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  1. #1
    Founder Ninja666's Avatar
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    Default Multiple Guild Suggestion

    I'd like to be able to join two guilds. That would mean having two guild chat channels and being able to pop two different guild tags. That way you would be able to dip into a large guild talent pool and be able to form smaller roleplay groups with your friends if you wanted too. It would sure spice up PUGs by being able to call your self "Apple Dumpling Gang" or whatever.

    Also, no other MMORPG has that and it would be one more thing that make DDO the best!
    Gladerunner 2 ftr/12 rgr, Thelanis

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    I say a big thumbs down from me you need to pick a guild and stick with it. been a guild leader several times and an officer even more. One character one guild, if you want to be in more then one guild then make another character and get him in another guild.
    But thats just my opinion

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor
    oronisi's Avatar
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    Or how about we look at the opposite end of the spectrum for a minute:

    -You want multiple guilds per character.
    -I want one guild per account (/server)

    How would you suggest reconciling the two player wants if you were a developer?
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  4. #4
    Community Member Citymorg's Avatar
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    I don't think an individual character should be able to belong to more than one guild. However, if guilds agree to an alliance, I would like to be able to see the guild chats from all the respresented guilds.

    You could even have it pop-up with <character name><guild name> in the guild chat to know which guild they are speaking from. So your one guild can coordinate with several others.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninja666 View Post
    I'd like to be able to join two guilds. That would mean having two guild chat channels
    Better than multiple guilds would be a few functions to allow players to create chat channel independent of any guild or party.

    That means, Bob comes along and makes a channel BobSales, he invites anyone who wants to buy from him into this channel, and they go ahead talking until those players quit the channel, or he kicks them. Obviously this would need a new menu option on the client so players can control which window gets this new chat text, but other games handle that sort of thing just fine.

  6. #6
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citymorg View Post
    I don't think an individual character should be able to belong to more than one guild. However, if guilds agree to an alliance, I would like to be able to see the guild chats from all the respresented guilds.

    You could even have it pop-up with <character name><guild name> in the guild chat to know which guild they are speaking from. So your one guild can coordinate with several others.
    Or have one chat channel for them all. Like in City of Heros/Villians if your supergroup/guilds in an alliance, you can chat to all the players on in all those guilds at once through a special channel separate from your guild/supergroup/whatever
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Your doomsaying of doom does not meet the doom regulations for doom font, doom color, or doom spelling, specifically the number of "o"s. Please take a moment and correct these glaring doom issues.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    Or have one chat channel for them all. Like in City of Heros/Villians if your supergroup/guilds in an alliance, you can chat to all the players on in all those guilds at once through a special channel separate from your guild/supergroup/whatever
    That is what I'd like to see. I'd love a game that really sits down and thinks out all the possible usefull social relationships and communication systems and puts it into the game.

    Guilds + aliances + special interest clubs etc...
    Former Host of DDOcast
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    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  8. #8
    Community Member SciFiCowboy's Avatar
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    Default Single Guild and Guild Alliance

    Personally I don't see how it would work being in multiple guilds. Especially if your guilds are heavy raiding guilds. We personally frown on members who have other toons in other guilds. We do, and have, worked out a couple guild alliances which really works well when we need to fill the last 3-4 spots on a guild run. As for sharing guild chat with another guild, hmmmm, bad idea. There is probably a reason the two guilds are not one, i.e. there are just some players in guild A that guild B can't stand, and quite frankly don't want to have to watch guild chat if they're "lovingly" discussing another player in another guild i.e. what goes on in guild chat, stays in guild chat. ;-).

    There is also the "pwnership" of tactics come new raids. Most guilds don't want to share their tactics until they've beaten the raid boss. Knowing that you have dual alliances makes it difficult to know where your loyalty really lies. Not to say that you couldn't go to another guild and give them your tactics, but that is usually in your guild charter etc.

    Just some thoughts. :-) I personally like running with the same group of friends/guildies and others from allied guilds. Then we have the same consistent play throughout.

    Mortanius lvl 16 Halfling Bard Mortx lvl 16 Hafling Cleric Lypsync Human Warchanter Drmort Dwarf Cleric Lvl 4 Mortalicious Elf Ranger Lvl 8

    Thelanis Server-The Exploration Society

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Default Some good points, but...

    Quote Originally Posted by SciFiCowboy View Post
    Personally I don't see how it would work being in multiple guilds. Especially if your guilds are heavy raiding guilds. We personally frown on members who have other toons in other guilds. We do, and have, worked out a couple guild alliances which really works well when we need to fill the last 3-4 spots on a guild run. As for sharing guild chat with another guild, hmmmm, bad idea. There is probably a reason the two guilds are not one, i.e. there are just some players in guild A that guild B can't stand, and quite frankly don't want to have to watch guild chat if they're "lovingly" discussing another player in another guild i.e. what goes on in guild chat, stays in guild chat. ;-).

    There is also the "pwnership" of tactics come new raids. Most guilds don't want to share their tactics until they've beaten the raid boss. Knowing that you have dual alliances makes it difficult to know where your loyalty really lies. Not to say that you couldn't go to another guild and give them your tactics, but that is usually in your guild charter etc.

    Just some thoughts. :-) I personally like running with the same group of friends/guildies and others from allied guilds. Then we have the same consistent play throughout.

    I would agree that most of what transpires within one guild's chat should not necessarily be public to another guild, even if the guilds were allied. But, there is some value to an "Alliance Chat" or a "Club Chat" or any other kind of chat group that you may like to join. It's interesting that, as an officer in my guild, there are somethings I won't say in guild chat, but will instead say in officer chat, for only the other officers to hear; a subset of the guild chat, if you will. What's wrong with an ability to create a superset of the chat system? The complicating factor here is dev time. And, I think most everyone would agree that there isn't enough of it to go around for all of the things we all want in our game. Wish-list it for sure, but for now, create one character for each guild you want to participate in.
    Trinarius (Trin) - Level 20 Dwarven Rogue/Ranger/Wizard

    Guild Leader of the Face Stabbing Misfits, Ghallanda server!

  10. #10
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    I would rather see an implementation of "Friends Chat" that allows you to chat to folks mutually associated on your friends list. So, someone adds you as a friend, you need t accept and then you can do freind chat. Your friends list would have to add a column for "mutual" to indicate which friends on your list have you on theirs. Obviously, those whom you invite as a friend that do not accept will not be able to read your friend chat etc... This would allow you to create customizable chats based off friends lists.

  11. #11
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    Or how about we look at the opposite end of the spectrum for a minute:

    -You want multiple guilds per character.

    + join 1 guild and make good use of your friends list

    -I want one guild per account (/server)

    + sign up each character you have on that server

    How would you suggest reconciling the two player wants if you were a developer?
    *comments with a + before them added by me*


    the system in place lets you join 9+ different guilds if you want and your friends list can keep you in contact with those from another guild when you are not running the character that is in that guild.

    Or if you want to, have 1 guild and sign all your guys up.

  12. #12
    Community Member GuitarHero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    *comments with a + before them added by me*


    the system in place lets you join 9+ different guilds if you want and your friends list can keep you in contact with those from another guild when you are not running the character that is in that guild.

    Or if you want to, have 1 guild and sign all your guys up.
    i think his point was not that they change it to meet his needs, but that as it stands, its a happy medium. If someone wants all of their characters in one guild, they can, but if one wants his various characters in various guilds, they can as well.

  13. #13
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GuitarHero View Post
    i think his point was not that they change it to meet his needs, but that as it stands, its a happy medium. If someone wants all of their characters in one guild, they can, but if one wants his various characters in various guilds, they can as well.
    AAAHHhhh yes...could be.

    And unknowingly I agreed with him.

    You tricky, tricky forumites

    /wags finger

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