Was curious to know if there was going to be one W/ Mod 7? Thoughts anyone?
We'll see a Cap raise with Mod 8 or 9 looks like.... Most of the outside articles have said 20 by the end of the year.
(My guess is Mod 9 since it will be a 4 level increase)
Well I am going to say yes. Yes there is. Unfortunately all I have to back that up is the fact that there is a lvl 17 Monk ability in the WDA.
Khyber (Reidra)Khalai / Kally / Waldorf / Corras
Keep in mind that Mod 3 gave us L12 and Mod 4 gave us L14. Therefore, it is possible that we could have a level increase in two back-to-back module updates.
I do not think it likely, but I do acknowledge that it is possible.
My bet would be Mod 8. The biggest problem (to my understanding anyway) is the new spells that go into leveling up. Since there is only one more bunch of spells left to introduce, I'm thinking that the next time we get a bump, we'll see 4 levels up to 20.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk
Mod 7 is already giving us general Crafting, a revamp of the Harbor (Including new Quests) Monks, and a new Raid that continues the Vale storyline.
Theres no way we're getting a level cap increase as well.
I would say based on the small level 8 spell selection that they aren't going to jump into designing level 9 spells right away. We likely wont get an increase till mod 8 but I've been wrong before. Given that monks are "set" to roll out in 7 I think the majority of work is going to them.
What I'm guessing will happen is mod 7 will shore up the slim level 8 spell selection. After that it's quite possible that mod 8 will introduce a raised level cap and 9th level spells.
What if the level 8 spell selection is relatively small because they were already working on level 9 spells at the same time?
If they hoped/intended to increase the level cap to 17+ in Mod 7, then the spells team would certainly realize that they'd need to be tackling 8th and 9th level spells at the same time.
It might be a pipe dream, but it does seem like it might be a feasible possibility. And honestly, if it's true, then I'm all for the decision. Getting to 20th with a relatively small list of 8th and 9th level spells and then filling them out as time progresses makes more sense (to me) than waiting until you have more robust lists and then releasing the cap increases.
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I fully expect to see hostile monks using abilities we are not yet able to, much the same way as we've seen enemy casters with spells that we had to wait months to cast.
I also think that simply raising the cap won't retain players or bring them back unless they have a lot of new content, so I'm hoping the new content has higher priority in the Devs' lives. I want to keep lots of people playing.![]()
Mod 7 is in may... no increased cap... mod mod is likely in august or early september... that'll be the first level increase of +2... mod 9 will come out around christmas time and that will be the final 2.
Until Epic Levels...
And yes, we're getting Epic Levels. Likely around June of next year.