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  1. #1

    Default DDO Game Guide V3.6.0

    DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 Includes

    Greensteel Crafting
    ToD Ring Crafting
    Epic Crafting
    Cannith Crafting
    Alchemical Crafting
    Collecitble Crafting
    Dragon Touched Armor Crafting
    Lordsmarch Crafting
    Ingredient Tracking (GreenSteel, ToD Boots, Epic)
    Raid Timer (Auto Updates via my.ddo if you want it to)
    Item Tracker
    DDO Wiki
    Loot List
    Raid Walkthroughs
    Quest Walkthroughs
    Puzzle Solvers
    Outdoor Area Maps

    Current Version 3.6.0 - Released 10/12/2011 - Main - Mirror 1

    Compatible OS:
    Windows XP
    Windows Vista SP1 & Later
    Windows 7

    1. .NET 2.0
    2. Flash Player if you want to use the Reaver Puzzle Practice. Install the plugin with Internet Explorer, as that is what the Game Guide uses in the back end.
    3. If the puzzles don't work for you, ActiveX/Java scripts need to be allowed on local files like so:

    • To enable ActiveX/Java etc. scripts to auto run on your local files only, open up internet explorer (even if its not your default browser):
    • Goto - Tools \ Internet Options \ Advanced, scroll down to the check box labeled "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" and check/tick it
    • Close/Restart IE

    Created On:
    Windows 7 Ultimate Ed. Platform
    W/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008
    (Registry is not touched)

    Development happens on my free time.

    Hope you like it.

    Compendium Listing

    Of Special Note:

    This is a pretty large update to the game guide. Raid timers can now be set to auto update via my.ddo. More crafting added. Epics updated. Loot List Updated, etc..


    As you all know this happens on my free time. If you like what you see, and are getting some enjoyment/good usage out of the game guide, I've added a donations link which you can use to do just that. This is by no means a requirement, but would be a nice gesture. The company shows as SecretSide, and the transaction shows as DDO Game Guide Donations. Thanks everyone for the support!

    ****Disclaimer**** If you are downloading this software from anywhere else but the links I provide, I hold no responsibility for what it contains
    Last edited by Sanadil; 03-21-2012 at 06:18 PM.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  2. #2

    Default Screen Shots & Requests

    Last edited by Sanadil; 09-22-2010 at 11:36 AM.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  3. #3

    Default Revision History


    .NET 2.0 is required for this to run properly. You can obtain it from .NET 2.0 Download

    Flash Player is required if you want to use the Reaver Puzzle Practice. Install the plugin within Internet Explorer, even if you don't use that as your default browser.


    As you all know this happens on my free time. If you like what you see, and are getting some enjoyment/good usage out of the game guide, I've added a donations link which you can use to do just that. This is by no means a requirement, but would be a nice gesture. The company shows as SecretSide, and the transaction shows as DDO Game Guide Donations. Thanks everyone for the support!



    - Cannith Crafting Added. Full functionality is there. Save, Save As, Load, Load at Startup, etc..etc..
    - Clicking on the Cannith Crafting image will list out some more general information on the process.
    - Alchemical Crafting (Update 11) added.
    - Added "The Lord of Blades", and "The Master Artificer" to the raid timer list. You can add the raid to your list, by going into Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timers. If you've matched all of your existing raids, to actual in game raids, the "Add Raids" button at the bottom should be available to click. Do so and both of these raids will be available for selection from the main raid timer screen. You can also add these timers to your timer list by going to Settings\Options\Raid Timer, select the character(s) in the drop down, and click the "Add Timers" button.
    - I've added snap shots of all ingredients to the Shroud Crafting output. If this is well received, I'll consider doing it for other crafting sections.
    - An option to auto sort raid timers when the timer is up, has been added. On by default.
    - The Cannith Manufactury map added.
    - Walkthroughs for Master Artificer & Lord of Blades added. The Lord of Blades one is really not that great, and will be tweaked as I get a better strategy down. Master Artificer is tried and true, and will work on Normal Difficulties.
    - I've added in a status message for when the auto raid timer is checking my.ddo. You may get intermittent lock ups that should last no longer than a few seconds when its doing that.


    - Changed how printing worked with Shroud Crafting. Print Preview is totally different, so is printing itself. If this gets good response, I'll update the others to work with it.
    - Jungle of Khyber was incorrect in the raid timer listing, it needed to be "The Jungle of Khyber", this has been fixed, you can update all of your timers with the new name in the options under the "Auto Raid Timers" tab by matching it to the other name "Jungle of Khyber".
    - Added "Devil Assault" to the raid timer list (it was missing). You can add the quest to your list, by going into Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timers. If you've matched all of your existing raids/quests, to actual in game raids/quests, the "Add Raids" button at the bottom should be available to click. Do so and this quest will be available for selection from the main raid timer screen.
    - Robe of Dissonance was removed from the planner by accident, it has been re-added to the epic listing.
    - Update the exceptional stacking line in the FAQ to be more clear.
    - Renamed what was called Alchemical Crafting, to Collectible Crafting. The new Alchemical Crafting tab you see is now for Update 11.
    - Update every outdoor map with TheLallian's updated maps. Thanks for keeping Dorim's stuff alive!!
    - Added credit to TheLallian for his map work.
    - Changed Epic Item Selection to show Augment Colors instead of what the item has on it. If you want to see what it has, just hit create.
    - Added Augment colors to the top of the output window for epic crafting.
    - Fixed some layout inconsistencies.
    - Update the internal updater url in the main shroudcrafting.exe to the new hosting provider.
    - Update the internal updater itself to use the new hosting provider.
    - I added in a little extra piece of code to make the raid timer more responsive if using the my.ddo auto updater.
    - Any errors that pop, explain that you can actually copy the pop up box and how to do it, so you can paste it to me with a bug report.
    - Removed alot of old code that was just commented out.
    - Removed alot of library references that were no longer needed.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Large Twisted Shrapnel Summary count incorrect on Tier 3 dual shard combo: Tier1: Fire 10% Absorption, Tier2: Negative - +1 Exc Int, Tier 3: AshII - +2 Exc Int
    - Fixed a bug in the auto raid timer that was causing the completion counters to keep increasing every time it checked.
    - Bastard Sword green steel recipe's were backwards. The counts for the recipe's that is. This has been fixed.
    - Raid Timer Maximum error checking was problematic. Actually, it was non-existent. I've added it in so you can no longer go above the listed maximums, and cause errors.
    - The Timer list was changed a while back to allow up to 1000 timers. There was a bug that was not allowing it to go over 200. This has been fixed, and 1000 are now available.
    - Fixed a bug that was causing the raid timer to lock up. I wasn't taking into account the dash (-) character with the regular expression that parses my.ddo. This should fix ALL the lock ups now. Updates should take no longer than a minute or two if you have alot of accounts, and less than 30 seconds for a single account.

    Webpage Updates:

    - Updated the "Are You Raid Ready" page to fix Von2's reference to falling off and failing. You no longer fail when falling off.


    Special Notes:

    - This version requires flash for one small piece of it. It doesn't break the game guide if you don't have it installed. The new reaver puzzle practice, won't work without it. Install the plugin for flash to internet explorer, even if you don't use it as your default browser, as that is the back end browser that gets used within the game guide.
    - Raid Timer Auto Update has arrived. You can now enable the raid timer to auto update your timers via Check the settings out to enable it. It'll be listed under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer". There is a help file under "Help\Raid Timer" that can walk you through all the settings.
    - You must set your characters to "Public" in my.ddo in order to use the auto update feature. A tutorial on how to do this is in the "Help\Raid Timer" file.
    - The "GET END REWARD" will only work for 2 Days 18 Hours of finishing the raid. The auto timer only grabs that much history, so can't re-flag you as needing the end reward if it doesn't know about it. It will remain Orange and stating GET END REWARD as long as you don't close and open the game guide. It recalculates that particular status each time its opened.


    - Reaver Puzzle Practice Added. This is under the puzzle tab, and labeled "Reaver Practice" in the drop down.
    - Sora Katra aka Lordsmarch Plaza Crafting added. (Thanks to Rasczak For The Addition!!)
    - Added boot ingredients to the ingredients tab.
    - Added in a check to see if you have internet. It will replace the donate button with text stating "No Internet Connection".
    - Tool tips have been added for every item on the Raid Timer Screen.
    - You can disable tool tips in the "Settings\Options\General" screen.
    - The layout of the Raid Timer screen has been updated.
    - New Tutorial on the Raid Timer added. This includes how to use the Auto Raid Timer feature.

    Raid Timer Specific Additions:

    - You can shut the Auto Raid Timer update on or off in the settings. By default it is off.
    - After adding a my.ddo Logon to the Auto Raid Timer, if you hit Apply or Ok, it will check to make sure that Logon exists.
    - Time between checks for the Auto Raid Timer are (10, 15, 30, 60) minutes, and selectable in the settings.
    - Multi-Account ability with auto raid timers. Please note, the more accounts you have in it, the laggier it will feel when it is checking the timers, once every 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes depending on your setting.
    - The Auto Raid Timer will turn itself off if you lose internet connection. It will restart checking when the internet comes back.
    - You can match your currently custom raid names, with those from My.DDO, so they will work with the Auto Raid Timer. This is done from "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer".
    - After you have completed matching your custom raid names to those from my.ddo, a button will become available to add the remaining my.ddo raid/quest names to your selectable list.
    - You can now mass add all timers for raids only, for a particular character. This can be done from the "Settings\Options\Raid Timer" menu.
    - The Time Left column on the raid timer has had its format adjusted. It will show in text its a RAID, or EPIC, and state TIMER UP, or GET END REWARD.
    - The GET END REWARD only works for raids. The status color for this is Orange.
    - Added in the ability to backup your raid timers file. Its under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer"
    - Added in the ability to restore your raid timer backup files. "Its under Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer"
    - Character names are not case sensitive. The Auto Raid Timer will work as long as the spelling of the character name is correct. Only enter the First Name.
    - Update character will ask if you want to update the old name with the existing one if a duplicate is found. This will leave both names in the selectable list. If a duplicate is not found, it will just update the name to the new one. This will update all associated timers if any exist.
    - Update Raid/Quest Name for raid timer. This will update all associated timers with this new raid name. This does not handle duplicates like the Character update option. It just won't let you do it.
    - Maximum Raid Timers has been increased from 200 to 1000.
    - Maximum selectable raids has been increased from 50 to 100.
    - You can now multi select in the raid timer. Updating does not work with this, but deleting timers does. You can mass delete timers now. Click on one, then hold the shift key, and click on another to select a range, or hold the control key and select individual ones you want to remove. DO NOT HIT RESTART TIMER or it will auto restart all timers selected. Don't say I didn't warn you.
    - Seconds removed from the raid timer. The countdown still includes it, but everywhere else its removed.
    - Resized columns in the Raid Timer to better fit the longer names of the actual my.ddo raid/quests.
    - Duplicate names are no longer allowed in the raid timer character selections. If there were duplicate before it will remove them.
    - Duplicate names are no longer allowed in the raid timer raid selections. If there were duplicate before it will remove them.
    - Duplicate raid timers are no longer allowed.
    - Blank character/raid timer combo's are no longer allowed to be added to the raid timer list.
    - When selecting a raid timer, that has a raid or character that is no longer in your selectable list, it will blank out the respective drop down.
    - Moved the raid timer import features to "Settings\Options\Raid Timer".
    - I put a warning if you happen to have a RAID TIMER, with an actual my.ddo raid name, then have a custom raid, and a RAID TIMER for that custom raid with the same character as the my.ddo actual raid/timer combo, and then update that custom raid to that my.ddo raid in the settings, you will get a warning that a duplicate will occur. I don't delete anything as one or the other may have the accurate raid completion count, I leave that up to you to decide which one to keep. You may have to read that a few times to understand what I'm saying
    - On Timer Reset, the timer list will auto sort by time left, and bump to the top of the list. This only works for Auto Raid Timers. This is a selectable option under "Settings\Options\Auto Raid Timer".
    - my.ddo quests that are epic only for raid timer purposes, when you select one of those quests while adding a character, it will auto flag it as epic. You can manually unflag it still, but really there is no reason to do that. I'm leaving it in there for those that can't use my.ddo, so they can flag their custom quest names as epic if they so choose.
    - Force my.ddo button is now available on the main raid timer screen. It will do exactly that, skip your auto update setting and attempt to update.
    - Added in a time zone button to the raid timer. This is for informational purposes only, and can help me debug issues later if you happen to have them.


    - You can now disable all the main crafting tab, which will remove itself and everything underneath it.
    - Updated Reaver Puzzle Solver to include Update 8 Colors, and Number Scheme.
    - Definitive Loot List Revamped. Loads 10x faster, and has more content within. Thanks JJFlanigan for letting me use a modified version of the thread view output.
    - The Donate Button would have a red X in it if you didn't have an internet connection. It will no longer do this.
    - Changed the Donate button to an image that can be clicked as a link, and not just a web page. This makes the look of it more consistent between OS Versions.
    - Reworked how I stored ingredient information. Array's are now dynamic and it allows you to modify your ingredient files. Future updates will possibly have extra programs available so you can modify it from the planner itself. If you do decide to modify them, please be aware that first column in the file is extremely important. You must keep the numbering convention the same, and not duplicate a number. That column is what is referenced for your save files, so if you modify it incorrectly, what loads from the save file may not be correct. Also, I'm not checking to see if you did change your ingredient files, so the next version will overwrite them and could render your save files useless. I haven't figured a way yet to check if you did change your files, I've looked into it, and so far, its not going to be easy. Note, this is not the case for certain things, like your raid timers, item tracker, and quest listings, those are still all static array's, and they cannot be modified.
    - "Settings\Options" screen completely revamped.
    - Updated epic general output to no longer state a 3 to 1 trade in ratio for dungeon to raid tokens. Its 1 for 1.
    - Disabling the wiki/compendium/loot tabs no longer gives a performance boost. It will always load as fast as it can now even with them enabled. I've changed how the wiki/compendium/loot pages load. It will be on the click of the tab when it initially loads. Note, you'll get a little lag when initially clicking these tabs, but that's just the time it takes to load the page.
    - Changed the default for Wiki and Compendium to enabled on a new install.
    - Checking off "Always On Top" in the options does it now at runtime and no longer requires a restart of the program.
    - Enabling or Disabling tabs in the options does it now at runtime, and no longer requires a restart of the program.
    - Enabling or Disabling the main raid timer countdown no longer requires a program restart.
    - All lag between loading the Mini Puzzle solver, then closing it, has been fixed.
    - Updated the epic ingredient file to include everything to date (Update 8). (Thanks to Rasczak For The Updates!!)
    - Updated Epic output to state Dungeon Tokens and Raid Tokens are BTA, and not BTC.
    - Add the version number to the end of the quests backup file, so they'll keep a history with every release of the previous versions quests.
    - Moved all quest backup files to the Data\Backup folder.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Greensteel Short Sword ingredient needs to formula were reversed. Ingredient totals listed for formula 1, were for formula 2, and vice versa. The formulas were still correct. Thanks Simon for the catch!
    - Greensteel Necklace ingredient needs to formula were not correct. The formula was correct, but the Gather These Materials was not.
    - Balloon pop up's and beeps were broken when it was updated to handle epic quests. All fixed.
    - If you noticed, the program would remember your window location, but do a jump before heading to it. That's been fixed, it'll load exactly where you had it last.
    - All time completions will no longer allow things other than numbers in it.
    - If you had nothing in your ItemChar.txt file, it would show the used count as -1 for characters, there should be a (.) by default in the file.

    WebPage Updates:

    - Dragon Crafting with eldritch/sovereign rune types and what they mean etc. Layout updated and spelling errors taken care of. (Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
    - Alchemical Crafting page. Spell checks and layout updated.(Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
    - Dreamforge crafting page layout updated and spelling errors taken care of. (Thanks Crimsonrellik!!)
    - Updated Dreamforge Crafting page to reflect the binding status of those craftable weapons.
    - The layout for the Loot tab has been adjusted to use the same fonts as the Dragon Crafting, Alchemical Crafting, etc. I re-wrote the program that creates this to add in the new font.
    - Samius sent me an explanation on how to do the reaver puzzle manually. I'm going to add this to the bottom of the reaver puzzle solver, and the bottom of the reaver puzzle practice.

    The below is all in no small part to CuriousGIS! He's added quite a few of the lower level quests to the walkthrough section.

    Level 1 Quests:
    - Hall of the Mark
    - Heytons Rest
    - Necromancers Doom
    - Redemption
    - Sacrifices
    - Stopping the Sahuagin
    - The Cannith Crystal
    - The Collaborator
    - The Grotto
    - The Store Houses Secret

    Level 2 Quests:
    - Arachnophobia
    - Bringing the Light
    - Durks got a Secret
    - Garrisons Missing Pack
    - Haverdasher
    - Information is Key
    - Miserys Peak
    - Missing in Action
    - Protect Baudrys Interests
    - Recovering the Lost Tome
    - Retrieve the Stolen Goods
    - Stealthy Repossession
    - Stop Hazadils Shipment
    - The Kobolds New Ringleader
    - The Millers Debt
    - The Smugglers Warehouse
    - The Sunken Sewer
    - Walk the Butchers Path

    Level 3 Quests:
    - An Explosive Situation
    - Where Theres Smoke...
    - Endgame: Marguerite
    - First Strike
    - Home Sweet Sewer
    - Kobold Assault
    - Redfang the Unruled
    - Return to the Sanctuary
    - Setting the Wards: The Lower Cathedral
    - Setting the Wards: The Patriarchs Crypt
    - The Captives
    - The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade
    - The Crypt of Gerard Dryden
    - The Friars Niece
    - The Hobgoblins Captives
    - The Kobolds Den: Clan Gnashtooth
    - The Kobolds Den: Rescuing Arlos
    - The Old Archives
    - The Sacred Helm
    - The Swiped Signet

    Level 4 Quests:
    - Come Out and Slay
    - Stand Your Ground
    - Dirty Laundry
    - Endgame: The Archbishops Fate
    - Freshen the Air
    - Irestone Inlet
    - Proof is in the Poison
    - Repossession
    - Rest for the Restless
    - The Bookbinder Rescue
    - The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh
    - The Depths of Darkness
    - The Depths of Despair
    - The Stormreaver Fresco
    - Venns Trail: Clan Tunnelworm
    - Venns Trail: Venns Fate
    - Whisperdooms Spawn
    - Yarkuchs War-plans

    Level 5 Quests:
    - Archer Point Defense
    - A Small Probelm
    - Brood of Flame
    - Ghost of a Chance
    - Guard Duty
    - Halls of Shan-To-Kor
    - Partycrashers
    - Prove Your Worth aka Rackams Trial
    - The Chamber of Insanity
    - The Deadly Package: Agent of the Darguul
    - The Deadly Package: The Stronghold Key
    - The Depths of Discord
    - The Depths of Doom
    - The Lair of Summoning
    - The Legend of Two Toed Tobias
    - The Mystery of Deleras Tomb
    - The Snitch
    - The Stones Run Red
    - Tomb of the Burning Heart
    - Tomb of the Crimson Heart
    - Tomb of the Immortal Heart
    - Tomb of the Sanguine Heart
    - Under the Big Top



    Item Tracker Revamped! Where to start. This was nearly a full re-write of the item tracker. I'll list key notes:

    - Drop downs are now present for character name and classification type. These drop downs will be auto populated with whatever is in your current item save file.
    - You can now add/remove characters/types from those drop downs. Please note, if you remove one, and it is still part of one of your items in the list, it will be re-added it to the drop down the next time you load the game guide.
    - You can now color code the text based on type/classification.
    - Updating a types text and or color, will update all of the items in the list associated with it.
    - You can multi-select items in the list using CTRL and mouse clicking individual ones, or using the SHIFT key and left mouse clicking a top/bottom item to pick everything in between those selections.
    - Utilizing multi-select, you can delete all selections you have made.
    - Utilizing multi-select, you can mass update multiple items at once.
    - Small tip, if you want to blank a bunch of the same field out when multi-selecting, just put a space in the field you want to blank. This doesn't work for the character/type drop downs, only the text boxes.
    - I've made the default character (its a required field), a "." If you just add an item without a character, that "." will be added to the character field. You will never be able to remove the "." default character from the character drop down list. It does not count towards the maximum limits set in place.
    - There is now a counter to show how many items you have currently used.
    - The Item tracker will no longer crash if you hit your maximum limit, you will now get appropriate warnings.
    - When adding new items, it will leave all fields populated with previous data, except for the description, that will blank itself out (I've been using this, it makes adding things very fast).
    - When adding new items, mouse clicking, or tabing into the min level or quantity fields will auto select what is in it (makes it easier to add things rapidly, no backspace required, just tab into and type)
    - Hitting the enter key in any of the "Item Add" text boxes (Description, Min Levl, Quantity) for an item, will add the item to the list, then move the cursor to the "Description" text box..
    - Hitting the enter key in the "Character" text field will add the character to the drop down list.
    - Hitting the enter key in the "Type" text field will add the type to the drop down list.
    - Ability to export to a formated code output for UBB forums. This will line it all up provided the code tag does that on your forum.
    - Very basic duplicate report. Can be found under a new menu "View\Reports\Matching Report". This is a special report, and doesn't just find duplicates as explained below: (I'm not sure how many people will use this, but I will be so I added it)
    - This will find duplicate descriptions, that have different types. This is good for epic item matching. If you have a shard of X, and a Seal of X, the report will show that you have them. If you only have a single item, say Shard of Y, it will not show it in the report. This makes finding things easy when you are in an epic run, and are not sure if you are close to being able to craft a particular epic item.
    - This will color code the report based on what color scheme you set the items at.

    The below is all in no small part to CuriousGIS! He sent me an updated zip with all of this stuff to get added in. Thanks CuriousGIS!
    - Threnal Outdoor Map Added
    - TOD Raid Walkthrough Added
    - The following quest walkthroughs have been added:
    - The Cannith Crystal
    - The Collaborator
    - Arachnophobia
    - An Explosive Situation
    - The Pit
    - Entering the Gate Chamber
    - The Church and the Cult
    - The Fane of the Six:Cleansing the Temple
    - The Fane of the Six:Fall of the Prelate
    - Gateway to Kyber
    - Haywire Foundry
    - The Jungle of Kyber
    - Genesis Point
    - A New Invasion
    - Sins of Attrition
    - Bastion of Power
    - I've added a donations button to the planner.


    - Program Icon has been updated to be consistent throughout the program.
    - Removed "Interactive" from all places in the planner..its just now "DDO Game Guide"
    - Adjusted the columns on the raid timer to fit better at the default min size of the program window.
    - Adjusted the text on the Quest tab to fit better at the default min size of the program window.
    - Epic Dungeon/Raid tokens were labeled as BTC..they are indeed BTA now, and the planner has been updated accordingly.
    - The True Ressurection you used to be able to get on Green Steel Shroud Crafting changed to Raise Dead quite some time ago. The planner has been updated accordingly.
    - The date sorting wasn't always sorting properly on the Raid Timer. It should be doing so now.
    - You can now track Epic Fragments on the ingredients tab.
    - Tab order slightly adjusted on the Raid Timer tab. (More tab order adjustments to come in future updates)
    - I've updated the "Release Notes" for the game guide. Its now a more easily legible web pages.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Quest count on the quest tab was not being cleared properly and at times showed an inaccurate count of the number of quests you had in the game guide.
    - Epic Dungeon Tokens & Raid Tokens were not getting reset to 0 when you selected "Reset" from the top menu on the ingredients tab.

    WebPage Updates:

    - Raid Readiness Table Updated to include all raids in the game.
    - Are You Raid Ready? Updated to include changes to older raids, and adds Tower of Despair.
    - Titan Raid Walkthrough Updated - Thanks CuriousGIS!
    - Inferno of the Dammed Quest Walkthrough Updated - Thanks CuriousGIS!



    - You can now add your own quests to the quest listing section of the planner. Details can be found on the quests tab.
    - Raid Timer Update!
    - IMPORTANT NOTE: You must import your old timer save file before you can use this. Your timers will not show up initially until you do.
    - You can now flag a timer as epic, which will set the timer to 16 hours instead of 2 days 18 hours. This will change the color to purple for epic quest timers, and it will remain red for raid timers.
    - I've added in the ability to track completions for the individual character, and all time for that character. The reason for this is if you TR a character, their completion counts get reset, you can now track how many you have done for all time over the life of the character.
    - The Raid Timer now keeps track of how many timers you have, characters you have, and quest/raids you have in it.
    - Maps, FAQ, Puzzles, Quests, Raids, Raid Timers, Item Tracker, Dream Forge Crafting, Dragon Crafting, Alchemical Crafting tabs all now have the option of being disabled.
    - Red Fens Outdoor Map Added
    - Sunken Parish Puzzle Added, Mini Mode Included


    - Updated all of the config files for epic crafted items discovered in game as of 8/26/2010
    - Added in a way to sort by type in epic crafting. Looking for a weapon and the drop down will only list weapons... Looking for a weapon that drops in guessed it, make the selections and the items will only show weapons from dq...
    - Sentinels Output Modified in Epic Crafting
    - Epic Crafting Output General Information Moved, and Updated.
    - Changed "The Tide Turns" to "Sentinels" under Epic Crafting.
    - Changed the item number sequence in the Epic Data file. This just makes sorting a million times easier. Your old files should still work, saving them again will move to the new format.
    - Settings.txt file. I had been overwriting yours all along, with every update. That will no longer have to occur, and it will remember all previous settings you had.

    Bug Fixes:

    - The window resize bug is officially fixed and will no longer occur.
    - I inadvertently broke the item tracker last go around. Your data files should be safe. This version will load them all again.

    WebPage Updates:

    - Updated DFL Listing to current as of 8/26/2010
    - TITAN Walk through: Updated it to no loner reference swimming through the lava. It now explains how to use the fence line to get over to the switch.
    - Shroud Part I, II: Updated to more of today's (relative) standard of running.



    - Whenever loading web pages via a webform, depending in what the page is doing, it can eat alot of memory. That's just the way it is. I've added the option to remove the DDO Wiki (External Page), DDO Compendium (External Page), and Definitive Loot Thread (Internal) from the planner. A reload is required if you choose these options. I noticed a 50% reduction in memory usage by disabling these. I'm not telling you to do this, just giving you the option. The removal of those tabs will also increase the load times of the program drastically. It will almost appear instantly after the options are loaded. This also increases the load time when you switch from mini puzzle mode, back to the planner. That would lag the first time only, it should now be quick every time if you have all three of the tabs I stated above turned off.


    - Ability to remove DDO Wiki, DDO Compendium, & Loot tabs from the planner. This is located under options and requires a program restart. In the future I will expand this to all tabs, so you can pick and choose what you want in the planner.


    - Added in all current epic formulas as of 4/8/2010.
    - Fixed some spelling errors on the Game Guide GUI.
    - Fixed some spelling errors on the Updater GUI.
    - Fixed some of the output on Epic Crafting, namely they are Dungeon Tokens, not Quest Tokens.
    - The Definitive Loot Tab will always load an internal version now, it no longer checks the web.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Updated all web page based tabs to no longer show scripting errors. I hope this stops all of the scripting errors you may have been receiving when running the guide.
    - Fixed a problem in the tier 1 data file causing some formula errors.
    - Fix for those experiencing the planner not showing on run, and having to delete the WindowSize.txt file before running to fix. This "SHOULD" no longer happen If it does the code gets ripped out next version. You should no longer get the hitch on running the app, or entering the crafting tabs any more.

    WebPage Updates:

    - Alchemical Crafting: Added in minimum level information.
    - Reaver Puzzle: Changed the colors that are shown.
    - Raid Ready: Updated Litany puzzle to the new table format from the puzzle page.
    - Definitive Loot Page: Updated as of 4/7/2010



    - Epic Crafting makes its way to the Interactive DDO Game Guide. Most of the known recipe's as of 2/7/2010 are in the planner. It works slightly different than Shroud/Ring crafting. The Raid Drop down is not required, its there so you can limit down the item drop down to items for the selected raid only. You can select an item right away though if you like without touching the raid drop down at all. Full functionality is there for ya, so enjoy!!
    - Dreamforge Crafting is here. This is more along the lines of Dragon/Alchemical crafting, in that its a page that describes the whole process.
    - DDO Wiki graces the pixels of the Interactive DDO Game Guide! Borror & Company has done an outstanding job getting the community involved in gathering a repository of information on everything DDO. Thanks Guys/Gals, this site is a life saver.
    - Load last Epic Formula added to the options list. On by default.
    - Track Epic Tokens on Ingredients Tab
    - Credit Page Update, DDO Wiki & Loot Thread added.
    - Litany Puzzle. I've added the Answers to the Litany of The Dead quest into the Puzzle Tab. There is a corresponding MINI Mode version too.
    - Against The Demon Queen Puzzle/Riddle. I've added the guaranteed order for all possible solutions to the book puzzle in Against The Demon Queen. There is a corresponding MINI Mode version too.


    - Remember the size/position you had the game guide at last on close/re-open.
    - I've modified how the look of Super Shards appear for Shroud Crafting. Previously it would list the Super Shards as FOCUS/ASPECT, IE Earth/Mineral. It will now just utilize the ASPECT II only, IE Mineral II. I had to add an extra character to the beginning of the sorting sections so the sorts would work properly. I hope this clears up some of the confusion I had been seeing on the forums regarding the planner creating Dual Shard recipe's.
    - Definitive Loot Tab is now loading from my web server. If the server is down, it will load a local copy of it. This give me the ability to update the page on the fly, and allow all of you to get the updates immediately. (Thanks Crimson for the idea!)
    - Added in a confirmation that the save was successful for saving items on exit.
    - Moved all crafting tabs under a single crafting tab.
    - Change text on save/load formula to save/load shroud formula. Also changed this on the menu drop down.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Blast Effects on Tier 3 were listing the wrong damage numbers/information. This has been corrected. (Thanks Noctus)
    - Sorting via essence/gem under certain circumstances was populating the drop downs when they shouldn't have been. I went back in time and tried to find where this first crept in. Its been there since day 1, can't believe I never saw it before. Its fixed now.
    - Opposition on the ingredients tab for tier 1/2/3 was not working with validation and would allow you to leave the field blank.

    WebPage Updates:

    - Loot List Updated to 1/7/2010
    - Added Reavers Refuge Flagging to the "Are Your Raid Ready?" page.



    - The Interactive DDO Game Guide is now being compiled under Visual Studio 2008. I will try to make sure I don't use any of the new .NET 3.5 SP1 formulas in it so it will remain V2.0 compatible.


    - Ring Crafting makes its way to the Interactive DDO Game Guide! All functionality from the Shroud Crafting is in effect for this.
    - Added the ability to track Shavarath War Trophies on the Ingredients tab.
    - Added the option to load the last ring formula file you had in the planner. This is under Settings\Options.
    - Mini Puzzle Mode. On the puzzle tab, a new button is present, this will bring you to the miniature version of the puzzles, closing down the main planner. You can change the opacity with the right drop down, and the puzzle with the left. It will always remain on top so you can view it while in windowed mode in game.
    - Definitive Static Rewards & Unique Loot has been added to the planner. A new tab with the name of "Loot" is where you will find it. Please note I did not include the images in the planner. The links on the page grab the images from Dragon.Stars photobucket page, and loads them inline right in the page.
    - Ignore Limits option. The Omit Output check boxes now also allow you to ignore the Limit Drop down option so all items appear in the drop down, and not based on ingredient. You must check the boxes for omit/ignore limit off first, then check off the limit drop downs based on ingredients for them to work.
    - The following outdoor maps have been added: Eerie Forest, Devil Battlefield, Restless Isles, Subterrane Central, Subterrane East.


    - To further prevent confusion on my part, and yours, on overwriting your saved files (this gets worse with windows 7 options), I've set the program to automatically create those folders if they are not found. What this allows me to do is completely leave them out of the planner updates, either full version, or update version.
    - Updated Dragon Crafting with the latest information.
    - Vale of Twilight map had the Vale spelling incorrect.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Water, Escalation, Material Tier 2 Greensteel crafting was listing wisdom as Insight, it has been corrected to be Exceptional Bonus.
    - I had some test code left in the limit drop down based on ingredients. Sometimes it was using the non raw materials and affecting what you saw in the drop downs.
    - The Compendium tab menus were not updating properly.



    - MAJOR OVERHAUL TO SAVE FORMULA FILES. This is in preparation for more items being added later. Please please please, everyone open your formula save files at least 1 time, it will auto convert them to the new format I'm using. This needs to happen before MOD9, once MOD9 hits, and the new rings are added for monks, your old save files will no longer be valid unless you open them at least 1 time prior to that crafting planner update.
    - The crafting planner is now compiled for 32 bit systems. 64 Bit systems can and will still run it. I did this to resolve a bug in 64 bit systems.


    - There is a new check box on the Shroud Crafting tab that will limit what the drop downs have in it, based on your RAW ingredients (left side of the ingredients tab). The drop downs will only show what you can make if this is checked off. This is the first phase of this function. I need everyone to play with this, and let me know how it works for you. I can't explain everything it does here, you'll just have to try it (there is alot behind it). Any suggestions on general functionality would be greatly appreciated.
    - There is a new Quest tab with quest walkthroughs ranging from Level 10 - 17 added. (More will come in future updates)
    - The Dragon, DQ, Titan have all gotten their respective walkthroughs created.
    - You now have the option to load the last loaded/saved formula/ingredients at program startup.
    - There is a new option under settings, to enable or disable the loading of formulas/ingredients at startup (On By Default).
    - Added in a straight Save feature for Formulas & Ingredients.
    - Added "How Do I Use A Cleansing Stone" to the FAQ.
    - Added Korthos Island map.
    - The program will now prompt you to save your formula's if you haven't done so when exiting the planner. I may or may not add this to when you load a formula in a future update.


    - The title of the crafting planner has changed to "Interactive DDO Game Guide". This better reflects how the program has evolved since its inception.
    - WALKTHROUGH'S TAB...It has been renamed to RAIDS. I've added the QUEST tab also. I wanted these in separate areas for quick reference.
    - Changed the old Save feature, to Save As...
    - Changed the save dialog for the ingredient page. When ingredients change before loading a new ingredient file, or closing the program, it will now just ask for confirmation on saving the file, yes saves, no does not.
    - The Shroud Crafting tab will now have a "- filename" after it, so you can see what formula you have currently loaded.
    - Removed the "name" I was putting in front of the greensteel item name, in the formula output, when you compared to ingredients.
    - The reset button now fully resets all dialogs on the shroud crafting page, along with resetting the memory of what file you had loaded (Acts like NEW on most programs).
    - Menu item "clear" has been renamed to "reset" for the Shroud Crafting, and Ingredient tabs. Hitting this menu item will reset everything off their respective pages, and clears its "memory" on which file you had loaded/saved last.
    - Changed the Greensteel Drop down to a different type of drop down (so I could clear it). There was a reason I had made it the way it was originally, and I am pretty certain I fixed why I couldn't make it like the others.
    - Added full damage dice, crit range, and crit multiplier to the drop down for green steel weapons.
    - When restoring from the task bar, it will now properly remember the last state you were in, normal/maximized/custom.
    - Updated the Credit Tab with appropriate information.
    - When selecting a sort order on the Shroud Crafting tab, it would not take effect until you opened the drop down and selected something. So after having a complete formula done, then changing the sort order, then saving, it would not remember the last sort order selected, it will now.
    - MTGCCombobox.dll file has been re-compiled and updated to allow me to store more information within it.
    - I changed the message boxes for the saving on exit, and saving before loading a new ingredient file, they now have the appropriate icon, question mark, exclamation, etc.
    - Added non-puzzle solver version of the light puzzle to the shroud part 3 walkthrough.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Fixed Tempered/BoLaS names, they were backwards in the formula listing. Output is the same though, this was a visual bug only.
    - Last selected font for Item tracking was not loading on startup.
    - Contact us page had blank text on certain Vista configurations.
    - Clicking on the Email links in the program should no longer throw an exception error on Windows 7, it will now warn you, and let you know you need to install an email client to use the function.
    - Moving the crafting planner to a different location, will no longer cause an exception error on startup. This revolved around the map selection.
    - Superior Regeneration in the formula listing has been changed to Greater Regeneration.
    - 64 Bit systems, that had the flash.ocx error on closing the program, are now fixed, you should no longer get the error.
    - Occasionally, if you loaded the crafting planner, then switched to another program while it was loading, it would not show up in the task bar right away. This should no longer happen.
    - If you loaded an ingredient file, then changed ingredient numbers, then went to load a new file, said no to the save, then changed your mind and canceled the load, the original ingredients file was re-loading. It will no longer do this.

    WebPage Updates:

    VOD Walkthrough
    Alchemical Crafting
    Dragon Crafting
    Raid Ready Table
    Raid Ready Page
    Titan Green Puzzle
    Shroud Part 3 Walkthrough



    - DDO's Compendium comes to the crafting planner. A new tab has been added, if the system you run it on has Internet connectivity, it will connect to the Compendium.
    - You can now change the font on the Item Tracking tab.
    - Raid Flagging Check List (printable sheet) added to the Walkthroughs tab. Credit for the sheet is givin on it.


    - Clarified the Formula Output section under options, it was a little vague on where the item locations would go. Its in the Greensteel Formula output itself.
    - The size of the drop down boxes for the three tiers, was all over the place. I've set tier 1 & 2 to be the same, with tier 3 a bit larger, so it all fits the text better.
    - Tier 3 bonus recipe descriptions have been updated. I just streamlined some of the text so it would fit better in the drop downs.

    Bug Fixes:

    - Formula errors!! Unreal, after all this time it wasn't caught. Air,Fire,Earth,Water/Dominion/Material was listing as Lore %, it is actually a Guard, this has been fixed.
    - Item Tracking issue on loading. This was a graphical bug only on the load screen, sometimes the checkbox would get "stuck" on items.
    - The Credit page was getting cut off.


    Question of the day: Does the crafting planner handle super shards (dual tier 3)?

    Answer: YES!! Try going Earth/Positive for the first 2 tiers. The third will be listed as Earth/Mineral. That is the dual shard tier 3 recipe. This has been in the planner since version 2.0.0



    - Maps!! Outdoor maps are now a part of the planner. I must give credit to Dorim & Axtorus for the wonderful map work. (Left mouse click fits the map, right mouse click gives you more zoom options)
    - Walkthrough - Vision of Destruction
    - Walkthrough - Hound of Xoriat
    - Walkthrough - Raid Readiness Table
    - Walkthrough - Are Your Raid Ready?
    - Puzzle Solver - Titan Green Room


    - Updated the Alchemical Crafting page to have a little bit more information on the process.
    - Removed the menu bars for Walkthrough's & Puzzles solvers, I'm sticking with the drop downs on the respective tabs, it just feels more "right"
    - Updated the FAQ with some more "Stacking" information, along with information on multiple GS item/weapon equipping.
    - HUGE Updater improvement, well in my mind. If for whatever reason the updater fails in updating, it will now change the button name to "Try Again", at which point you can do just that, and will attempt to pick up where it left off, and not try to re-download the whole thing again.
    - More updater changes, if you choose not to Try Again on a failed download, it will no longer attempt to run the Crafting Planner when you exit the program.
    - Updated the RaidTimer help file. On top of the extra information on fonts options, it will now fit on a 1024x768 monitor and higher.

    Bug Fixes:

    NONE - (Can you believe it?)



    - I had a few ?'s on the topic of "Where did the puzzles go!!!!" So, I've left the menus in on the top, but also added a drop down above the puzzle/walkthrough that you can select from. Both places do the same thing.


    - When you make any selection on the main crafting planner, from the drop downs, it now clears the formula, forcing you to hit create again.
    - Fixed Monastery spelling error. I forget who reported that but :P

    Bug Fixes:

    - Re-Up'd the amount of Raid Timers you can have in the program. I reduced it not thinking people may have already gone above what I reduced it to. Its fixed now and I've doubled what it previously was.
    NOTE 1 - Max Characters = 50
    - Max Raids = 50
    - Max Timers = 200
    NOTE 2 - Previously if you hit the max timers limit, or were way above it, the error message would keep popping up. I've set it so it only pops 1 time, then continues to load.
    - If for whatever reason, you deleted your Char.txt, Raid.txt, or Timers.txt, the system when loading would look funky, and not re-create these file (they got created the first time you added an item to them previously). They are not created at load time if they are not present.



    - Added font changing capability for the raid timer, its under Settings\Options (It will be saved for every time you load the program)
    - Added EightyFour to the Credit Window
    - Added a few special days to the planner, just some new fun images on certain days...
    - Added an Item Tracking tab. Ever wonder which of your characters had what item on it? Look no further, fill in your item database and at a glance you can tell who has what. Depending on the feedback I get from this, it will determine if I go further with it as far as functionality. Right now it is very basic and you have to enter everything by typing. There is currently a 2000 Item limit.


    - Somehow some text got misplaced on the raid timer tab, I've moved it to the correct spot.
    - The size of the window for the Shroud Recipe output was a little bit to big, I've shrunk it so the slide bar for up/down isn't cut off.
    - Turned off multi select in the raid timer
    - When selecting a row in the Raid Timer, the entire row is now Highlighted.
    - Changed Reaver Solver background color to match those of the rest of the web pages.
    - Moved all walkthroughs under a single tab. You can switch between them on the main menu entitled "Walkthroughs"
    - Moved all puzzle solvers under a single tab. You can switch between them on the main menu entitled "Puzzles"
    - The program will save the last "Walkthrough" or "Puzzle" you were visiting, so the next time you load it, it will remember.
    - Loading screen no longer uses a progress bar, I've changed it to the check boxes Ron uses in his Character Planner (Thanks Ron!)
    - Updated the FAQ focus table, hopefully it is a little easier to read.
    - FINALLY, I added the part V map to the shroud walkthrough

    Bug Fixes:

    - If the Temp directory was deleted for whatever reason, the program would crash when you attempted to print a GreenSteel formula. This should no longer happen as the directory will be checked for and created if it does not exist.
    - Fixed the links in the Dragontouched crafting to open new browser windows and not from within the program itself.
    - If maximized, changing to any other tab than the "Shroud Crafting" tab, then change back to "Shroud Crafting" tab, then restore the program window, the size gets all messed up. Fixed
    - When maximizing the program from the shroud crafting tab, the items on the top of the page all got pushed to the left. Its fixed to center again.
    - Attempted yet another fix on the Internal Updater. Hoping this reduces even more of the timeout issues.



    - Added a FAQ for the Tier 3 Super Shards, it explains what gives what.
    - Added in Dragon Touched Crafting
    - Added in Alchemical Crafting


    - Update the Walkthrough to match current strategies
    - Changed the range of weapons to their appropriate ranges for powering up depleted energy cells.
    - Removed the "Notes" Tab. It is now under Help\Release Notes


    - When minimizing the task bar, when on any tab other than the formula tab, when you restored back, then clicked on the formula tab, the Tier 1, 2, 3 drop downs would not be usable until you resized the window. This has been fixed.



    - Balloon Tips will show when a Raid Timer is up (Can be configured in Options)
    - A beep will sound when a Raid Timer is up (Can be configured in Options)
    - Update Completions Counter when you Reset a Raid Timer
    - Monestary Light Puzzle Solver
    - Help file for the Raid Timer added. Go to Help\Raid Timer in the file menu bar.


    - Re-labeled some of the labels/buttons in the raid timer to better explain their purpose.
    - Changed the link colors on the Help About/Credit screens
    - Added credit for where I got the Monestary Puzzle Solver to the Credit Window


    - Menu bars, Shroud4, Shroud5, Reaver, the functions behind them were not working properly, they will now perform their correct functions.
    - ShroudUpdate.exe will now properly look for the Update.txt file, and not the Update.ini file.
    - ShroudUpdate.exe was timing out occasionally, I've tried to increase the timeout while downloading to prevent this.


    - Massive Memory Leak
    - Path to the updater program was incorrect and not functioning. V2.3.1 will now be the first viable download from program.



    - Program can now be minimized to the task bar, you can enable this under Settings, Options
    - Raid Timer
    Special Notes:
    - You can Import EightyFour's V1.0 Saved.txt file, you'll see the import button in the lower middle.
    - The character drop down will NOT populate from the Import, just the Raid Timers you had setup, You'll have to enter these manually.
    - You can add and remove characters/raids from the drop downs.
    - You can modify any of the listings.
    - There is a Raid Completions section now to keep track of total completions.
    - There is an option under Settings, Options, to enable or disable the countdown (Requires Program Restart)
    - You can sort by any of the column names.


    - Ingredients tab label no longer shows character when saving the ingredients.
    - Shroud IV, V, & Reaver tab were not updating the file menu's on the top.



    - Check for updates. Found under Settings, Check for Update. You can now check from within the program if an update is available to it. This is smart enough to know where you have the program installed, no matter where it is, and it will update it appropriately.
    - Reaver Puzzle solver tab.
    - Add a full reset button on main page.
    - FAQ: Averages for each raw material for greensteel/tier1/tier2/tier3 added.


    - Changed the second tab label from Character to Ingredients
    - Options window layout changed
    - Updated various parts of the FAQ to take into account everything up to MOD7, and make a few a bit easier to understand.
    - Changed the text you see on menus depending on the tab you are on.
    - Made a *NOTE* next to the greensteel formula's, to let the person know if you are using a horn in place of an energy cell, and to read the formula carefully.
    - Updated the Shroud Lights Puzzle so when you click NEW on the puzzle, it will always create a solvable puzzle for those that want to practice (Thanks Freeman!!)
    - Removed Walkthrough Disclaimer


    - .NET 2.0 SP1 Dependency Removed --- SafeFileName removal, replaced with function (This is kind of huge, thanks GSNull)
    - Text on the Part VI tab changed to IV as it should read
    - Updated Dust II's bonus
    - Updated Earth Tier 3 bonus
    - Clear the appropriate focus/gem/essence listings (at the top in the table) if you hit the delete key in any of the tier1/2/3 drop downs.
    - Spelling fix on the Ingredients tab. Energy was spelt Engery (Thanks Tigsen)



    - MOD7 GreenSteel Formulas Added (Full Functionality, comparisons etc working)
    - You can now track your S/M/L Horns on the character tab.
    - Shroud Part 4 Walkthrough
    - Shroud Part 5 Walkthrough (Missing Map)


    - Small changes in text here and there.
    - Updated a few of the affect descriptions


    - Saving/Loading of GreenSteel Formula's was a little buggy, occasionally it would not load the correct formula you saved. This has been fixed.



    - New Menu Bar at the top of the program.
    - Added in locations for shavarath stones if you choose to show locations on output.
    - Check box's to exclude a full section of the formula output (greensteel, tier 1, tier 2, tier 3)
    - Crafting FAQ
    - Shroud Part 1 Walkthrough
    - Shroud Part 2 Walkthrough
    - Shroud Part 3 Walkthrough
    - Shroud Part 3 Puzzle Solver
    - Keep Program On Top Option - Under Settings\Options (Requires Program Restart)
    - Ability to Save and Load your crafting formula.
    - Comparisons to your ingredients for Tier 3 are now working.
    - About Us Window under Help
    - Contact Us Window under Help
    - Credit Window under Help


    - Keep On Top & Include Item Locations are by default turned OFF.
    - Ingredient text boxes are now a max of 3 characters long.
    - Mouse clicking into an ingredient box now auto highlights (selects all) its contents.
    - Updated greensteel raw material output to be full names of the items.
    - Updated the tier sections raw material output to be full names of the items.
    - Changed the font used in the formula output to better allow lining up of content.
    - Changed the output style in general, appears to be easier to read/follow.
    - Changed the Print option on GreenSteel Item to an HTML Page type. You can now print in color directly from the program.
    - The old Save Ingredients, which was just saving an RTF File, is now under Export on the File menu. The default directory it saves to has changed also. SaveItems is no longer needed and can be deleted if you so desire.


    -Using Delete/Backspace in the Tier drop downs caused a crash. This has been fixed.


    - I removed alot of the buttons on the main form, and the ingredients form, you now get to those functions via the menu bar at the top. What each item does in the menu bar will change depending on the tab you are on. So, if you are on the Character/Ingredients tab, File\Save will save your ingredients. If you are on the main tab for formula generation, and you hit File\Save, it will save your Formula.

    V1.5.0 BETA Pre-Release:


    - Tier 3 Dual Shard combo's added. This will only work when you are NOT comparing to your items!!


    - Tier 3 drop down had a erroneous variable, that actually still allowed it to work properly. The correct variable is now in place.

    V1.4.4 BETA (1.4.1 - 1.4.3 were closed testing)


    - You can now Reset/Clear character ingredients.


    - Tier3 Issues on drop down, if Tier 2 focus was different than Tier 1 focus, all of Tier 3 was blank. Fixed.
    - Ingredients, if they were blank, would crash the program. Fixed.

    Known Issues:

    - Under very rare circumstances, none of the buttons on the Character tab will work. Click on any other tab, then back to the character tab, and they start working again. (You may never see this)

    V1.4 BETA:


    - Resizing the window will now adjust the forms accordingly.
    - Added the ability to select some of the output to not appear on the form (Locations Currently).
    - Options button now available for the above settings.
    - Copy option available, this will copy everything in the output to your clip board.
    - Added the ability to track your items.
    - You can save and load your tracking information.
    - Basic printing functionality added, anything in the output window will print, I believe just as black and white.
    - Added Save for GreenSteel Item Output. This will save in RTF (Rich Text Format) to preserve the colors.
    - Added in the ability to compare your ingredients to your formula and adjust the raw materials accordingly

    Some notes on this:
    If you have a manufactured ingredient listed in your tracking, it will update the raw totals that were needed to make that manufactured ingredient. So, Say you had a Filament of Toil, and a Husk was used to create it, the husk needed count will be reduced by one, even if you don't have a husk on you.


    - Changed some of the output to add in more items and better reflect exactly what you have to combine.


    - Fixed wording of GreenSteel items. Previously Equipment had +5 attached to it, this no longer occurs.
    - Under certain selections, Tier3 Drop down was duplicating items in the list, this has been fixed.

    V1.3 BETA: - Core Back End is Working, moving to the BETA PHASE!!


    - Tier3 drop down is now populating
    - Tier3 output is now working
    - Changed default Icon for the program
    - Added a Eldrich Device Pic...wooo
    - Updated Loading Screen to be more "Flashy"


    - Sorting Items no longer results in all drop downs clearing. They will now retain their information.
    - Selecting Equipment to Equipment will no longer clear the drop downs. (Equipment to Weapon will and vice versa will)
    - Selecting a new tier item, will erase drop downs below it as stats change.


    - Bonus Tier2 Weapon bonus's were reporting equipment bonus's, this has been fixed.
    - Belt was not showing as an item, it is now.
    - Raw Ingredient Totals list for Tier 2 was being pulled from Tier 1's list, fixed.

    Not Working Yet:

    - Options Tab - Reserved for more goodies later

    V1.2 ALPHA:


    - Tier2 output for creating items has been added
    - New Focus/Gem/Essence output on top to know what you've previously selected
    - New ability to sort the drop down boxes by either Focus/Gem/Essence
    - has been setup so you can bug report if needed.


    - Drop down selection size has been more than doubled in size, so you can see more of the list at once.
    - Data files have changed quite a bit. Delete all old content if you have a previous version.
    - Excel sheets have been removed. I'm not updating them anymore.
    - Uninstall/Install.bat files removed, they were never needed to begin with.
    - Took the "Future" tab and made it a notes tab


    - Focus/Gem/Essence on Tier 1 output had the wrong labels.
    - Some of the data files have been updated.

    V1.1 ALPHA:


    - I've added in the Tier1 output for creating items.


    - Green Steel formula items were showing different raw materials, yet the same formula for creating ingredients needed. This has been fixed.
    - Bug in the drop down for Tier1 selections. If there was two items with the exact same bonus (spelt the same), no matter which you chose, the first was used in the underlying formulas. This has been fixed.

    V1.0 ALPHA - Initial Release
    Last edited by Sanadil; 10-18-2011 at 09:38 AM.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  4. #4

    Default bug

    selection of Bracers, Greater Eletrical Resistance, +15 hp (air)

    Resutls in only showing how to create bracers (both versions) and tier one crafting.

    Tier 2 instructions are not displayed.

    comment: I like the fact you did color code things. Perhapes not the colors I would have chosen (to each their own) but I like the fact you did.

  5. #5


    I'm up for suggestions on colors, I've just thrown some in to make it easier reading, changing them is a quick thing. I could make it an optional too, so you could change them yourself if ya like. Not a priority atm though.

    Tier2 stuff, the drop down is populating, but I haven't finished the output yet. Formating that takes a while. I was working on it for 4 hours last night just to fix the greensteel bug, the selection of tier1 bug, and get the output of tier1 finished. Next update will include tier2 output, and the drop down for tier3 being populated. Output for tier3 will come in the one after that.

    Thanks for the comments

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  6. #6


    ideally, let the user select a color. There will be far far to many comments of what colors are proffered. Hence why I said to each their own.

  7. #7
    Founder RichD's Avatar
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    Nice work. One suggestion, it would be great if you could see the whole list of options for any given selection rather than having to scroll through them. You could provide both abilities by just adding a button next to the dropdown which pops up a dialog with a datagrid showing the choices - this could also be set to allow the user to sort by column so they could compare all Positive options for example.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by RichD View Post
    Nice work. One suggestion, it would be great if you could see the whole list of options for any given selection rather than having to scroll through them. You could provide both abilities by just adding a button next to the dropdown which pops up a dialog with a datagrid showing the choices - this could also be set to allow the user to sort by column so they could compare all Positive options for example.
    are you thinking a whole list and radio button selection? then at the bottom have a "continue" or "show me how to make" buttons? Sort of M.S. Wizard style?

  9. #9
    Community Member Petro's Avatar
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    Thats pretty cool that you can do this kind of stuff.

  10. #10

    Default V1.2 Is Up

    New Version Up. Release notes can be found here:

    I've added in the ability to sort the drop down boxes by Focus, Gem, or Essence.

    The DataGrid would be a bit troublesome without a defined datasource. I could create my own datasource table from scratch, but I'm not sure I want to do that I'll look into it further, if it isn't to time consuming I'll add it it.

    Hope stretching the drop down, and allowing you to sort on it helps.
    Last edited by Sanadil; 03-10-2008 at 08:53 PM.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
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  11. #11
    Community Member RACRGUY's Avatar
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    The tier two dropdown menu is listing the tier one upgrades.

  12. #12
    Founder & Hero jjflanigan's Avatar
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    So glad you are doing this -- I had gotten about 2/3 of the way through my XML data docs when I saw this thread so now I can stop working on it!

  13. #13


    LoL, I didn't even use an xml interface, just a strait tab delimeted file, was easier for this application.

    I should really read what the upgrades are showing. I haven't checked this out yet but will shortly, I just walked in the door. I may have the variable set to the tier1 dataset... I banish you copy and paste...

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by RACRGUY View Post
    The tier two dropdown menu is listing the tier one upgrades.
    Fixed, I've uploaded the fixed version, not going to do any release notes on that

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
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  15. #15
    Founder RichD's Avatar
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    I like the sort mechanism and the expanded dropdown size, definitely fixes the 'problem' I mentioned before. Kudos.

  16. #16


    Version 1.3 is up. I've moved it to Beta Phase, as its core routine is working. From here on out will be additions that don't effect the overall functionality, and data file updates.

    Release Notes:

    Last edited by Sanadil; 03-10-2008 at 08:53 PM.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
    | Inferus Sus | Vinton Cerf | Kabraxis | Bubah Licious | Sanadil | Zanta | Ziamdis |

  17. #17
    Founder RichD's Avatar
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    It's looking really good. I have a couple of more suggestions for functional enhancements:

    1) it would be nice if the window was resizeable vertically with the instruction display stretching

    2) it would be nice to have a Save to File option to store the instructions

    3) it would be nice to have a Copy Instructions to Clipboard option (or at least a Select All) for manual pasting into a file

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by RichD View Post
    It's looking really good. I have a couple of more suggestions for functional enhancements:

    1) it would be nice if the window was resizeable vertically with the instruction display stretching

    2) it would be nice to have a Save to File option to store the instructions

    3) it would be nice to have a Copy Instructions to Clipboard option (or at least a Select All) for manual pasting into a file
    1) I'll look into it. I'm from the C/C++/VB6 era of programming, then resizing wasn't fun, for me at least, repainting windows and what not. I'll see if .net has made it any easier.

    2) Definetly in the works.

    3) Definetly in the works.

    Extras which may be possibilities:

    A) Adding in a new tab so you can enter all the current ingredients you have. Allowing you to either save that, or just auto save it and load each time you run it, not sure which way I'd do it.

    B) Load ability, after saving an item in option 2 above, give the ability to load it back up into the planner.

    C) Have a tab, that looks at the inventory you've entered, what's required of an item you have loaded or just created, and let you know what's left to collect.

    D) Have a tab, that looks at the inventory you've entered, and will populate a drop down of tier 1, 2, 3 selections on what you can make with what you've entered. (This one would be the hardest to do at first glance)

    Thanks for the suggestions Rich, always like to hear what others think will make it that much easier to use

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
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  19. #19
    Community Member sheldie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanadil View Post
    A) Adding in a new tab so you can enter all the current ingredients you have. Allowing you to either save that, or just auto save it and load each time you run it, not sure which way I'd do it.

    C) Have a tab, that looks at the inventory you've entered, what's required of an item you have loaded or just created, and let you know what's left to collect.

    D) Have a tab, that looks at the inventory you've entered, and will populate a drop down of tier 1, 2, 3 selections on what you can make with what you've entered. (This one would be the hardest to do at first glance)
    It'd be nice to have this per-character.

    B) Load ability, after saving an item in option 2 above, give the ability to load it back up into the planner.
    And keep this separate, so we can see if a characters ingrediant inventory matches what's needed.
    To err is human, to moo bovine

  20. #20


    The per character thing shouldn't be to hard. I'd have to set it statically, how many sets there were. I'll start with one, once its working, replicate it a few times for more characters. The drop down, I'd have to set some kind of radio button to choose which character you want to see what can be produced with said items.

    All great ideas!! I'll see what I can cook up over the next few days.

    Vinton's Place - DDO Game Guide V3.6.0 - 10/12/2011 - My DDO
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