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  1. #1
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    Default If adding monks consider adding some other feats..

    I asked this before but it may have gotten lost in translation

    Anyway there are two feats specifically for warforged that improve their damage when fighting unarmed.

    One ( I can't remember the name ) i think its improved Natural Strike.
    It ups the damage from 1d8 to 1d10

    The next feat is one I do remember and I would love to have it added.

    Battlefist -
    Increases the damage of a warforged unarmed strike to 2d6
    Battlefist (Eberron Campaign Setting) increases your damage as if you were one size larger. You have to be warforged or have the mighty arms graft (Faiths of Eberron) to use it.

    That would be a formidible way to have warforged monks.

    MT might have to step in and give some insight because I know there is a feat that does this.
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  2. #2
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    Natural Attacks don't interact/stack with Monk Attacks in PnP.

    For example, if you were a race that had Claws that did 1d6 and then took Improved Natural Attack they would do 1d8 (or whatever they increase to). However, you couldn't Flurry or do any other special Monk stuff with them. If you wanted to Flurry or do other special Monk stuff, you'd have to use your Monk attacks, which start out at 1d6 and go up from there, regardless of your Claw damage. This sort of interaction would be the same with the Warforged Natural Slam Attack.

    I think the Battlefist is a weapon grafted to your arm, not a Feat. That's definitely not on the list of special Monk weapons. So you could use it, but no cool Monk stuff with it.

    You could, however--if you had like a Bite or Tail Slap attack--do your Monk attacks and throw in your Bite and Tail Slap too.
    Last edited by rimble; 02-19-2008 at 05:19 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Swordalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eberron Campaign Setting
    Battlefist (attached component)
    A warforged monk who uses a battlefist deals increased unarmed damage as thought the character were one size larger than actual, and he can add the battlefist's enhancement bonus to his unarmed attack and damage rolls
    Although it's a weapon, it appears a Monk treats it as though unarmed.

    Other neat monk feats would be the monk fighting styles: Flensing Strike (target takes -4 on attacks, saves, and checks for 1 minute; requires Kama proficiency and focus), Whirling Steel Strike (treat Longsword as a monk weapon; requires Longsword proficiency and Focus, and Flurry of Blows).

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swordalot View Post
    Although it's a weapon, it appears a Monk treats it as though unarmed..
    Neat. I wouldn't be too surprised if we saw those. It's just a weapon to pop into your weapon slot. RR Warforged, just like Docents.

  5. #5
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    There's a couple of WF only weaponry I would like to see since you mentioned it.
    One is the spiked armor which is like the razor attacks natural defense. Any attack made against a wf with spiked armor has to make a reflex save or take 1d6 damage.

    Although I guess thinks like fireguard and that does the same.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    Natural Attacks don't interact/stack with Monk Attacks in PnP.

    For example, if you were a race that had Claws that did 1d6 and then took Improved Natural Attack they would do 1d8 (or whatever they increase to). However, you couldn't Flurry or do any other special Monk stuff with them. If you wanted to Flurry or do other special Monk stuff, you'd have to use your Monk attacks, which start out at 1d6 and go up from there, regardless of your Claw damage. This sort of interaction would be the same with the Warforged Natural Slam Attack.

    I think the Battlefist is a weapon grafted to your arm, not a Feat. That's definitely not on the list of special Monk weapons. So you could use it, but no cool Monk stuff with it.

    You could, however--if you had like a Bite or Tail Slap attack--do your Monk attacks and throw in your Bite and Tail Slap too.
    Actually, i believe there is a feat called Beast Strike that lets you ADD your claw damage to monks unarmed strikes.... thus if you have improved natural weapon and beast strike, you would be one deadly monk >> especially if they add stuff like ki straps and the monk's belt item to the game when the release monks.
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  7. #7
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Whirling Steel Strike:
    Through monastic weapon training, you have mastered a fighting style that makes use of an unusual monk weapon: the longsword.

    Prerequisites: Martial Weapon Proficiancy (longsword), Weapon Focus (longsword), Flurry of Blows class feature

    Benifit: You can treat a longsword as a special monk weapon, allowing ou to perform a flurry of blows with it.

    I'd also suggest Serpent Strike - but there are no spears in the game that PCs can use. I'd also dearly love to see Monastic Training added, but rather doubt that Turbine will add that to the game this late in the game, seeing as they did not add Knight Training for Paladin multiclassing.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    With the upcoming of monks, i hope that some monk only items like the monk's belt, ki straps, and possibly the robes/boots from nwn (I know they arent official, but those can be umded) would come into play as well.
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