Remember guys,
Read the name of the thread.
I tried to be very specific in what this thread would be talking about, regardless how off base some of these posters get. Its only certain areas of certain quests that my gripe is really about.
Remember guys,
Read the name of the thread.
I tried to be very specific in what this thread would be talking about, regardless how off base some of these posters get. Its only certain areas of certain quests that my gripe is really about.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
And in most cases that "More" is not the rogue since he or she has disabled the trap without ever worrying about the DC on the save. The save only matters to groups that can't disarm it (ie not rogues). The lightning chamber isn't even a "trap" per se. You don't need the rogue to do it, since there is nothing requiring rogue skills involved. Rogues usually do it, because evasion is great. The same is true of Scoundrel's Run fire chamber. If the DC is so high that damage absorption is better than damage mitigation, go with a hasted barb or something.
A certain very small number of actual traps do have a very adverse effect on rogue play with the current DCs, in that it requires a heavily lopsided 'traps' build or a player with extensive knowledge of the trap and the mouse control skill to handle it. But that fact does not make a more general statement that DCs unfairly affect rogues overall into a true one.
Your logic may be flawed as people run these favor runs for a lot more that 32 point builds or an extra +2 tome.
There is a lot more to favor then 1750... It's the sum of the lower individual house favor which goes very far on a character. Every girl in my sig is well over 2k favor and the simple +2 tome on all of them is nothing compared to... the house perks which really mater... I can go raid a +2 or +3 tome probably a lot quicker then I can run every quest on elite... just raid every single day or go out in the vail for a +2 tome. I'll be darned if any character of mine will do without full packspace, and full bank space, a pendant of time, silverlfame potions, improved repairing 10 more hp etc... that is what drives the favor system - not 32 point builds - it's the perks for all your characters and by the time you grab all these guess what? You're so close to 1750 that it just drives you way more to get the bloody mark - and the only way to get some of the house favor is - elite. 1750 is not a big incentive to a veteran player at all only a brand new player - who by the way now has a harder climb of it then we ever did, because after they get that 1750 they're going to want to roll up new characters and put these perks on every one them also.
Last edited by Emili; 02-28-2008 at 05:03 AM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
What affects one class affects the entire group, it affects the group make-up and it's entire dynamic. It affects strategies and of course resources.
The overall result though is sometimes a character gets a bad rap... in the case of the rogue? Hmmm, had to res him 3 times, he still did not get the box, had to spend time healing people to get through it, 2 others died because of that? What do we assume people to think about the rogue now? Will that rogue get an invite back from anyone in this group? If it happens enough then it comes to a point that rogue never sees that quest on elite again.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
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Such a ranger or (after mod 7) the monk, both of whom will incidentally have more hp than a rogue and be faster. Or someone like a barbarian who can take a heck of lot more damage than a rogue and move through the obstacle faster where that is relevant (a lot in Scoundrel's run, not so much in the Pit).
Im sorry........
I poked my head in a little late in the discussion.
From what I hear some believe elite is to difficult and casual gamers cant complete it.
Well I would have to agree then.
As a matter of fact...... Im gunna go sign up for sky diving lessons at 1pm and I expect to be jumping out of planes by 3pm at latest. I already have experience with planes anyway as I have flown to different places before and I get a greta veiw of everything from coach.
see you guys on the way down.
Last edited by captain1z; 02-28-2008 at 11:16 PM.
apparently only SOME traps on elite aren't doing damage.
i need an aspirin. long week ... really.
Last edited by Pellegro; 02-29-2008 at 01:31 PM.
It seems obvious with trap damage on elite being disabled that the DEVs have spoken loud and clear on their view.
I think the above quote, however, is dead wrong.
You can make ELITE +5 levels over normal, but only award +2 levels of reward, and still, a large portion of the population will run it on elite without any problems.
Why? Because your'e getting +2 reward.
The concern that this unfairly induces PUGs into running Elite when they shouldn't is empty. That's true of any type of system that has quest levels with increasing rewards. Lvl 10s run GH all the time, if they're good. Just b/c some lvl 10s who shouldn't be are trying it is no reason to penalize those who can handle it and implement some sort of "you cant even enter teh quest until your level 12" requirement.
Players don't need to be protected from themselves ...
Greater variety between difficulties is good for the game because there is a not insubstantial portion of players who are "good". There are 3 settings. One of them should be for those players.
If it makes others feel better, change the name from "elite" to "Suicidal" or such ...
Please don't continue this rumor further. There are some traps on elite in the new content that have been broken since mod 6 came out. But believe me when I say that the traps on elite still do damage.
I was on a pug in chamber of insanity on elite last night, and three of our players were in the secret chest area when it was opened (i didn't have time to warn them). they all died instantly.
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I don't want to be argumentative but I'd suggest that with reuseable shrines, the "normal" level indication is probably also wrong, being overstated by a level.
Regardless, they've said they're looking into how to more accurately label Elite. That is, I think Eladrin said something like that ....
this one is easy drop the rog in there and make him disarm all the traps before the rest of the party drops into the pit the same as always.
give him lighting resestance and mybe a lighting potif he has invis pots that help him a lot. hope he has good move silent and hide skills.
And yet he will still likely die unless the player has elite twitch skills.
Pretty bad when the Devs make the computer user's clicking skills, not the actual toon, the deciding factor of whether or not you die in a quest.
Heres a good quote for ya: "My toon's better than yours because I can click 'Shift-W-Double Click Right Mouse button' faster than you", as opposed to "My toon's better than yours because of good character planning and better equipment". Which do you think is right?
Last edited by Kaldaka; 02-29-2008 at 03:38 PM.
Officer of ARCHANGELS - Thelanis
Strummie . Gruffie . Jinksy . Perversion . Sluffie . Indulgent . Adjuration . Wary . Disparage . Subdue . Affinity . Bestial . Contrivance . Indria . Thermo . Outlandish
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