I have 2 Sections now Trade Items that I have not decided what I want to sell for that I am accepting offers on and a lower section that I just want gone. All prices are negociatable but thats what I want to sell it for. All offers are accepted.
I am Looking for all LARGE Ingredients, Wounding Puncturing Dagger/Short Sword/Rapier, , and Plat. PM me offers or send in game tell. Remember I am usually nice just send me an offer if its reasonable I will probably accept it.
Runed Ogre Femure
+3 Seeker2 Shortsword of Puncturing lvl 10
+3 Crippling Shortsword of Puncturing lvl 10
Other Items
1 White dragon Scale
Death Locket
Pop 8 lvl9
10 dragon Shards
Scarab of protection
2 portable hole
Items For 10k PP each or 10 Items in sectin for 1 Large Ingredient
Fragments of Silver Flame
+1 Heavy Crossbow of Smiting lvl 10
+1 Transmuting heavy Xbow of Smiting lvl 14
+2 Str Saping Cold Iron Scimitar of Pure Good lvl 12
+2 Axiomatic Cold Iron Heavy Pick of Pure good lvl8
+1 Weakening Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling lvl10
+2 Holy Cold Iron Heavy Pick Tendon Slice 2% lvl8
+1 Weakening Handaxe of Enfeebling lvl 10
2 Heavy Fort Belt lvl 11
3 Disease Immunity Heavy Fort Belt
Greater Acid Resist Cloak
Cape of the Roc
Helm of Magi
2 Greater Cold Resist Cloaks lvl 13
+5 Mithril shield
Fragment of Silver Flame
Docent of Acid
Paralyzing Heavy Mace lvl 10
Paralyzing Heavy Mace 1% Weighted lvl 12
Paralyzing Heavy Xbow lvl10
Paralyzing Heavy Pick lvl 12
+1 Holy Cold Iron War Hammer of Greater magical Beast Bane
+2 Weakening Bastard Sword of enfeeblement
+3 Dwarven Axe of Paralyzing rr Drow UMD 24
+5 Wisdom Helm
+11 Haggle Ring
+4 flaming Burst light Hammer lvl 8
+1 Seeker4 SHortsword of Greater Dragon Bane lvl 10
+1 Weakening silver Khopesh of Enfeebling lvl 10
+1 Shocking Burst Light Mace of Greater Human Bane
+5 Mithril Buckler
Golden Greaves
+1 Holy Burst Repeating Heavy XBow of Enfeeblng
Banishing Quarterstaff lvl 10
Banishing Quarterstaff Shattermantle lvl 12
Banishing Quarterstaff of Pure Good lvl 12
Banishing Heavy Mace lvl 10
Banishing War Hammer lvl 10
Banishing +2 Light Mace lvl 10
Banishing Heavy Xbow 10
Banishing Silver MorningStar lvl 12
Cripling Heavy Xbow of Disruption lvl 12
+2 banishing Heavy Xbow of Lesser evil outsider bane lvl 14
Iron Cleaver
+1 Holy Cold Iron Greatsword of Deception lvl 6
Items For 25k PP each or 4 Items in section for 1 Large Ingredient
Prysuuls Bane
Banishing Heavy Pick Maiming lvl 12
Banishing Light Pick lvl 12
Paralyzing Greatsword of PG lvl 10 Halfling only
Thrakul's Bane
Items For 40k PP each or 2 items in section for one Large Ingredient
+1 Int x2
+1 dex
+1 Wisdom
2 Paralyzing Longswords lvl 12
Paralyzing Khopesh lvl 10
Paralyzing +2 Hand axe lvl12
Paralyzing Dwarven axe lvl 10
2 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe lvl 12
Paralyzing Bastard Sword
+1 paralyzing Composite Longbow of backstabbing lvl 12
+1 paralyzing Great Axe lvl 12
+2 paralyzing Kama lvl 12
+4 Con Belt lvl 9
+4 Con Belt lvl 7 WF
+6 wisdom Helm
Paralyzing Kama lvl 14
+5 Adamantine Platemail
Paralyzing Bastard Sword lvl 8 WF only
Paralyzing Battle axe of PG lvl12
+5 Elven Chainmail
+6 CHR Helm
Spiked Turban
Items For 75k PP or 1 Large Ingredient
Vorpal Weapons ---- Shortie
+1 Vorpal Kama of Shattermantle lvl 12
2 +1 Vorpal Battle Axes lvl 10
+1 vorpal Kama of tendon Slice lvl 12
+1 Acid Great Axe of Smitting lvl 12
+1 Silver Bastard sword of smiting lvl 10
+1 True Law Bastard sword of smiting lvl 12
+1 icy burst light crossbow of smiting lvl 12 22 UMD Drow
+1 seeker+2 Great Axe of Smiting lvl 12
Disruption Weapons --- JennyJay
Dagger of Disruption Lvl10
Crippling Khopesh of Disruption lvl 12
Darkwood Impact Great Club of Disruption lvl 12
+1 Dwarven axe of Disruption lvl 10
+2 lightmace of disruption rr Dwarf umd 20 lvl 10
+1 adamantine Shock Scimitar of Disruption lvl 12
Banishing Weapons ---Jennyjay
Darkwood Heavy Repeating Xbow of Pure good 12
Banishing short Bow Lvl 12
Paralyzing Weapons ---Magicar
+2 Paralyzing Longsword of Maiming Warforgred umd 22 lvl 12
Items For 200k PP 0r 2 Large Ingredient
Underwater Concentration 11 ring
Spiked boots
Items For 400k PP 0r 4 Large Ingredient
+2 INT Tome
+2 Chr Tome
+6 INT Ring