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  1. #21
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Please explain power attack and its uses. Why is it worth getting? Also benefits of staying pure Barb is what exactly? Also what are green steel weapons/armor and their stats? Anything worth considering?
    Last edited by Pyrothraxus; 02-27-2008 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #22
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    PAttack increases damage by +5 while -5 to hit. If you use two-handed weapons, the damage is doubled. There are also Barb (and WF for that matter) enhancements for PA. PA is a must on all Barb builds IMHO, no questions asked. Take it at lvl 3 on a pure build.

    Green Steel weapons are available through new crafting process in Mod6 (after a lot of planning and looting ingredients I might add). I think they are worthwhile, but others are not completely convinced.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrothraxus View Post
    Please explain power attack and its uses. Why is it worth getting? Also benefits of staying pure Barb is what exactly? Also what are green steel weapons/armor and their stats? Anything worth considering?
    It's all about DPS. Your to hit while raged at end game is high enough that you can run around in power attack with all enhancements and still rarely miss. I have a Dwarf Barb with PA and all enhancements and only take off power attack against maybe half dozen fights in the whole game. I would never build a barb without it maxed.

  4. #24
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Now lets see if I understand this correctly... +5 attack -5 acc at its base.... Maxing out will cost about 6 APs..... heh gonna have to see where i can pull that from the build. What stats are there for green weps/gear? is there a website that has a database of armors an how they are aquired?

  5. #25
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrothraxus View Post
    Depending on what weps i can get my hands on im gonna try to main hand Khopesh and Offhand a W/P Rapier or Heavy Pick. Im guessing Picks would be a better route due to a higher crit range compared to rapiers?
    You have this backwards. Rapiers have the higher crit range. Picks have the lowest possible crit range of any weapon in the game. They have a higher damage multiplier. The only thing that matters for puncturing is the range, however.

    If you have a w/p rapier, it will never be in your off-hand (unless you have two of them). Either go with DPS or go with stat damage. Don't wield a DPS weapon in one hand and a stat damage in the other. Do one thing at a time.

    Also, you're mixing slashing and piercing. This would require two improved critical feats to make the most of the weapons.

  6. #26
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    With oversized wep feat which hand you have the rapier shouldnt matter no? Or did i misunderstand that? I was thinking of doing DPS Khopesh and puncturing rapier at low levels and a Vorpal Khopesh + puncturing pick/rapier at higher lvls. Why would having a mix of DPS weps and status weps be a bad thing? I would think that they would compliment each other with one weakening the enemy and the other finishing them off?

  7. #27


    They are saying either to go only DPS or Stat dmg to get the most bang for your buck. If you mix, you aren't really doing great DPS or Stat dmg.

    I agree with this for all types of stat dmg EXCEPT Con dmg. Now this is just my opinion, but as I understand it, con dmg will lower your current HP based on how much con dmg you take, even if you aren't at full health (this is why you die when you take your con item off at very low health, or your rage ends). So Con dmg and DPS compliment each other in my opinion. You don't don't have to be con dmging mobs to death for con dmg to be useful.

    Edit: I will note, since I brought up picks and w/p, I didn't make my first post every clear, or think about it enough. If you went Imp. Crit: Pierce, you're probably better off using picks for DPS and another weapon type for w/p. Unless a pick is all you have. Though I still wounder if dual w/p heavy pick wouldn't synergize well based on the rest of this post.
    Last edited by negative; 02-27-2008 at 07:10 PM.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  8. #28
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    In all Honesty I don't believe you will need oversized two weapon fighting. With the barbs raged strength so high your not going to have a problem hitting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrothraxus View Post
    With oversized wep feat which hand you have the rapier shouldnt matter no? Or did i misunderstand that? I was thinking of doing DPS Khopesh and puncturing rapier at low levels and a Vorpal Khopesh + puncturing pick/rapier at higher lvls. Why would having a mix of DPS weps and status weps be a bad thing? I would think that they would compliment each other with one weakening the enemy and the other finishing them off?

  9. #29
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrothraxus View Post
    With oversized wep feat which hand you have the rapier shouldnt matter no? Or did i misunderstand that?
    That's not the reason why. The off-hand gets fewer swings than the main hand. You'll want to get as many swings with that rapier as possible, so it will be in your main hand.

    You'll notice that when you W/P things they will appear to die with near full health because you're constantly dropping their maximum health. DPS in your off-hand won't kill anywhere remotely close to as fast as another W/P or even a puncturing weapon. You're going to reach 0 con well before you reach zero HP, so you may as well focus on getting to zero con faster.

    Mixing the two just tries to kill your target two different ways at the same time, both slower than it would if you combined them.

    All that said, if you're new to the game, don't plan out a build for a W/P rapier. Very few are out there floating around to be traded.

    W/P items are so rare because they require two different bonuses to a weapon, one of which only appears on piercing weapons. There are fewer piercing weapon types than blunt or slashing because of the lack of two-handers. On top of that, crit range matters. Unlike a vorpal, where any slasher is as good as the next, there is only one weapon that is the "best" W/P.

    So, for the rarity of a w/p rapier to be compared to a vorpal, consider it to be about the same odds as finding a vorpal scimitar of pure good, and no other type of vorpal.

    The odds of finding any type of W/P weapon would be like finding a vorpal of pure good scimitar, kukri, longsword or battle axe, except unlike the vorpals, which kind it is makes a big difference.

    That's how much more rare they are.
    Last edited by Hadrian; 02-28-2008 at 02:11 AM.

  10. #30
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Lots of good points. I was not aware that offhand swung less than main and thought they swung equal. Stat dmgers would be better off on main so it has more chances to proc. About oversized 2WF. How big of an impact would it be if i didnt get it? Also as far as Power attack is concerned.... With the feat +3 Barb enhancement and +3 WF enhancement.... what is my dmg potential? +11dmg? How badly am i going to be missing? Is i worth getting all 6 enhancements?
    Last edited by Pyrothraxus; 02-28-2008 at 12:08 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    If you have TWF feats already, and you wield any weapon in your main hand with a light weapon in your offhand, you will get a -2 to hit penalty on both hands. If the weapon in your offhand is not light, then the penalty is -4 to each hand. Oversized TWF removes this penalty so that you only get a -2 to both hands no matter what is in your offhand.

    If you fully enhance PA with barbarian and WF lines, you'll get an additional -11 to hit that adds with this.

    So with the PA enhancements and without OTWF, you will get a -15 to hit.
    With the PA enhancements and with OTWF, you'll get a -13 to hit.

    With base PA and without OTWF, you'll get a -7 to hit.
    With base PA and with OTWF, you'll get a -5 to hit.

    Yes, base power attack is +5 damage per hit (+10 for Two-Handed Fighting).
    Fully enhanced it will be +11 damage per hit (+22 for THF).

    -13 to hit will cause you problems unless you're well equipped. Once you get the gear, you should be able to hit most content with this, but -13 is pushing it a little bit.

  12. #32
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Default Ouch

    -15 Does sting a bit. Im not sure Oversized TWF adding 2 would make all that big of a difference. What equipment are u talking about that would help missing? or is it that increasing a stat that would help with missing less such as str?

  13. #33
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Yes, things like a +6 str item, +2-3 str tome, madstone boots, bloodstone, planar girds and so on. Not things that are too difficult to get, but they can take time. It took me a couple of months to get madstone boots on my THF barbarian simply because they would never drop when he was in the raid.

    Anything that improves your strength or to-hit or increases your ability to confirm criticals.

    Let's assume you've taken a +2 str tome at 1750 favor, you maxed str at creation and at each level up attrubute point, and you have a +6 str item.

    You should have 30 str base and 40 str single raged, right?

    Then your base to hit with a +5 weapon is:

    16 BAB
    +15 str
    +5 weapon
    - 15 full PA without OTWF
    +1 rage potion/spell
    +1 madstone rage
    +1 haste
    +4 greater heroism
    +1 double madstone (clicky plus on-hit effect)
    +1-3 scourge choker

    The last two are difficult to maintain and come with some drawbacks.

    Then, with the bloodstone you get an additional +6 to-hit when attempting to confirm criticals. This means that as long as you hit on a 7 or better, you'll always confirm a critical hit.

  14. #34


    FYI, with GTWF, you now get the same number of main hand and off-hand attacks, 5 each for a total of 10.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  15. #35
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Neg thanks for posting that link. Good info on alot of stuff that I was not aware of. Now as for AC requirements endgame. With low AC if Adamantine feat is not taken wouldnt a barb be taking mass amounts of dmg? Like at lvl 10ish when u spend a good chunk of time in gianthold Qs? If your doing a good job dealing damage you will pull your share of the hate and dont want to be an SP sponge or spend 75% of the time face down. At the same time I dont mind chugging some pots to help with the healing but I dont want to have to by a full stack every 3 quests either. Typically what AC will u have at these levels and what should i keep in mind while fighting at these levels with low AC?

    Hadrian looks like ive got alot of items im gonna have to keep an eye out for. Heh and here I was just thinking about Deathnips XD
    Last edited by Pyrothraxus; 03-03-2008 at 12:31 PM.

  16. #36


    I think this was mentioned earlier in the thread, but it might make sence to take the Adamantine Body feat at character creation, and respec it out around levels 10-12. At low levels the extra AC will make a difference, but you'll stop seeing as much of a benifit after around level 10-12.

    As far as being low AC in the end game:

    - a lot of people use fearsome armor to great affect (though it does get annoying chasing those feared mobs down after a while).

    - Bring a shield. Not for the AC, but for the damage reduction while shield block. Know when to turtle up when needed.

    - Use the damage reduction boost

    - Find a good intimtank and group with them

    - Just play smart. A smart player will make the lack of armor less noticable. Let the other melee guys grab some aggro first. Even if you pull it away from them shortly, thats a few attacks less on you.

    - And last but not least, give you cleric donations if you feel you're taking an excessive amount of damage. It will keep the heals coming.

    That said, I might not be the best person to give advice on the topic, as I don't like to build my own characters that way. Personally, I don't think there is any reason you can't get a noticable amount of AC, even on a THF (though you might lose a little DPS). Though, on a barbarian, I will admit, there is less encouragement to do so after your down -4 AC from double raging.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by negative View Post
    As far as being low AC in the end game:

    - a lot of people use fearsome armor to great affect (though it does get annoying chasing those feared mobs down after a while).
    Don't bother chasing them, unless it is a mob required to kill for completion.

  18. #38
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    If you're a warforged, forget AC and just get a Docent of Defiance. The body feat is not worth the space it takes up past the first half of the level range.

  19. #39
    Community Member Pyrothraxus's Avatar
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    Default What makes a wep a good wep?

    So what makes a wep worth holding on to? What makes a wep an "Epic"? My basic understanding is if it has certain atributes for example Vorps, Paralyzing, Smithing, Desrupting, Wounding and/or Peircing weps? Kinda want to get a better understanding so that i dont NPC something that may seem worthless to me but is actually a sought after wep. Also does Keen stack with barb +crit range? or Improved Crit Feat? Same question for armors also. Which one do u typically hold on to for sale/trade? Stat improving items im assuming +5 and up are worth holding on to. Some clarifications would be great!. Thanks guys.

  20. #40
    Community Member Blind_Skwerl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyrothraxus View Post
    Level 16 Neutral Good Warforged Male
    (2 Fighter / 14 Barbarian)
    Hit Points: 272
    Spell Points: 0
    My only recommendation.... change the name. Sounds like a plat seller.
    Tourbillon * Hyper * Headbanger * Speedstick * Arkane


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