What about dual holyburst silver of maiming... on 20 crit weapons? This falchion is decent enough, but the DR is a big deal. A very big deal.
What about dual holyburst silver of maiming... on 20 crit weapons? This falchion is decent enough, but the DR is a big deal. A very big deal.
Exile of Xoriat
This reminds me of a ranger I meet the other day, silly boy he was.
The Khopesh dual weilder requires a lot more feats than just using a simple two-hander. And I would still argue against it because I do not believe you could get a constant off-hand crit confirmation with out enhancement/feat use.
But for say a paladin straight out of the gate this weapon is better.
Malnon - 16 Cleric; Malnak - 2 Ranger/12 Fighter; Malnom - 6 Monk
Hey, would a +5 holy Falchion be any good? It's kinda plain, and on the low end, but, a Paladin can actually summon one nowadays, and pass them on to the badly equiped tanks.
Maybe for a ranger it's quite silly.
I guess I have a bias opinion because I have a lot of feats being a human fighter. I've focused my build specificaly on DPS with high HP all the while meeting my minimum base Dex for Superior TWF
So the long and skinny of it is it's very easy to build a Duel Khopesh Weilding Fighter with all of the important DPS and Focus feats with 45 AC, 500 HP, oh and 25 UMD. Definitely not the highest DPS build possible but pretty close I think.
Thanks all for the replies. With the feedback I will probably just keep it for a warmage whos coming up slowly.
As far as 2 Khopeshes having more dps, I would hope so.
Exotic Weapon Khopesh, Twf, Itwf, Gtwf, Stwf, Otwf(you factor in -2 attack for the khopeshes?)
I would think someone spending 3 more feats would do a bit more dps.
So can we compare it to a 2hander, in the hands of a imp crit II Barb, and see how it compares?
I am not worried bout it's trade value, just asking if someone wants to do the math vs Sos and transmuting weapon.
sword of shadows does not win in this case, because it does not bypass the DR of the mob.
holy silver great axe/falchion is what needs to be used if you are doublehanding your wpn.
2 kopeshs do the most damage in the game for twf, period.
Hump? What hump?
Woohoo math challenge.
Since Vhlad isn't coming to our defense here, he's forcing me to do all the work. That bastage!
I'm not as good with the numbers as he is but here's the DPS calculator for you to play around with:
If I have time at work today I'll parse the weapons out in excel and post my findings for ya.
from what i understand
On normal the SOS is still pretty uber - on elite his dr shoots way up and transmuters or silver and good weaps take the cake.
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths