I want a WoP Rapier.
In exchange, I will give you:
1. WoP Bow
2. WoP Light XBow
some PP. Not a ton, b/c I don't have a ton. But a fair chunk.
Please PM if interested.
I want a WoP Rapier.
In exchange, I will give you:
1. WoP Bow
2. WoP Light XBow
some PP. Not a ton, b/c I don't have a ton. But a fair chunk.
Please PM if interested.
Not gonna happen.. Even at it's best which is assuming a Barb with improve crit would waste feats to make it happen your going to get a what 18- 20 crit range on the bow... Where the rapier can get you as far as a 15 - 20 without the barb skill.. and don't even get me started on how useless the crossbow is!
If this trade is accepted they are either VERRRRRY Generous, or stupid.. either way good luck with that!
Funny but, one of these just completed on Sarlona.
For me, I agree - the rapier is better.
For some other builds, they may prefer the Bow + XBow.
The bow is actually pretty impressive. With multishot on, and IC: Ranged, it surpasses my WoP rapier by far. Especially if you line up the mobs ....
So while I appreciate your feedback, [edited]
It is more a scarcity of the rapier, the WOP bows are much more abundant than the Rapier.
Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer
I know I know ... You're absolutely right
BUT that's why I'm offering the BOW, the XBOW ... and a plat kicker.
Anyway, I'd take offers on the XBOW separately as well. I won't give up the BOW except for the rapier swap, or maybe anotehr WoP puncturer (shortsword or dagger).
Your getting it wrong.. It's not that they are a rarer drop.. you have Rapier and ss which are both commonly saught after because of their extremely low possible crit range. The problem is not the drop rate, it that people who find them don't get rid of them!
Most people don't know how or don't want to take the time to invest in a build too make the bow work properly, it's easy to tweak for a rapier or ss.
Who said anything about drop rate? They ARE scarce do do exactly what you said. Nobody will get rid of one. You almost never see a WOP rapier on the auction, you find bows on there constantly.
Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer