Hi all,
I am 4 levels in to my battle cleric build, and would appreciate some advice before changes start to cost days, gold, and dragonshards. I run a well respected pure bard with 28 STR (Raged) that operates similarly. I am very used to fighting and healing at the same time.
The intent is to develop a cleric who fights competitively with a fighter, and who can heal competitively with a pure healer. I understand there are some pros and cons to this build. I'm looking for any gross oversights I may have made. Please review the highlights of the build below:
Starting Stats (~End Stats):
18 STR (30) [18 + 1 Tome + 1 Human Enh + 6 item + 4 lvl bonus)
8 DEX (16) [+6 Item + 2 Tome]
16 CON (20) [+6 Item + 2 Tome]
8 INT (14) [+6 Item]
16 WIS (28) [+ 1 Human enh + 3 Cleric Enh + 2 Tome + 6 Item]
8 CHA (18) [+6 Item + 3 Cleric Enh + 1 Tome]
LVL 1: Toughness, Khopesh Proficiency, Power Attack (FTR, FTR, HUMAN)
LVL 3: Mental Toughness
LVL 6: Improved Mental Toughness
LVL 9: Extend (For Aid, Shield, Divine Power, etc. to enhance Melee)
LVL 12: Improved Critical Slashing
LVL 15: Empower Healing Meta Feat
Sovereign Host Advanced: Full Heal
1. I can deal damage like an exotic specced fighter (minus weapon spec.)
2. I have full healing capabilities and decent SP (minus maximize/empower)
3. I have enough hitpoints and AC (Esp. w/ Tower Shield) to enter a fight safely
4. I have a decent DC to cast offensive cleric spells (although I won't land as many as a 34 WIS will)
5. I have all of the Cleric Spells
1. I don't turn undead like a champ (but I can use the new spell that grants +4 to DC if needed)
2. I don't have a lot of DVs
3. My blade barriers won't be UBER
1. I may swap my Toughness for Diehard later
That's it. Thank you for your help.
Sinj, Hysteria, Rainj, Greylock