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  1. #1
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    Default level 7 spell selection?

    I was going to post this earlier but my boss came in.. and then threads starting popping up for every level BUT 7

    I just can't decide what to take first....

    Otto's Disco Ball

    Banishment sounds pretty cool for the vale... but does it work well?
    Finger is pretty cool, although my PKs generally stick pretty well....
    Dancing Sphere seems fairly popular, but ... I can't get excited by it....

    What do you guys think?
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
    |.....ALE TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    I obviously have NOTHING (cough) constructive to say, seeing as how I am agonizing over my first 6th level spell, except to say good luck with that

  3. #3
    Community Member Lyletuba's Avatar
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    I'm an insta-kill Sorc.
    For me, this lvl was a no-brainer: FoD - one less saving throw for the target than PK and higher DC (assuming you don't use Heighten).
    Then for my second 7th lvl spell I took Banishment - multi-target and works awesome in the new area for Mod 6 (Outsiders only).

    For crowd control, disc ball is great but it is pretty common (if you have a Bard or Wiz or another Sorc in your group then it's probably covered).

    Hope that helps.
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  4. #4
    Community Member skraus1's Avatar
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    If in doubt, finger is always the right answer

    Now playing on Thelanis because Turbines loves to nerf things.

  5. #5
    Community Member Arleon's Avatar
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    I recently found the joy of use the sphere in conjunction with chain lightning. Of course any AoE spell is good when you've got a group of nasties standing still, well dancing.
    I personally went with Finger at 14, got Otto's at 15, just for raw killing power. You just need to be keep sp conservation in mind as you can burn out faster since you can now flick your wrist and kill.

  6. #6
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arleon View Post
    You just need to be keep sp conservation in mind as you can burn out faster since you can now flick your wrist and kill.
    What he said sounds good to me
    Last edited by Merkinsal; 02-27-2008 at 10:46 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    FoD really is awesome. It makes a lot of stuff a lot easier to handle. Don't get lulled into thinking it'll always land though, or that its the be-all, end-all spell just because you can finger stuff in the desert without breaking your stride. As soon as you hit the Vale (and even some areas of the desert where creatures have SR) you do need to invest (or re-invest) some resources into spell penetration to get it to land consistently.

    Discoball is also great. Didn't know what to expect from it but its actually really useful. Lasts a long time, good AoE, useful effect (immobilises and imposes a nasty penalty to dex).

    I've seen banishment used really effectively but I've heard people say its AoE is too small, so I got dismissal instead.

    DBF is also apparently awesome, but haven't seen it used much in the new content.
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  8. #8
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dariuss View Post
    I was going to post this earlier but my boss came in.. and then threads starting popping up for every level BUT 7

    I just can't decide what to take first....

    Otto's Disco Ball

    Banishment sounds pretty cool for the vale... but does it work well?
    Finger is pretty cool, although my PKs generally stick pretty well....
    Dancing Sphere seems fairly popular, but ... I can't get excited by it....

    What do you guys think?
    I like dancing sphere, but due to the nature of mobs find it not htat wonderfully useful for me. also, things with high will saves in high level stuff kinda pass through it and aggro on me. Things like clerics.
    I cannot do as much crowd control while a cleric is blasting light spells on me or cometfalling me.

    Banishment is fun, but only works as insta death to those that can be banished. With everyone carrying paralyzers, banishers, and other crowd control weapons I seldom ever need it..

    I keep finger as an upgrade to phantasmal killer and the cool grphics as something dies.

    Others I have heard people get excited about

    - Delayed blast fireball
    -mass hold person (awesome spell indeed) grabs three at once.
    -Symbol of stunning (the scrolls work good enough, but with other additives it is quite awesome indeed, some like it better than the ball)

    Stuff I tried and hated.

    -control undead - Great spell, lasts forever...unfortunately the cooldown in soooo long, I think like 2 or 3 minutes, that it is completely useless and should never be used. One save and you wait forever to try again.
    -Power word blind - does not affect things with more than 600 hit points, making it near useless to me on any high level content.
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