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  1. #1
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Default Price Check +1 holy burst falchion of greater lawful outsider bane

    Wtt or sale. Curious how much plat I should ask for it.

  2. #2
    Community Member Eldun's Avatar
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    If it ain't silver it won't bypass the demon DR.
    Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
    Officer of Pestilence. Looting's our business and business was good until the Dev's ruined the game by making everything exclusive, bound to account, and ridiculously trivial.

  3. #3
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Default ....

    who cares about dr....thats about as good a weapon as your gonna find for him

  4. #4
    Community Member malnon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juniorpfactors View Post
    who cares about dr....thats about as good a weapon as your gonna find for him
    Agreed. You loose base weapon damage but deal 5d6 from bane/holy and then burst damage. But, most THF have a great deal of str and can deal some base damage. Plus, without an effect needing to bypass DR to use it is all about damage. I would be interested, but doubt I have anything worth while.
    Malnon - 16 Cleric; Malnak - 2 Ranger/12 Fighter; Malnom - 6 Monk

  5. #5
    Founder draeconius's Avatar
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    Default =)

    Trade ya a +1 vorpal falchion of righteousness for it
    Scourge of Xoriat|Draeconis ~ Sorceror|Iome ~ Fighter||Drefen ~ Cleric|Tipsie ~ Barbarian|

  6. #6
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    That is a darn good weapon for Two Handed Fighters who do not have a Sword of Shadows.

    I would say it is worth between 100 K and 200 K to someone who is a Two Handed Fighter (are there any left still with the new 5th attack????) very far from their X/20th Dragon raid and who does the Shroud a lot. The fact that you'll have a hard time finding such a person might drive the price down to the lower end of the range though.... i.e. 100 K Plat.

    To set the reccord straight because there is some false information above:

    I can out DPS that weapon by leaps and bounds with 2 + 5 Transmuting Khopeshes.

    A sword of shadows will also out DPS that weapon by a fairly large amount.

    The average additional damage added on by the bane and holy is 17.5

    So every hit you get an additional 20.5 damage from the Holy and the Greater Bane.

    His Damage Reduction is 15. So you're daining 5.5 more damage versus a regular + 5 Transmuting Falchion.

    Take into consideration that the critical multiplier on a Falchion is only x 2 instead of x 3 for Duel Weilding Khopeshes or the Sword of Shadows (albeit the Khopesh has a lower crit range) and that weapon is not even in the same league.


    edited because I did my original math with holy instead of holy burst.
    Last edited by Drith; 02-20-2008 at 03:54 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Vizzini's Avatar
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    Prob can get away with 150 - 200k pp for it. I'd recommend NOT using the AH for the sale (so you don't take the loss)
    ~Requeim ~ Aviale ~ Tomein ~ Twillee ~ Vizzini
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper
    <+Keeper> Monks make the best guacamole..

  8. #8
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drith View Post
    That is a darn good weapon for Two Handed Fighters who do not have a Sword of Shadows.

    I would say it is worth between 100 K and 200 K to someone who is a Two Handed Fighter (are there any left still with the new 5th attack????) very far from their X/20th Dragon raid and who does the Shroud a lot. The fact that you'll have a hard time finding such a person might drive the price down to the lower end of the range though.... i.e. 100 K Plat.

    To set the reccord straight because there is some false information above:

    I can out DPS that weapon by leaps and bounds with 2 + 5 Transmuting Khopeshes.

    A sword of shadows will also out DPS that weapon by a fairly large amount.

    The average additional damage added on by the bane and holy is 17.5

    So every hit you get an additional 20.5 damage from the Holy and the Greater Bane.

    His Damage Reduction is 15. So you're daining 5.5 more damage versus a regular + 5 Transmuting Falchion.

    Take into consideration that the critical multiplier on a Falchion is only x 2 instead of x 3 for Duel Weilding Khopeshes or the Sword of Shadows (albeit the Khopesh has a lower crit range) and that weapon is not even in the same league.


    edited because I did my original math with holy instead of holy burst.
    crit range of 15-20 ..vs 17-20 on a reg tank ..... and it is a +5 against the end guy and with +10 dmg with power attack did you think of these ?????????

  9. #9
    Community Member Venar's Avatar
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    It's not +5 because it starts with +1. The +5 transmuting is +4 above, so it evens out at +1 only.

  10. #10
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venar View Post
    It's not +5 because it starts with +1. The +5 transmuting is +4 above, so it evens out at +1 only.
    of course its a +5 thats what the "greater lawful outsider bane" does it makes the weapon +4 better than its normal enhancments as well as it adds 3d6 every swing

    sorry you dont understand greater bane effects


  11. #11
    Community Member malnon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drith View Post
    That is a darn good weapon for Two Handed Fighters who do not have a Sword of Shadows.

    I would say it is worth between 100 K and 200 K to someone who is a Two Handed Fighter (are there any left still with the new 5th attack????) very far from their X/20th Dragon raid and who does the Shroud a lot. The fact that you'll have a hard time finding such a person might drive the price down to the lower end of the range though.... i.e. 100 K Plat.

    To set the reccord straight because there is some false information above:

    I can out DPS that weapon by leaps and bounds with 2 + 5 Transmuting Khopeshes.

    A sword of shadows will also out DPS that weapon by a fairly large amount.

    The average additional damage added on by the bane and holy is 17.5

    So every hit you get an additional 20.5 damage from the Holy and the Greater Bane.

    His Damage Reduction is 15. So you're daining 5.5 more damage versus a regular + 5 Transmuting Falchion.

    Take into consideration that the critical multiplier on a Falchion is only x 2 instead of x 3 for Duel Weilding Khopeshes or the Sword of Shadows (albeit the Khopesh has a lower crit range) and that weapon is not even in the same league.


    edited because I did my original math with holy instead of holy burst.

    The holy and bane bypass DR. The DR only applies to the +1 (magic) +4 (bane) +STR +damage modifier +weapon damage=base weapon damage. Any other damage (i.e. holy and bane in this case)should show as red, not yellow. I use elemental/bane weapons to beat down DR toons all the time with low STR toons. There is now way a single +5 transmuting khopesh can keep up. I am not sure about dual weilding though. Also, with that DR a STR 30 tank is bypassing it on every hit with his STR bonus alone, so the +1(magic) +4(bane) +damage modifier +weapon damage=base weapon damage is still hitting it, not including any crits which will multiply the STR damage done.

    Formual editted to include weapon damage for clarification.
    Last edited by malnon; 02-20-2008 at 04:48 PM.
    Malnon - 16 Cleric; Malnak - 2 Ranger/12 Fighter; Malnom - 6 Monk

  12. #12
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    Its not silver that passes LE devils' DR, its pierce+good.
    Make it a rapier and it would triple its value.

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  13. #13
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malnon View Post
    The holy and bane bypass DR. The DR only applies to the +1 (magic) +4 (bane) +STR +damage modifier. Any other damage should show as red, not yellow. I use elemental/bane weapons to beat down DR toons all the time with low STR toons. There is now way a +5 trasmuting khopesh can keep up.
    ding ding ding ding winner is ....not a +5 transmuting khopesh...while a decent weapon there a many better possibilities

    one of my toons uses a +1 holy burst greatsword of greater evil outsider bane...... its just a long string of ready numbers...... just sick

  14. #14
    Community Member malnon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juniorpfactors View Post
    ding ding ding ding winner is ....not a +5 transmuting khopesh...while a decent weapon there a many better possibilities

    one of my toons uses a +1 holy burst greatsword of greater evil outsider bane...... its just a long string of ready numbers...... just sick

    Hells yeah, one thing I know is math.
    Malnon - 16 Cleric; Malnak - 2 Ranger/12 Fighter; Malnom - 6 Monk

  15. #15
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    Yes is will do good damge against mr pit fiend, But a +5 TRans falction woudl out damage it, looking at the number abover this woudl beat the base trans BUT when you take in to acount 15 more damage on EVERY glancing blow, you only need to get one glance per 3 swings to beat this out, and from my observations with all teh feats and dubble glance on 5th swing, i avverage better then 1 in 3.

    Add damage liek gtr bains etc will out damage Dr buypassers untill the Dr gets high enough then especaly with 2hand fighting, passing the Dr gessts better.
    The break poitn for most weapon coem out even at about 10 dr thsi si an exceptional weapon so that break evne point woudl be closer to 15.

    Now Ecellent damage would be + x weapon z transmuting of PG or gtr bain, that thing would rock him add damage and dr buypassing.

    A Pit fiends DR is GOOD and SILVER at the same time not pirce as some one said
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
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  16. #16
    Community Member malnon's Avatar
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    What is the weapon damage and crit range/multiplier on a falchion and khopesh.
    Malnon - 16 Cleric; Malnak - 2 Ranger/12 Fighter; Malnom - 6 Monk

  17. #17
    Founder ace_mason's Avatar
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    Default Holy silver bypasses dr. Or silver pure good

    If it aint holy burst silver it aint ****
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  18. #18
    Community Member Rayzorlew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desteria View Post
    Now Ecellent damage would be + x weapon z transmuting of PG or gtr bain, that thing would rock him add damage and dr buypassing.
    So what would my "+1 Transmuting Greatsword of Greater Evil Outsider bane" be worth?
    Womp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor

  19. #19
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    I never said a single + 5 Transmuting Khopesh would keep up.

    I said that Duel Weilding + 5 Transmuting Khopeshes would out DPS it by a long shot.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayzorlew View Post
    So what would my "+1 Transmuting Greatsword of Greater Evil Outsider bane" be worth?
    More then the Falchion above but less then a +1 Transmuting Falchion of Greater Evil Outsider Bane" and much much less then 2 Transmuting Khopeshes of Greater Evil Outsider Bane.


    Ya know... I wonder how many people are using sub par weapons again him thinking they are actually really uber.

    We need Vhlad to come by here and post in his DDO DPS calculator and then you guys can all put in different stuff and see what comes out. (I can't confirm that I have the right one from work because the site is blocked).

    What you'll find is the Sword Of Shadows comes out on top. 15-20 Crit range with a x3 Multiplier.

    A Falchion has a 15-20 Crit Range (always assuming improved crit) but with only a x 2 multiplier.

    Given that you're landing a crit 28.5 &#37; of all of your swings. The x 3 multiplier is a huge huge increase in DPS.

    Okay so the Khopesh lands a crit only 19 % of the time. (Huge difference) for a x 3 Multiplier. And on TOP of that you're compariing a 1 handed weapon to a 2 handed weapon and thus the 2 handed weapon gets the extra STR multiplier... So again.... the Sword of Shadows or even a Falchion will out DPS a single Khopesh by leaps and bounds.

    BUT the only problem is you're using both your hands and even with all the glancing blows and feats and all that sexiness you can't touch the insane DPS of Duel Weidling Khopeshes.

    And it gets way worse on mobs with DR because you're glancing blows will do like no damage at all almost. Unless you bypass the mobs DR which in the case of the weaon above it isn't. ><

    Edited to add some math in there because I hate work.
    Last edited by Drith; 02-21-2008 at 01:02 PM.

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