I think there is a mistake in the crafting planner. I printed out the instructions for this:
Positive - Escalation - Ethereal
+50 sp, +2 Cha Skills , Chain Lightning (3/day)
Gather These Raw Materials (From Shroud Part 2 & 3 Chests):
2 - Medium Glowing Arrowheads
1 - Medium Gnawed Bones
2 - Medium Infernal Chains
3 - Medium Devil Scales
1 - Medium Twisted Shrapnel
3 - Medium Sulfurous Stones
1 - Shard Of Great Power
5 - Shavarath Medium Energy Cells From Chests Within the Shroud, or the Vendor in Part 3
Power - Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell With +6 to +15 Weapons (Combine Weapon & Energy Cell on Alter)
Create - Focus Of Positive
Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Gnawed Bone, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
Create - Gem Of Escalation
Combine: Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Twisted Shrapnel, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
Create - Ethereal Essence
Combine: Medium Glowing Arrowhead, Medium Infernal Chain, Medium Devil Scales, Medium Sulfurous Stone, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
Create - Imbued Shard of Great Power (Positive)
Combine: Focus Of Positive, Gem Of Escalation, Ethereal Essence, Shard of Great Power, Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
Create Final Item - Greensteel Bracers With Wizardry VI, +1 Cha Skills , +50 sp, +2 Cha Skills - Chain Lightning (3/day)
Combine: Greensteel Bracers(With Tier 1 Upgrade), Imbued Shard Of Great Power (Positive), Shavarath Medium Energy Cell
And what I ended up with was the tier 2 fire that gave me +2 int and displacement instead. Now what I usually do is print up the instructions then arrange my inventory to the crafting list i printed out so that way when I do a shroud run it doesn't take me long to craft. And then I check out the arrangement a few times to make sure it's set up right. So needless to say that it kind of messed up my plans I had for my bracers. Might want to take a look into it.