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Thread: Tell Tolero #9

  1. #21
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Question 1 - If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    For having the mental fortitude to deal with some of the more annoying members of the forum community.

    Question 2 - You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    Tell me that due to the technical limitations of the DDO game engine we will never see the completion of the PHB.

    Question 3 - Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Most Visited: Development Discussion, Ranger and General Discussion
    Least Visited: Um... Everything else

    Question 4 - What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    Seeing the PHB finished. Levels 17-20, Proper Shields, Touch Attacks, Druids and Double Weapons.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  2. #22
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Creating a great game and terrific content.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Have that person bang on portals that keep respawning after you break them (kind of like the shroud).

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Most: Trading Forums
    Least: Off topic chat

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    Level 20 hopefully, but hope to just keep seeing more quests in new areas and maybe a few more in Gianthold, The Vale, The Desert, and even Undead Land aka "The Orchard." I would love to see named items resurected in each of the quests in Meridia.
    Last edited by Vengenance; 02-25-2008 at 01:25 PM.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
    Main: Wizards and Healers
    Officer of Unbreakable

  3. #23
    Community Member Pfamily's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    Thanks for continuing to improve DDO.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    Convert all my phat lewtz to RR:Halfling...AHHHHH!

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Most: GD, DD, Marketplace
    Least: any other

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
    Barring that, I'll settle for Monks and lvl 20.
    Last edited by Pfamily; 02-25-2008 at 01:31 PM.
    ~ Slayer of the Unwashed, Vice Chair for Disinterest & Apathy of the Grand & Glorious Brotherhood
    of the Soooo Not Politically Correct, and Nefarious Devourer of Frosted Goodness ~

    …clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am…

  4. #24
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?[/QUOTE]

    1. Anyone who replies, even if it is short.

    2. Being forced to run the Tomb of the Tormented over and over again.

    3. General and Development.

    4. Core stuff. Spears. Clothing other than robes. +5 armor clothing. Halberds (with pierce and slash), two handed pick. The ability to purchase magic upgrades to weapons or equipment that you can actually choose, rather than random or from a small list. Half-orcs, druids. Shifters would be really cool. Fighter specialty enhancements (duelist/weapon master etc).

    And the big one - balance skill being used instead of str or dex roll to avoid trip. Or reflex whichever is higher.

  5. #25
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    1. Thanks to any folks from Turbine who have come on these forums...I remember Heather Sinclair's posts with great fondness during the enhancement re-do.

    2. A quest that starts you nekked and or with no spell points like one of the old D&D Slaver's modules, A4, I think.

    3. Most--Development Discussion Least--Off Topic

    4. Aspiration as something I'd like to accomplish--finally get that dang ring from the Titan raid.
    Aspiration as for something I'd like to see in the game--fighter PrC enhancement: weapon master.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  6. #26
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Responses

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    General dedication to improving the game. Been around for a year and a half. nice to see continual improvement to the original product.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    He would probably tell me I won the 'live like Coyle for a day' sweepstakes

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Most: Cambo's raid crafting thread , Marketplace, and development every monday for the WDA
    Least: achievements.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    It seems like late 2007 I saw a renewed vigor in the Turbine DDO staff around the quality of the product and execution to the game roadmap, and in my opinion hit at least a standup triple with Mod 6, if not a home run. Seeing the recent PR with senior staff setting forward a clear vision for the future gives me hope that this year is all about execution. Monks, Crafting, Level 20, Half Orc, Druid...2008 looks to be as exciting as that first trip looking for Old Sully's Grog...

    Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah

  7. #27


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    The level of customer feed-back. While there can never be enough, yall do a GREAT job keeping us informed and listening to us. Thanks.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    He tells me that I have to clean out my confirmed in-game mail. (Can we get a delete all button for this too please?)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Dev Tracker. RSS, please.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    • A paid mod that includes the Artificer, Gnomes, and full crafting (using the crafting feats).
    • A paid mod for psionics, wilders, psions, and psiswords, Kalashtar, psionic weapons, and quests in the Astral Realm.
    • Level 20 (There isn't THAT much content left for it)
    • An update to the auction house system to make it more casual player friendly (eBay-like)
    • Extra-planar travel
    • Fly
    • Raid exploration zones
    • Crafting and Profession skills for some time sink, and some money-making opportunities.
    For the latest DDO info how, where, and when you want it...
    DDO Reports: DDO. News. Now.
    For instant updates (even on your mobile device), follow DDO Reports on Twitter.

  8. #28
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Vorn View Post
    2. A quest that starts you nekked and or with no spell points like one of the old D&D Slaver's modules, A4, I think.
    Interesting how we can have such different perspectives... I know the tech would be difficult, but how cool would it be to start out in a quest with nothing on... no weapons, no armor, no components, and have them all be in a chest that you have to fight/sneak/bluff your way to... the mobs might have to be balanced differently, or something like that, but it would be unique and refreshing, and very pnp-esque. Or maybe you get to pick one item to start with out of your inventory.

    yes, there are technical hurdles... but imo would be pretty cool.

    Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah

  9. #29
    Community Member Caelan's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    my first response to this was interrupted by a power outage... grrr...

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:Question 1
    Which in-game interface/UI do you find to be the least user friendly? (e.g. Bank window, Auction House, the Social Panel, etc.)

    Question 2
    What is your favorite feature of any online game you've ever played, DDO or otherwise?

    ability to create chat channels

    Question 3
    Will you be attending any gaming conventions this year?

    probably not unless they provide day care

    Question 4
    You're stranded on a desert island. You find a bottle with the Turbine logo on it, a pen, and some paper. What do you write?

    first i write down as much as i can about the area - constellations, geography, animals, flora, just as much info as possible and a plea to send help because all i'd care about would be getting rescued. but i don't think that was your question. so maybe a memo directing more resources to marketing.

    Question 5
    What is one thing you feel would help new players in-game the most?

    mentor system. a way for experienced players to flag their player as a mentor or have an option to play a pre-made mentor character to help new players (defined as those whose accounts have not reached drow) in exchange for unique mentor-only loot or favor or something like that.

    Question 6
    If given a choice between the following thread titles for our weekly activity here, which would you select:
    • "Tell Town Hall"
    • "Tell Turbine"
    • "Tell The Twelve"
    • "Tell Tolero" (EU: "Tell Tolero & Deum")
    • "Turbine's Stormreach Survey"
    • "Let's Talk About..."
    • "Time To Talk"
    don't care what it's called. it's probably better to keep a specific staff name out of it but doesn't really matter.

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    thanks for putting up with the forum flack

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    make me run vons over and over... oh wait... something that doesn't already happen.... i liked one of the previous posts that mentioned confiscating all gear etc alla captured and have to escape. would really test/challenge players a bit more. boy wouldn't eschew materials be a little more important.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    sarlona forum the most. least... uhm... trading forums. visited maybe once or twice.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    i would like to see DDO guarantee its future. not just focus on the pure game development (although without that there is nothing else) but take a more aggressive approach for marketing and availability. i can't count how many times i've heard from people that they just can't find game cards in stores. they should have a consistent and significant presence at conventions. and they need to gain the authority over marketing and advertising again. without securing the future, what is the point?
    My DDO Vids: Added vids Mar'08
    Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer

  10. #30
    Tasty Ham Hunter Kargon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    1. Kargons Tasty Ham.

    2. Lock Kargon in a tavern with 100 bartendamers who sell nothiming but Smoke Cure Ham.

    3. Kargon mostly check Dev Tracker first, recentamally next on list are Shroud Recimape guide threads, then Kargon check Generamal Discussimion and Developmament Discussimion. Finamally kargon will check various class forums or new playermer forums if still have time. As far as least often.. kargon almost nevermer visit server forums (excludaming marketplace), they seem totamally uselemess in DDO. Kargon used to City of Heroes servermer forums, would be somemathing like 50 new posts each morning for kargon to browse through. the 2 posts per week not do it for kargon.

    4. Find more tasty ham, and craft more green steel!

  11. #31
    Community Member villainsimple's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Question 1
    Which in-game interface/UI do you find to be the least user friendly? (e.g. Bank window, Auction House, the Social Panel, etc.)

    Backpack. It's a jumble of items, DDO would do well to check out the interface in Eve Online, a list of items that can be alphabetized and divided by is infinitely more useful than the jumble we have currently.

    Question 2
    What is your favorite feature of any online game you've ever played, DDO or otherwise?

    Though it is completely contrary to the nature of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eve Onlines Flexible Character development system is a boon, allowing you to improve your character, however slightly, whether you're playing or not.

    Question 3
    Will you be attending any gaming conventions this year?


    Question 4
    You're stranded on a desert island. You find a bottle with the Turbine logo on it, a pen, and some paper. What do you write?

    Give us the opportunity to develop our characters thematically more than numerically. It's hard to stress this enough. Thematic characters are the future. Not role playing characters...but characters that are potent numerically, while being fun to play thematically.

    Question 5
    What is one thing you feel would help new players in-game the most?

    Starter quests that cater to the nature of the class being played. Instead of a one size fits all quest, such as Quest for the Ancient Daggers... quests that provide the player with a bit of depth in what the class can do. A starter quest for a Sorceror or Wizard may include using a wand to hypnotize some kobolds and then slay them, showing that casters can be used for crowd control as well as damage.

    Question 6
    If given a choice between the following thread titles for our weekly activity here, which would you select:

    Tell Tolero... it makes the experience more personal.

    This week's question(s) are:
    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    The ever present Dev interaction, it keeps this game living for me. They need to pay more attention to player concerns on some issues though. The more open a Dev team is the better off the game is.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Inform me that Sorcerors and Humans will never be getting any worthwhile Enhancements. Despair is the worst form of torment.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Development.... it's all I do really.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    Improvements on the Racial and caster enhancements. Fleshed out themes for characters (The Way of pursuits are a great start, give us more).

  12. #32
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    The Keeper for all of his/her really cool looking landscapes and attention to detail. This may sound odd but actually his/her work was one of my inspirations for starting my education for getting into the gaming industry as a profession. My wife was walking by my computer and saw a couple waterfalls and said that looked really awesome and started asking how they did that. I started explaining it to her and before long she said, "Gee you like this stuff so much why dont you go get a job in it.." *DIng!*
    So if I wanted to thank a representative I would have to say Keeper and his awesome landscape work which gave me the inspiration to follow my dreams.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Make me kiss Coyle while listening to the Backstreet boys holiday special CD over and over again. J/K
    I've always hated how paper cuts feal. So the worse form would be someone taking a piece of paper and giving me paper cuts all over.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    You will always find me on the general discussion boards simply because that is where most people post and the latest discussions are going on. The least would have to be the Class builds section, mostly because of Rons build program there isn't much need for me to get advice that I already know. Saying that I would hope that section stays as it is helpful for others, just not me in particular.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    To finally be able to build a monk, my favorite class in DND. But mostly I like to see the new stuff that will come out and what new landscapes will be shown. My biggest apsiration would be more player involved designs such as quests, weaponry, and scenery. Maybe have a quest design contest of some sort. I think you would be pleasantly amazed at what you would be presented with.
    Last edited by ccheath776; 02-25-2008 at 02:49 PM.
    Who's the more foolish, the fool or the one who sends it a res.
    Unrestricted free agent
    Characters - Terrah, Elayne, Shiado, Ranok, Rattchet

  13. #33

    Default Answers

    Question 1
    Which in-game interface/UI do you find to be the least user friendly? (e.g. Bank window, Auction House, the Social Panel, etc.)
    The Hit Point/Spell Point bars. I would really like numbers
    Question 2
    What is your favorite feature of any online game you've ever played, DDO or otherwise?
    My favorite feature has to be world chat channels and world characters. It is featured in several games I have played including City of Heroes/Villians and most recently Hellgate. In DDO it would, for instance, let me find player XXX when she is playing Permadeath night on Thelanis and I am in a guild party on Argo and I have a quick question or I want to say hello. Currently I use Xfire for chatting with friends everywhere.
    Question 3
    Will you be attending any gaming conventions this year?
    Gen Con 2008 baby!

    Question 4
    You're stranded on a desert island. You find a bottle with the Turbine logo on it, a pen, and some paper. What do you write?
    Dear Turbine, when am I going to get more PINK?
    Question 5
    What is one thing you feel would help new players in-game the most?
    Character Creation is easy for the old PnPers but for those just wanting to try out a fantasy MMO daunting. Let's get the compendium up to date, have better explanations of what things work together or not for characters and a better tutorial (which I hear maybe coming? maybe?)

    Question 6
    If given a choice between the following thread titles for our weekly activity here, which would you select:
    • "Tell Town Hall"
    • "Tell Turbine"
    • "Tell The Twelve"
    • "Tell Tolero" (EU: "Tell Tolero & Deum")
    • "Turbine's Stormreach Survey"
    • "Let's Talk About..."
    • "Time To Talk"
    Tell Tolero (I am anti change... turn it back!)
    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    Gianthold... it rocked. Nice raid, good items, great wilderness tech. That whole mod rocked!

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    He would turn my pretty pink full plate plain brown...ewwww!

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    I visit the general discussion the most. My Server forums the least. And to be honest the squished up right hand side panel of the new forums front page is a nightmare. I despise it and skip it entirely. (sorry Q!)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    Monks, Druids, Half Elves, Half orcs, guild housing and some tastier crafting and DYES so I can turn all of my clothes pink... even my skivvies... and I want Pink bows, and well generally speaking I wouldn't mind just more PINK!

  14. #34
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    May 2007


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Turbines community presence, this makes it look and feel like you care.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    After taking every thing you own he informs you that reserection and rest shrines no longer work for you and if you die you are dead.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    All over the place.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    Content (races, classes, levels, feats), content (new loot) and more content (quests and lot of lower level stuff too). I would love to see more solo capability in many quests that make it impossible (rest for restless, delarias, xorion cypher, etc). Would love to see more options of how to beat a quest (skill, use, stealth, etc). Lastly because of a gap in server population (mostly capped or mostly low level) I would like to see better options for the middle level characters perhaps through reduction of xp penalties for both power leveling and completing quests that you are too high level for.

  15. #35


    Question 1
    Which in-game interface/UI do you find to be the least user friendly? (e.g. Bank window, Auction House, the Social Panel, etc.)
    Social Panel - I would like more options for guild alliances - the ability to see if guild members are in party etc. The rest are pretty basic but usable

    Question 2
    What is your favorite feature of any online game you've ever played, DDO or otherwise?
    DDO is the only online game I've ever played. I really like the ability to customize my characters to the level that I can in this game.

    Question 3
    Will you be attending any gaming conventions this year?
    This is a first for me - I will be attending Gencon this year - have room and plane tickets and event tickets.

    Question 4
    You're stranded on a desert island. You find a bottle with the Turbine logo on it, a pen, and some paper. What do you write?
    Thank you - now send the ship, eye of kol koran(sp?) over to get me.

    Question 5
    What is one thing you feel would help new players in-game the most?
    Mentors - we started something like this on Thelanis - but need something a little more formal. From the feedback we got from experienced players - they want to do this.

    Question 6
    If given a choice between the following thread titles for our weekly activity here, which would you select:
    "Tell Town Hall"
    "Tell Turbine"
    "Tell The Twelve"
    "Tell Tolero" (EU: "Tell Tolero & Deum")
    "Turbine's Stormreach Survey"
    "Let's Talk About..."
    "Time To Talk"
    Tell Turbine or Tell Tolero - either work for me

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    codog for the ranger love in mod 6

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    Force me to run the starter quests before I get to the Wavecrest.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Thelanis the most followed by Developer Area. If I'm working on a new character I will visit that class for build ideas and advice. I will also frequent the Off Topic - Newbie Harbor areas as well. I've been going to the crafting threads as well lately.

    The area I avoid the most if General - unless something catches my eye on the front page. The General Area has too many nay-sayers - and I don't like that amount of negativity.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    I would like by the end of the year to have more than 1 capped character. A couple of crafted items for each as well. It would be nice for another level of favor to re-roll a character but keep our bound items. The ability to change the features (hair/facial features/eye color) of an existing character. The ability to change the appearance of armor or more clothing options aside from robes and armor. Even the ability to purchase extra character slots would be very nice.

    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  16. #36
    Community Member tharveysinjin's Avatar
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    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    1. Don't know

    2. Force me to watch as he kills a loved one.

    3. most: Genereal Discoussion, Develpmers. Least Off-Topic

    4. A. Level Cap to 20.
    B. Re-vamp of crafting.
    C. Addition of half-Orcs and Gnomes.
    D. Addition of Druids and Monks.
    E. Enough high level content to support the level cap increase.
    Treachery wears many masks, but none so treacherous as the mask of virtue.

  17. #37
    Community Member Albel's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    A: Thanks for making a game that I enjoyed playing for almost (or is it over now) two years.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    A: Can't answer due to above disclaimer, suffice it to say OUCH!!!

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    A: I only check four, General, Development, Thelanis/market and technical assistance (I try to help when I can).

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    A: Hoping the game gets better so that I come back to the game and enjoy it again.

  18. #38
    Community Member Wizzly_Bear's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:
    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    #1 i would thank all of them everytime they communicate something.
    #2 make ddo respec options even more sparse (worst in terms of game im assuming)
    #3 most = dev disc least = general
    #4 the only one i really wanted to answer this time. im lookin forward to (1) the able learner feat, (2) more content, (3) more respec options, (4) more crafting, (5)more levels, (6) more character choices (races/feats/spells/classes/etc), (7) more of everything i like, (8) and less of everything i dislike those are in order and all closely ranked. other things that arent at the top of my list but that i would like to see would include an occasional xp/loot weekend, guild housing, guild banking, housing, expanded character appearance selections including hair that isnt glued on, and also appearance respecs, and many others i cant think of right now.

  19. #39
    Community Member Deriaz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    The whole. Entire. Game. No, srsly. Thank you for 2 years of enjoyment, even if I've only been here for a year and a half. :3

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Steal all of the cookies and cakes I've been hoarding, thanks to Jaggie. That would make me a sad panda.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    General and Developmental for most read. I don't find myself in Off-Topic a whole lot, but the class forums even less. Look there for ideas, but I enjoy building my own characters, self-sufficient or not, or whatever is the flavor of the week.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    The game to remain open, become even more fun. . . And please, don't add a second town. Things like Meridia and stuff are fine, but once I need to start taking 10 minutes or more to get somewhere, I'm gonna go insane. That's one reason I left WoW.

    Thelanis - Warforged Shield of the <Fellowship of the Golden Night>

  20. #40
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    I'd like to thank everyone who listens and accepts our criticisms. We know your trying hard.

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)
    Banishes me to the Sands of Manechtorun for all eternity.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Most: Dev Tracker / New Posts / Thelanis Marketplace / User Written Guides
    Least: Off Topic

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    A complete character re-do from the ground up. Skills, stats, feats, classes. Some way to make my 28 point character into a 32 point character. Or to transfer all my raid gear to a new 32 point character.

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