Yet another raid destroyed by exploiting :/.... Yep, I'm sure that the really good players would've beaten it anyways after a bit. But the fact is, yet another exploit was used through-out. This allowed groups "IN THE KNOW" to conserve resources while learning the other parts of the raid. Sad that suppossed "LEET" players need to exploit to become "LEET". I'd call it something else......
At least Turbine shut thsi one down after just a few in the loop buddies got through. Instead of leaving IE PvP bug that basically destroyed the whole raid system for 2 months.....
Sad...... So many people "NEED" the help of exploits to learn...... :/
No finger pointing at anybody, just adding a comment to the above post......
Feel free to PM me any exploits you are aware of on this raid. I seriously doubt I'll ever run that raid on hard or elite again, simply because of the enormous amount of resources and time it took, for junk rewards and no favor.
If I had known about the destruction bug before it was fixed, there may have been an actual opportunity to enjoy this raid.![]()
My guild was the first to beat on argo no exploits needed.We used a lot of resources but still one of the funnest moments for me in ddo as well as one of the most epic battles.If you need an exploit to beat this then maybe a different game should be considered an option..
He has many hit points, but the time it takes largely depends on the weapons the tanks are using.
Since his DR increases over time, at the very least people need to have Transmuting weapons.
What kind of party make-up brings him down in 3 minutes? 5 Barbarians/Fighters, 4 Clerics, 2 Sorcs, 1 Bard?
Id like to see the make-up of your guys groups! And figure out which is best.
Now that is a lot of HP's
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
Proud member of Loreseekers
Agree 1000% because the fight with the devils/ortho's takes a min or 2...then the fight with fiend...then more devils and ortho's..then gnolls
If you mean you are finishing part 4 in 3 min it's not even possible so pls dont blow smoke up my ***
Now to beat just the fiend in 3 min??
well i cant see this either because its close to 3 min for just one round of the fiend.
I have been in a group that defeated him in 2 appearances (several tanks died staying in to get the last sliver of health as the blades were on top of them).
For the fiend to be done that fast I dont care how many HP your Barb has the blades will chew you up plain and freaky simple.
ie---IDLE BOASTING that anyone who has done it knows is not true. *fast yes 3min LAUGH!*
My first compeltion of the shroud on cleric, we had 3 barbarians focused on ihm, warchanted 3 rangers many shotting and 3 cleric's he went down before any cleric's we're out of sp, i htink 2 minutes or less... The one barbarian said he was critting 180+ with his transmuter on so maybe you guys just need some better dps because out of all clerics entire raid we used maybe 10 scrolls and 0 pots.
again you dont say if its 2min for whole of round 4? or 2 min for just the fiend himself.
2min for round 4---NEVER!
2min for the fiend himself would mean round 2 approx because fiend stays in approx a min each time. like i said earlier round 2 can be done.
But earlier thread said part 4 done in 3min which is a out and out fabrication because to take care of devils/orthos/fiend/gnolls that alone has eaten well past your 3min because its an easy 3min for gnolls to show up.
sorry went back and thought about how long fiend is in each time so earlier assesment was incorrect 2min would be possible vrs just fiend
Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo
I've done it a dozen times, even in pugs with many unknown players in 2 rounds and often 1.5 rounds. By rounds I mean how many times you fight him between teleports..
I kept trying to get it in 1 round (ie no gnolls, no teleports) but I think its probably impossible. Closest I got was 80%.
And "under 2 rounds" is less then 3 minuits of fighting him with a good group... I mean start the counter soon as he apears. I did NOT say the whole part4 in 3 minuits, the initial entry/buff/slay some devils isn't really exciting or important so I didn't count it.
The actaul fight with him is slightly under 2 minuits, in that we did 80% dmg.. After that the 4 devils we dispatched in under 15 seconds (some good webs and a few decent casts of FoD or lucky vorpals is all that takes) Gnoll die instantly from casters as soon as they apear, melee do not even aproach them.. Then the 45 seconds or so is finishing him off.
Party was actually only 4 melee. Tho casters and clerics and bard were also meleeing or contributing dps with spells.
And Im not kidding about elite, you guys esimating 2x-4x hitpoints on elite like other mobs might scale are just making things up and have never killed him.
The exact same group that kills him in 3 minuits on part 4 normal, doing the same dps as we all use transmuters and hit everytime with warchanter buffs kills takes over 30 minuits on elite - if everything goes perfect. 10x HP is not an exageration.