I'm leveling up a character specifically built for Bodyfeeding, and looking for rapiers at both mid- and high-level minimums. Specifically, anything that's either:
+1 Bodyfeeder Rapier (straight up min level 6, no other modifiers)
+n Bodyfeeder Rapier of <non-junk>
...where 'non-junk' is defined pretty much as you'd expect. No vertigo, backstabbing, Lesser X Bane, etc. The one exception of something that's usually considered 'junk' that I might be interested in for the right price is Maiming.
If race restricted, it must be RR: WF.
This is non-uber territory, so I'm not going to bother trying to set up trades -- just looking for plat purchase prices. PM your item and a reasonable asking price, and I'll let you know if I'm interested.
(fyi: the reason I'm not just scanning the AH is I've noticed that plenty of folks never even bother putting these on the AH, but drop them straight to the vendors assuming no one is interested. Oh, and auction house tax!)