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Thread: Taint Removal

  1. #61
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Dang! I forgot the batteries for the sound powered phones...those should be in there also...
    I better order some more.
    (sound powered without power...none nada...the energey produced by talking into the microphone is enough to send a signal through the lines...and if the m
    ic doesn't work? the headphone speakers will also pick up and transmit sound...Who says that old technology is bad tecnology...they date back to what WW2?)lol!

  2. #62
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Question Thank you for disclosing that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    In order to remove the Taint of Shavarath, you must combine your tainted item with an essence of cleansing in the final Eldritch Device within the Shroud. There is a chance to receive an essence of cleansing as an end reward. Hope that clears that up for you.
    Let me start with some levity since my end part is not a happy one:
    Can anybody tell us what to use with NOM NOM NOM that makes the Summon Cookie Monster clickable?

    Edit: and I knew Tolero in her old changling days as Merlask, and a few others.....when DIDN'T Merlask the poster ever give straightforward answers? Remember that guide folks when the servers were a LOT larger? It's the other Dev following suit that shocked me
    Edit Edit:
    Funny Thread title?...[looks up, spits coffee out...pretty amazing for a person who wasn't DRINKING coffee! ]
    Reminds me of that Adult Swim "Robot Chicken" where Cory's Haim and Feldman mention that thing they do.....I'll stop here as that finishing the sentence with the word might be considered offensive

    Unfortunately, I seem to have the "Luck of Cerulean" as an innate ability meaning I don't pull as of much a collapsed potrable hole let alone anything that useful, then I get one or two days of great luck before the cycle repeats itself. While I have not ever pulled said hole (or a spell storing ring, or a bloodstone, or a...but I digress....) I have pulled some medium and large ingredient things including those ellusive shards (not that supreme one yet with the sour cream and tomatoes, but again I digress...) and wondered when you said "end reward," did you mean the final chest(s) IN the raid or the raid's complete, speak to the NPC and get your "final end reward?"

    I really hope it's the former. That means I could potentially cleanse an item IN the raid and have a chance of getting said shard to upgrade my item to its final altar's power (so interested in trying that potential undead protection out too) than rather than be guaranteed waiting 2 days and 18 hours just to have to cleanse an item once I get that essence.

    And so I don't mess up those oh so easy to charge large cells, can anybody post the actual items you place in that altar to properly do the ritual? (Oh wait, my wizard of elemental castings got a greater Void lore of Gr Spell pen III a +11 magic insta cell recharge item...looks like I have another chance and cell to recharge, but please still post this answer anyway...)

    Oh, while I look at my last raid attempt reminding me of my 6 of 8 chest all developers...PLEASE CODE SOMETHING TO STOP HAVING WARFORGED PULL ARMOR OUT OF EACH FINAL CHEST SO MUCH!

    I ignored it when it happened the first 5 times, but pulling on average from parts 1-3 (we don't always make it to the end of part 4...) 6 pieces of armor (and a majority of them of course are sacred) from 8 chests is getting rediculous! I don't even have the option of using them as recharge cell items and often that's IT besides some platinum.

    I'd even accept it were skewered to docent at least, but COME ON, a raid's END CHESTS should be giving me better stuff than that!

    And to all those who joke about that, may you all get sacred docents from your chests and nothing else
    Last edited by query; 02-27-2008 at 07:09 PM.

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    There is a chance to receive an essence of cleansing as an end reward.
    Is it possible when she says "as an end reward" she means as an end reward for those weird collectible quests?
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  4. #64
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Exclamation Nooooooooooooo!

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Is it possible when she says "as an end reward" she means as an end reward for those weird collectible quests?
    No...[in denial] I'm not listeining...LALALALA!

    Seriously, what a **** waste. You're lucky to get a portal fragment or nail, they bind and don't store anywhere making even the shards of power look more managable (since you only need 1, can use at the altar and don't have to collect 100 for items-that seemly drop as rarely as shards-on part 1 of the Shroud.)

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

  5. #65
    Community Member Volpe's Avatar
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    You know I thought they had pills now-a-days to get rid of "taint".

  6. #66
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by query View Post
    No...[in denial] I'm not listeining...LALALALA!

    Seriously, what a **** waste. You're lucky to get a portal fragment or nail, they bind and don't store anywhere making even the shards of power look more managable (since you only need 1, can use at the altar and don't have to collect 100 for items-that seemly drop as rarely as shards-on part 1 of the Shroud.)
    After about 15 runs I'm up to 2 on one of the collectible quests. Healing something or another.

    So that would make it roughly 750 runs in the shroud on one character to be able to cleanse a green steel item. If I'm lucky...
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

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