Though I must admit I was enjoying the thread, I also must admit that I am quite impressed that Tolero gave us an answer straight forward. Thank you Tolero, Thank you very much.
Though I must admit I was enjoying the thread, I also must admit that I am quite impressed that Tolero gave us an answer straight forward. Thank you Tolero, Thank you very much.
The Old Timers Guild
"Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!"
>> Open to the Public! <<
I think most of us are in stunned silence and don't know what to do.
MT and Tecno are right now trying to decipher the hidden meaning of essence, and whether you need to diplo the altar first for it to work, Strakelin is trying to figure out where in Qwijymart he can stock them, Dane is readying his speech to quell the unnerved masses, and our guild leader Davey Crockett is no changing the loot the first 3 parts on elite strategy to looting on elite then finishing on normal for the end reward on as many characters as we have. Villiansimple is going to find something unbalancing about it, Scarsgaard will kick a puppy(don't worry its a stunt puupy) into the shroud for good luck, Legion will try to be the first to obtain the essence and make a post in the achievement forums, and Freeman and I will complain that this is cause for rogue feats to be broken.
Its Dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! !!!!!!!!!
Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
Proud Member of Ascent
Arko Highstar
Arckos Highstar
All the things in my not exist...
you do not crank down the mast. There is no bridge/runnel/overhead obstacle we would attempt to go under we could not clear safely with our mast up...not even the Coronodo Bridge...or the one in Rhoad Island...or Yorktown. It just LOOKS like we might hit it.
a bucket of steam would dissipate.
a "bulkhead" is a wall. They do not sell "wall remover" except in sledgehammer (or cutting torch) form.
Davie Jones' locker is the deep six...death...
gig line is the line of the edge of your button up shirt to the belt buckle to the edge of the flap of your trousers...
water line is where the water come up to on a ship in the water...floating...
a HT is a sailor in the rating Hull Technician...ask him for a HT punch...he will punch you.
we get our mail by helo or when we pull into port, not by finding a buoy floating in the water with our mail in it.
these are things you send "Boots" (as in bootcamp and in navy n00bs) to do to mess with them...
send them on an impossible mission...someone will help you out by sending them somewhere else...or giving them something that resembles it..
to play along with the joke.
Ensigns are boots too...I heard one talking about the mail buoy...they needed to get a Kapok (life jacket), an aloft-safety harness, a length of line (rope), and a boat hook to retrieve it and be ready on station at 0000 (balls)(0'dark hundred)(when the captain and other senior officers are all asleep)(when no one responsible can be held accountable)...
Ok...I spelled it out. I am reasonable...even if I should get in trouble for the original post..k?
Also, can someone get me a can of A1R...or air.
Thank goodness Tolero gave us a proper
Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 02-22-2008 at 05:48 PM.
Thread of the week material here - a clear concise answer...I'm still stunned.![]()
Dear Posters;
Reality sucks. Fantasy games are a great way to escape reality. So please stop forcing reality into our fantasy discussions. We certainly don't need the reminder.
Thanks for your understanding
Um, if thats the case, why has no one reported getting this mysterious essence of cleansing yet.
I mean the raid has been beaten dozens and dozens of times, x12 people getting rewards... Thats hundreds of end rewards with zero reported.
Or do you mean the 20th end reward?
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
In the Army, we send the FNG's off to find the Platoon Sergeant and ask him for a PRC-E7 (pronounced Prick E Seven)
FYI: PRC-# are radios, so the newb is thinking he's asking for that, but........E-7 is the rank of the PSG.
Ah.....watching them "push". That was always a good laugh.
P.S. Go get me a box of grid squares was always fun too.
Ghallanda - The a team
Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous
Exactly what I was going to ask...
I admit I only completed it 3 times so far, but still, with so many groups of 12 having completing it, I find it strange that no one got that essense as a reward, server-wide...
Til Tolero or Eladrin specify about this, I'm assuming it is as a 20th run reward list.
"Frequency Grease. Never forget to lube the antenna with Frequency Grease. Speaking of that, could you go get another barrel of the stuff? We are running low"
We in the AF also send em out for 20 ft of flight line, the K9-P, 400Htz batteries, and of course the keys to the jet (yes even the pilots in training here fall for it, and this isn't even their first stop in the flight training!)
If you know what coolenal looks like, it is bright neon green. We filled an empty fuse with it and told the noob to get in his haz gear (cause it was radioactive ofc) and take it next door to avionics shop (I was LANTIRN.) Half way there the shop chief snuck up behind him and scared him so bad he dropped the fuse.....then he REALLY started to freak out!
Also don't forget to echo check the intakes of the jet....(guess how THIS is accomplished)
...and this is how we say, "Welcome to the shop." Wait till you see how we say goodbye...![]()
Last edited by PhoenixFire31; 02-22-2008 at 07:39 PM. : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!
Originally Posted by Deaths Ward