I'm sorry that's how you feel. You have interjected the pejorative "idiot" etc. into the discussion - not I.
Yes, that is a word I selected. As another said, "Klutzes" might be a better word, though still not one you used. They are simply words that can be infered from the tone of posts claiming eliite is for the elite.
Think of it this way: For the game to succeed, it needs to be as inclusive as possible.
Absolutely! But... tell me... how is increasing the Trap save DCs to fit only one build inclusive? How is making 33% of the content only playable by 5% of the players inclusive?
There are many "elite" players. I'm far from an "elite" gamer, btw - go play an FPS and learn what having elite twitch skills means.
I could, but I'm more interested in the combination of design, creation and play that you get from a game like DDO. I like designing a character to have a certain skill set to overcome specific obstacles. I'm not, personally, interested in perfecting my twitch game skills. I have two small children, keeping them out of trouble provides all the twichy-ness I need!
Back to the point - by having an "elite" setting, you're giving those who enjoy a harder challenge something to do. By making "normal" easier, you're helping out those who struggle. And by making Hard a good solid challenge, you're catering to the average player who's been at it awhile.
There are many things that can be done to increase difficulty without requiring a competely different style of play.
The alternative is to make Elite really mean little, and be the default setting. That's not terribly elite, is it? Were you around pre-Mod5 when everyone was screaming about how easy the game was??? Droves of players left out of boredom.
I've played for two years. The boredom was not just difficulty settings. The players who live for games will always be bored. They will play this game for a few weeks and wear it out and play another to exhaustion. Then come back here when something new happens. The game should not be designed around this small group of people (just my opinion.) I think elite could have better monster AI (like a chess game where you adjust the computers intelligence.) Elite could have random trap locations (not requiring insane saves, but still requiring extra caution.) Elite could have additional objectives like bringing Coyle along on running with the Devils
(now that would be a real challenge.) Feel free to add you own...
As for those who run elite and it takes them 4 hours .... ??? How can that be a design issue. MT I'm looking at your friend here. Would you feel bad for a group of level 10s who struggle through Running With the Devils on Elite? Of course not.
Not at all, 99% of all level 10s have zero business in Running with the Devils even on normal. I remember inferno taking hours until I learned my way around. Its both good and bad. Same problem with Coalesence. Making it a little longer or harder is good, but sometimes is just frustrating instead. I admit, it is a hard balance to get right.
More variety = good. Less variety = bad. Complaining that someone else can (or can't) do something you can = bad.