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  1. #201


    Try stopping the Wiki and Compendium from loading in the settings. If you can't get the planner to load to get at the settings, you can go into your config directory, and open up the Settings.txt file.

    Number 16 and 17 control those two tabs. This is what they should look like to disable them:


    The wiki is 16, and the compendium is 17.

    If you stop getting errors then its for sure some external issue. You may want to try getting the latest java too from here:

    Let me know if any of that helps.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  2. #202
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    TY bud! I was having an issue of it crashing during shroud runs. That fixed it!

  3. #203


    Ok I was able to disable both the wiki and compendium as well as to stop it from going to last formulas as well and it loaded up like a charm.

    Do you want me to see if I can isolate which was causing the error by re-selecting them?


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  4. #204


    That would be great if you could Jules

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  5. #205


    I checked a couple of times and when either the compendium or wiki are enabled (singly and together) it gives me the debugger. Everything else is enabled with no problems. Now are you ready for the really odd thing - it runs fine on my laptop with everything enabled.


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  6. #206


    That leans more towards a windows thing. Are you able to browse to the compendium and wiki with internet explorer on that machine giving you troubles, and have no little yellow triangles with exclamation points in the lower left hand part of the IE window?

    I'm getting it on this pc for the ddowiki:

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Timestamp: Tue, 11 May 2010 10:22:03 UTC

    Message: Object expected
    Line: 363
    Char: 1
    Code: 0

    Mine doesn't pop up an error message though, it just shows the page finished loading with errors. Does yours pop one automatically?

    (sorry for the delays in response, I do them in the morning before the drive/train to work)

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  7. #207


    I don't use ie on any of my computers so I'll have to get it updated and then check it and will let you know.


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  8. #208
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanadil View Post
    Interactive DDO Game Guide
    +1 or more likely +.05,
    but anyway thank you very much for your effort and contribution to the game
    and the forums.
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  9. #209


    Quote Originally Posted by Jules921 View Post
    I don't use ie on any of my computers so I'll have to get it updated and then check it and will let you know.

    Hmm, that may be why, I'm pretty sure, not 100%, but pretty sure uses IE's engine for hosting web content, not what's default on the system.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  10. #210
    Community Member OkapiMaes's Avatar
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    Any chance of an app for Android phones? Doesn't have to be this in depth. Willing to donate cash to whoever can accomplish an Android app of any kind for DDO.

  11. #211
    Community Member Polarkin's Avatar
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    It appears that the lastest Microsoft .NET patch (June 2010) MS10-041 breaks the game guide. The application will launch but the GUI won't come up eventhough it displays in the task bar.

  12. #212
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    Default Great App

    Thank you Sanadil, Vinton, Kabraxis, and Bubah for making an amazing application. I use it for crafting, quests and raids. Thank you very much.

    I was looking at the files that make up the quests and it seems pretty straitforward. Edit the Quests.txt in \Crafting\Data and then update the html files in \Crafting\WebPages. There are quite a few quests writeups in the User-Written Game and Strategy Guides section of the forums. Are these ever going to be included (or your own writeups) in your quests and raids portion of the guide? If not could someone update the relevant files and post them for others to use?

  13. #213


    Quote Originally Posted by Polarkin View Post
    It appears that the lastest Microsoft .NET patch (June 2010) MS10-041 breaks the game guide. The application will launch but the GUI won't come up eventhough it displays in the task bar.
    Its a bug that I have fixed in my dev version here. Shut the program down (may have to be done in Task Manager), Delete the WindowSize.txt file out of the config folder then re-run the program.

    I'll be honest guys, I haven't worked on this in a long time. I fixed those bugs and had plans to do other things but every time I got a free moment, I had something else that needed to be done. I may just release the way it is as a bug fix only.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  14. #214


    Quote Originally Posted by curiousgis View Post
    Thank you Sanadil, Vinton, Kabraxis, and Bubah for making an amazing application. I use it for crafting, quests and raids. Thank you very much.

    I was looking at the files that make up the quests and it seems pretty straitforward. Edit the Quests.txt in \Crafting\Data and then update the html files in \Crafting\WebPages. There are quite a few quests writeups in the User-Written Game and Strategy Guides section of the forums. Are these ever going to be included (or your own writeups) in your quests and raids portion of the guide? If not could someone update the relevant files and post them for others to use?
    Alot of mine came from the lost quest guide when I first did that section. Its very time consuming copying every quest out of it into the proper format. If you'd like to do that I'd be more than happy to include them into the guide..hint hint..nudge nudge..

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  15. #215
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    Thanks for the awesome application!
    Very handy tool

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  16. #216
    Community Member megathon's Avatar
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    Default Mistake in the greensteel planner section?

    I think there is a mistake in the crafting planner. I printed out the instructions for this:

    Positive - Escalation - Ethereal
    +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills , Chain Lightning (3/day)

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
    2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
    2 - Medium Infernal Chains
    3 - Medium Devil Scales
    1 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Great Power
    5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Focus Of Positive
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Ethereal Essence
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Positive)
    Combine: Focus Of Positive, Gem Of Escalation, Ethereal Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills , +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills - Chain Lightning (3/day)
    Combine: Greensteel Bracers(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Positive), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    And what I ended up with was the tier 2 fire that gave me +2 int and displacement instead. Now what I usually do is print up the instructions then arrange my inventory to the crafting list i printed out so that way when I do a shroud run it doesn't take me long to craft. And then I check out the arrangement a few times to make sure it's set up right. So needless to say that it kind of messed up my plans I had for my bracers. Might want to take a look into it.

  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanadil View Post
    Alot of mine came from the lost quest guide when I first did that section. Its very time consuming copying every quest out of it into the proper format. If you'd like to do that I'd be more than happy to include them into the guide..hint hint..nudge nudge..
    I was working on this last night but when I tried to add items to the quests.txt file an error message , "Index was outside the bounds of the array" would come up. I suppose it makes good sense to limit the amount of memory used by capping your array, just thought it would be set to the actual number of quests in game to enable this type of modification.

    Don't see a way to add outdoor maps or raids, I'm assuming they are directly referenced in the code.

    So if I put everything in the proper format who do I sent it to to be included in the next update?
    Last edited by curiousgis; 06-22-2010 at 06:53 PM.

  18. #218
    Community Member
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    Default I have some problems.

    I got the program extracted, stopped it from opening the Wiki and Whatnot xD but it still sit there on the Loading screen. I run on Vista ;P

  19. #219


    Quote Originally Posted by megathon View Post
    I think there is a mistake in the crafting planner. I printed out the instructions for this:

    Positive - Escalation - Ethereal
    +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills , Chain Lightning (3/day)

    Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
    2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
    1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
    2 - Medium Infernal Chains
    3 - Medium Devil Scales
    1 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
    3 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
    1 - Shard Of Great Power
    5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3

    Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)

    Create - Focus Of Positive
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Gem Of Escalation
    Combine: Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Ethereal Essence
    Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Positive)
    Combine: Focus Of Positive, Gem Of Escalation, Ethereal Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills , +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills - Chain Lightning (3/day)
    Combine: Greensteel Bracers(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Positive), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell

    And what I ended up with was the tier 2 fire that gave me +2 int and displacement instead. Now what I usually do is print up the instructions then arrange my inventory to the crafting list i printed out so that way when I do a shroud run it doesn't take me long to craft. And then I check out the arrangement a few times to make sure it's set up right. So needless to say that it kind of messed up my plans I had for my bracers. Might want to take a look into it.
    I found the bug causing this and it will be fixed in the next release.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  20. #220


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben_Arie View Post
    I got the program extracted, stopped it from opening the Wiki and Whatnot xD but it still sit there on the Loading screen. I run on Vista ;P
    The wiki piece would make the transition slow form the loading to the main program...loading would disappear quickly either way...then the time it took to show the actual program took a while... If you are just stuck on loading forever..something else is wrong. I've never had it just stick on loading in any of my will always error out if it hits something it doesn't like. What green check mark does it get to? Does it finish them all then just do nothing? Have you right moused and tried to run as administrator to see if it changes anything?

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

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