The simple ...
Does the Invasion 5% (10%) and Subjugation 10% (15%) Elemental Absorption (same type) stack?
and the more complicated ...
How do they stack with the Firestorm Greaves, Fire Shield Spell, Djinn Ring, etc?
The simple ...
Does the Invasion 5% (10%) and Subjugation 10% (15%) Elemental Absorption (same type) stack?
and the more complicated ...
How do they stack with the Firestorm Greaves, Fire Shield Spell, Djinn Ring, etc?
if i read the abilities correctly they mostly all state they don't stack with the SAME upgrade
as the stat boost is a +1 then a +2 and gives a stacking +3 i would assume the fire works as well
with other fire absorption it would stack the same as stat items
this i would assume stacks with the Djinn ring giving your items +15% and the Djinns +33% based on stat items
haven't tried but it seems logical