bracer)
5 Deflection
5 barkskin
4 Insight (greensteel)
3 dodge
6 I.Uncanny dodge
2 recitation
4 Paladin Aura
2 Madstone boot effect
-2 Rage
63 AC (could throw on shield if needed for +7)
OK, so what makes this build a contender for high Damage DPS ?
New enhancements and changes coming mod 7.
With halfling sneak attack enhancements and rogue sneak attack enhancements, coupled with way of the assasin, and haste boosts, you do some crazy sick damage with every swing, regardless of weapon (this is of course excluding things immune to backstab) With a treason and greensteel weapon (ideal recipes not found yet, like rapier or light pick) along with reduced threat from rogue enhancements, you have a great chance to backstab often. In addition, since there is no need for power attack, your to-hit stays very high.
I won't go into DPS weapon specifics, but merely the potential with backstab.
+8 Halfling enhancement, +6 rogue enhancement, +4 way of the assasin enhancement, +8 treason or B.S. 5 weapon = 26 bonus backstab damage before your 3d6 is thrown(for an average of 36.5 damage) .
18 BAB
17 Dex bonus
5 weapon
4 greater heroism
1 insight
2 luck
-2 TWF
1 size
48 when not backstabbing/flanking
6 enhancements for sneak/flank
54 To-hit
Noteworthy extras
Though you have rogue levels, your not going to be trying to disable.
Can easily toss aside finesse at 18 , respec to combat expertise if you enjoy tanking even more.
This build has a very solid UMD skill, as well as your choice of usefull skills.
When not raged, stealth is a viable option if you go that route ( i have 56 hide/move silent)