This is a rant but hopefully I can do it without actually ranting.
Since the last update to the mail system I've been very happy that I am no longer receiving spam mails. Great job on that devs. I know that was an issue that the players had been screaming about for a while. But I guess I missed the anouncement that trial accounts were no longer able to send mail. So in retrospect the new mail system was sort of wasted development time because you could have just changed the rules for the trial accounts and it would have solved 99% of the issue.
I write this post because I was sent three very valuable (to me) items from a friend. That friend, like many people, have many alts and I don't keep each and every one of them in my friends list because the list has a limit to the number of people you can have in it. I opened up my mail and didn't see the items at first and then remembered that the mail was probably in the unconfirmed box, a minor annoyance. I opened the first mail and removed the item and clicked on what I thought was Delete but in fact it was the Delete All button. Now I should read much closer but I thought I had clicked the correct button and the beginning wording is almost identical so I click on okay and deleted the other two items. I was a little upset but what could I do right? I had made a mistake. Of course I submitted a trouble ticket just to be sure but I couldn't wait the required 1 hour until a GM showed up (I did wait a long while before having to log). I got a message from a GM asking me to explain the problem better so they could do more research (which didn't make much sense to me, what better explanation than "I deleted an item accidently, can it be restored." do you need?).
So what suggestions do I have? Well first off, I have a suggestion on how to solve an issue. It's called the "Baby Steps Method." When an issue rears it's ugly head, don't NUKE it. Figure out the smallest change you need to make to solve the issue. In this case, removing mail access from trial accounts would have been plenty. Then you sit back and see how the issue evolves. If it goes away, you saved yourself time and effort by going small. You also have to make sure that each small solution can be built on. So for a second step, THEN you create a confirmed and unconfirmed mailbox and stop with that solution. Then if spam mail is still an issue, you create the Delete All button but make it so that it doesn't delete mail with items/money attached. Then if spam is still an issue because the plat farmers are attaching 1 cp or 1 1st level collectable like a mushroom to the mail, you make the system reject the sending of anything of value under 100 GP or PP in value.
Each solution builds on the other and is a simple fix without instantly resorting to NUKE mode.
Now a small thing about UI and the human mind. The delete all button should be in between the other two buttons. The human mind LOOKS for lone items or end items. So by setting it off to the far right by itself the eye is instantly drawn to it. Next, the wording for the Delete All message should be in blinking red and have different wording so that the mind is instantly aware that this isn't the norm. If even the first few words are the same the mind goes into auto-pilot and consideres it just another one of the millions of times you've read the delete message. The human mind is conditioned to do as much as possible without conscious thought so that is why things like my two suggestions are important to ensure small mishaps don't happen.
I'm done. Hopefully this didn't sound like a b*thch-fest or anything else. Just offering some thoughts.
And yes I'm extremely p*ssed at myself.