Thanks Gol for figuring this out for his ranger, but I am thinking of the following for my TWF human Barb build...

Basically, 1d10+5 (~10.5) + 2d6 Holy (~6.5) + Acid Burst (?) +2 Strength / +2 Con (stacks) for a DPS set.

2 Weps for 90% of the game.

My current plan (subject to change pending special tier 3 combo packages)
Main Hand: Khopesh with MDP1 / MDE2 / +2 Con Version of MEW3
Off Hand: Khopesh with MDP1 / MDE2 / MEW3

MDP1 : Material + Dominion + Positive = Holy
MDE2 : Material + Dominion + Earth = Acid Burst
MEW3 : Material + Escalation + Water = +2 Strength (stacking)

My Tier 2 combos are the same (Positive + Earth), so each weapon will have 2x clicky of level 16 Stoneskin. I'm only going DPS on my Green Steel weapons. I have enough non-DPS weapons for situational use and I'm just looking for some new DPS sticks. My only complaint is that you can't get Transmuting on these or I'd be more excited about them.