Hey Folks,
I have the following two items I think somebody will find useful:
+2 Con tome
+3 Anarchic burst silver Bastard Sword or Pure Good (RR: Elf Umd: 22 - i think). This should be an absolute elite Devil (i.e. Pit Fiend, Bearded Devils and Orthon) killer given they are Lawful Evil. (Please correct me if I am wrong - never tried it out...)
I have a Fighter (12)/Paly (3)/ Rogue (1) with high UMD and wields a Khopesh and a Dwarven Ranger (12) / Fighter (4) who uses Dwarven Axes. I am not really looking for anything in particular, i could use a plat boost or some vorpal/smiting/banishing weapons my characters could use.
Let me know if you are interested in the above and good luck out there!