Question 1
If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be? Combat System
Question 2
You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please) Make all items have a durability and hardness of 1, Enervate me to level 1 and then throw me into a room of pit fiends / orthons / beared devils / fiendish creatures and a number of purple named foes.
Question 3
Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them) I mainly visit the DDO Development / General / Paladin / Human discussion forums, i generally don't visit the server marketplace forums.
Question 4
What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008? Improvments to all classes, especially Paladins / Rogues / Clerics, more content and some feedback from the Tell Tolero threads (ie. what is happening as a result of the comments)