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  1. #1
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    Default DEVS: Some Thoughts and Ideas

    Ok, I'm going to put some suggestions here with previous ones and some new ones.

    Re-entering xp loss:

    This has to go, sorry but why do I say this, because everything is instance, and if you are dying and have to re-enter you get to a point where you have to scrap the quest, and start over because now its not even worth it, the new death penalty was suppose to get rid of xp debt what about this xp loss now we suffer both in some cases.

    Binding Items:

    This whole system was a bad thought from the begining choosing to bind an item for less equipment damage ok I can agree to that, but pre-binding items that are not quest items is horrible, and with the new crafting skills is going to make them bind, thats a completely horrible idea. Hand-be-down's make this game fun in alot of ways to me, this is because you have a character that has starting equip, and begininer items to get thru quests, but when you are able to give that player good items when you start over again it allows you to go thru the same dungeons with the confidence of knowledge and better equipment, allowing less struggle and being able to enjoy the storyline a lil bit more, and dungeons. Please get rid of this Binding thing, its really anoying, Race reqired items fix the whole "too many good items" thing. Oh and while we're here, the too many good items saying is bogus, not all of us pull good items, I pull something I actually need or would use 1 outa 50 times if I'm lucky. It depends what your definition of good items are. I like ele weapons of pure good, and thats pretty much the only weapons I want most of the time, and when I see items with things like Deception or Seeking, I just wanna pull my hair out because these things are items I would never use, A bonus to bluff on a weapon, are you serious? And seeking, +4 to confirm crit when really the its not gonna make much of a difference because something with high ac you need to roll a 20 just to hit the guy, let alone a crit. This whole thing about there being too many good items is an opinion because you might have no problem with getting items doesnt mean other people dont, somebodies gotta get the **** pulls, law of statistics.

    Teleport stones:

    Can we get some sort of teleport stone? something where you bind it to a tavern or some other area, and you can teleport there without dying?


    Heres the problem with the updates, your putting too much in them, this is why some peeps leave because they want updates every month or 2 months, to see why they are paying monthly, while I have no problem with the updates other peeps apparently do. All you have to do is do small things, they dont have to be big updates, and I think thats where your having problems, you feel you gotta have alot of stuff in an update, you dont it could be 3 dungeons, or bug/hot fixes, or new content in other forms or improvements to game aspects or a dungeon itself. If you create a schedule for yourself its easier to go by, I'm gonna setup a monthly timeframe here of something you can do and Ill do it as a yearly schedule.

    January: Level Cap Increase New Dungeons/Raid for new levels
    Feburary: Bug Fixes and/or Game tweaks
    March: New Game Content(Doesnt have to be big 2-10 dungeons/raids depending on size)
    April: Bug Fixes/Game smoothing
    May: Option Month (suggestions made by forum posts, or adding some new stuff you had ideas for that you didnt get to previously, or just more bug fixes, w/e you want)
    June: Level Cap Increase New Dungeons/Raid for new levels
    July: Bug Fixes and/or Game tweaks
    August: New Game Content
    September: Bug Fixes/Game smoothing
    October: Option Month
    November: Bug ixes and/or New Game Content
    December: Festival Month/+1 raid weekends Current december festivities are fine the way they are.

    There doesnt need to be a big update everytime to add new content, however level cap increases would be big updates, but its only 2 a yr and that not a huge thing to ask imo, and if you had a posted shedule like this srry if you do but I havent come across one and you kept to it, maybe missing a a month ONCE IN AWHILE I'm sure there would be less complaints.

    Item Crafting:

    Ok the way I'm seeing things, its a bad idea, like I mentioned earlier having them bind to you is a bad idea and you've gotta farm for a rediculous amount of time to find the ingredients needed. You also have to find recipes, if you are going to make recipes there should be recipe notes that drop to let you find them instead of becoming an altar hugger to find them out.
    What I would like to see is this:

    Level 1: You can go to a craftsmen and pay gold/plat to make an item of a special material, and 1 day later you will recieve it via mail
    Level 2: You may do special materials, with +1 enchantment on the item, also maile 1 day later to you
    Level 3: Special materials/+1/+2 enchantmented items +1's now recieved in 20 hrs, +2's in 28 hrs
    Level 4: No Change
    Level 5: Same as before and +3 enchanted Items +1's recieved in 16hrs +2 24hrs +3 32hrs
    Level 6: No Change
    Level 7: Same as before and +4 enchanted Items +1's Recieved in 12 hrs(minimum time to wait achieved) +2 20 Hrs +3 28 hrs +4 36hrs(maximum Waiting Time Achieved)
    Level 8: No Change
    Level 9: Same as before and +5 enchanted Items +1's Recieved in 12 hrs +2 16 Hrs +3 24 hrs +4 32 hrs +5 36hrs
    Level 10: Ability to enchant previously enchanted items, and recieve them at new enchantments required waiting time
    Level 11: etc. etc. etc.

    Auction House:
    A search option in the auction house would be nice to see.

    Healing as a cleric:

    A button we could press that would target the pc with the lowest percentage of hitpoints in range would be nice, the tab button allows us to switch to next guy to shoot quickly why not next guy to heal, when u need it. On this note of healing, I would like little displays next to each characters name or on it that you could toggle to show or not show what hotkey they are, usually with 6 peeps its not alot of issue remembering the keys to the people, but in raid groups I get confused a lil bit and do misshealing, and wasting spellpoints and would like to see this integrated into the game, because it would help healing out alot, I'm a pretty good cleric, and if this was implemented I'd be even better, with preventing misheals, we have them floating over our hotkeys to remind us which button if we forget why not the pcs, this is more so what I want to see integrated then a next healing button, but figured I'd mention that one 2 cuz it would be kewl.

    Prestige Classing/Multiclassing:

    I would also like to go over something I'm seeing about prestige classing. From what I'm seeing/hearing the plan is to make it into Enhancements and not actual classes. Why do this and what are the reasons behind it, I already have a hard time figuring out where I'm going with my enhancements sometimes, and would not like to see prestige classes made into prestige enhancements. I would like to see them as they are in pnp as classes, tho I know they wont be exactly the same for balance, and if balance is the reason for this, whats the balance issue, looking for explanation on this, and would not like to see it implemented in this way.

    I would like to know if there are any plans for Multi-class feats and or prestige classes, like in some dnd books, where your paladin and rogue levels stack for sneak attack and smite evil/per day, or The Mystic Theurge(though it would probably be overpowered) Or what about a certain # of favor unlocking a new server for Gestault Characters?(course this is way out there but hey since I'm here might as well throw it out there, tho I wouldnt expect this to happen at all) I would like to see better reasons to be a multiclass character. I'd like to see it worth being a 9 cleric 5 bard, I intended this char to be a good buffer/healer all around support, and he could be with some feats, or a prestige class, unfortunately he is nothing in the lines of clerics his level or bards his level and is not really an even medium hes kinda nerfed when I was hoping for him to be a really good support. Another char would be The Cleric Pally mix, but to be a good cleric u cant afford the 5 lvls needed to invest into pally to be really beneficial, you really cant go with more than 1 lvl of any class multiclassing with cleric.

    Dungeon Scaling:

    Dungeon scaling could make a huge difference in content, think about it, Keep minimum levels for dungeons/quests so that way you dont have someone saying ok I'm just gonna go level 1 thru the whole game. Imagine the possibilities of dungeon scaling tho, a run thru WW at lvl 12 would be a completely diff dungeon if it scaled t your level. This would also cut down on some repitious feel in the game.

    Dungeon Difficulties:

    We should be able to open w/e difficulty we feel like doing, some quests are worth doing norm hard elite, some are just boring grinds. With the dungeon scaling idea I mentioned above this would make the game less repititious and more fun.

    Adding PC Dungeons:

    This is something I'm really passionate about for an idea. Since everything in the game is an instance its easy to implement, give us the mod tools and never worry bout content again. We could setup a quest in tangelroot if we wanted, making an npc to talk to with the option "tell me about odd jobs peeps are looking to hire someone for in this area. Build us a Seperate mod team to implement these player made dungeons and walk thru them, workout any playability hitches. Make a contest out of it, every month we will pick 5 dungeons to implement into the game and give out a free month of gameplay to the top 2 and give out special items to the other 3. Something, think about the possibilities.

    Slayer Areas:

    Scale Slayer Areas, make them more worth the time to do, things like if you kill 400 in ww then everytime you kill a creature in water works you get 10x(Level of Dungeon - Level of party + bonus if doing solo). If I slay 400 in ww then maybe a iget a msg saying this. "You have thwared the kobold enemy threating the city of Stormreach, the local temple of ****** has decided to deem you a gift "A blessing of the Gods" in which you may recieve from them once per week/month. That blessing could give us a temporary +1 loot for the next dungeon(s) we enter or it could last for x amount of time say anywhere from 2 hours to 1 day. You could get additional bonus's from other slayers or different blessings, like for the next x amount of time all your heal spells will heal and extra 25%, or you will recieve +2 to attack and damage against kobolds, or dragons or w/e. We are highly respected heroes of the city of stormreach I think our local temple would gladly aid us in giving them our help on a daily basis, tho some may say they do alrdy by resurecting us. Also can we get a one time bonus like we have now for killing a rare the first time but still get xp for killing that rare again say if its 500 the first time give us 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/5, something.


    I want Dueger, and kobolds as playable races, lol simply put, all I'm gonna say about that.
    Explorer/Slayer Areas:
    I would honestly like to see these places connect to other areas, give us a guy at the door tho that once we run it we can teleport if we wish so peeps that are in a hurry can get there.


    This is probably going to be the most controvercial idea I have. Let us have mercs and alow us to merc. "The game is meant to be a party game and a play with others game!!!! We can't add mercs it will kill the game!!!!!" No it wont. A way to allow mercing but not kill the party aspect of the game is this, you need 2 pcs for every 1 npc in the group, which means that you cut down on someone just running a tank with a healer merc, and soloing everything. and the most mercs you would ever have in the party would be 4 in a raid but you would still have 8 pcs, any normal dung you've got 4 pcs and 2 npcs at most. In order to implement this tho pathing needs to be done better and a Stop/holdground Attack Heal Cast Scout commands would be nice. There is also another line to this let us merc our characters, lets say i have a lvl 14 cleric who has gone broke, I can sign him up to a merc contract for 1 week 2 weeks a month etc, where i can merc him out, in which case he will recieve so much gold as comparative to need,length of service and character lvl. You could even have him recieve a % of gold from chests looted in any dungs he was used in. Bottom line to this is that a pc is almost always going to be better than a npc, but alows us to fill in a gap when we are only 1 or 2 short. If you sign a contract to merc for 1 week, you cannot play that character for that duration and the contract will start the next time you log off and/or log off in the merc recruitment area, if you attempt to log onto that character a dialog box will pop up and say "Are you sure you wish to cancel contract? Doing so could negate any earnings you are entitled to from contracting as a merc". Then you can have a thing where you must merc for atleast 50% of the contract to get nething and only recieve 50% of the contracting youve done so if you signed on for 2 weeks and only went one week and say that you entitled to 2000gp for 2 weeks of mercing you would recieve 500 because 1 week is 1000 and you only recieve half because of penalty for not completeing the contract. I think this is an exciting concept and think it would be interesting to see implemented.

    More Character Slots:

    I understand that you have to keep down on the database usage for peeps making nine gillion characters for no reason, but I propose that we solve this issue simple as this, the amount of slots we have now, but for every character we cap we get an additional slot, that way if we had 9 capped characters we could still start a new one and this stops peeps from being able to make 100 lvl 1-5 characters eating up memory. Everytime the cap is increased you can make it needed to unlock slots again, or find another way to stop character massing but let us make new characters wiithout having to delete old ones.

  2. #2
    Hall of Famer
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    Out of the entire post the only thing I agree with is that the AuctionHouse needs a Search Button.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Out of the entire post the only thing I agree with is that the AuctionHouse needs a Search Button.
    I could be whiny bout that comment but i'm not gonna, well ty for the feedback wish I coulda had some more ideas please you. Maybe you could tell me how you would like to improve them or why you dont like some of them/all of them? This could help me rethink some of the ideas.

  4. #4
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Re-entering xp loss: Seriously, if the whole party is wiping that many times, you are in over your head. I have had a couple where you just gotta say, "Na, aint gonna happen" and walk away. If you get rid of XP loss casters will nuke, recall, nuke, recall etc...

    Binding Items: This is a step in the right direction to bringing the economy back in line. Not a big one, but a step none the less.

    Teleport stones: It's called the Recall Button. Press it when you finish the quest (or beofre if you want to) and it will take you out of the dungeon. Press it a second time to go to the nearest town.

    Updates: I actually prefer less updates that are bigger. Quality over quantity.

    Item Crafting: I can't be bothered crafting myself but most people seem to like it.

    Auction House: This one I actually agree with.

    Healing as a cleric: Use F1-F6. Not that hard when you get the hang of it.

    Prestige Classing/Multiclassing: The enhancement system is working well at the moment. I like the way they have done it. No, they are not the same as PNP but they work, they work well, and they are a lot easier to implement then new classes (See 20 million threads about how long monks and druids are taking).

    Dungeon Scaling: I could actually see this working but would prefer to see it as done like Invaders is to WW.

    Dungeon Difficulties: No, people would then be complaining there is not enough content. At least this way it fleshes it out a bit. Yeah I know you can get a Guildie/Friend to open Elite straight up but still. Would prefer to leave it as is.

    Adding PC Dungeons: Copyright.

    Slayer Areas: Already have system for this sort of thing. It's called favour. Maybe dding favour to completing all rares in a explorer area I could agree to.

    Races: They are working on new raced. If you want to playa Duergar in the meantime play a dwarf and give him a grumpy face at character creation.

    Explorer/Slayer Areas: Tangleroot, Meridia etc...

    MERC'ING - Coyle. No thanks.

    More Character Slots: Would like to see this implemented when they introduce new classes and races as a goodwill gesture so people don't have to delete to try the new stuff.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

    Unguilded of Orien

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falco_Easts View Post
    Re-entering xp loss: Seriously, if the whole party is wiping that many times, you are in over your head. I have had a couple where you just gotta say, "Na, aint gonna happen" and walk away. If you get rid of XP loss casters will nuke, recall, nuke, recall etc...

    Binding Items: This is a step in the right direction to bringing the economy back in line. Not a big one, but a step none the less.

    Teleport stones: It's called the Recall Button. Press it when you finish the quest (or beofre if you want to) and it will take you out of the dungeon. Press it a second time to go to the nearest town.

    Updates: I actually prefer less updates that are bigger. Quality over quantity.

    Item Crafting: I can't be bothered crafting myself but most people seem to like it.

    Auction House: This one I actually agree with.

    Healing as a cleric: Use F1-F6. Not that hard when you get the hang of it.

    Prestige Classing/Multiclassing: The enhancement system is working well at the moment. I like the way they have done it. No, they are not the same as PNP but they work, they work well, and they are a lot easier to implement then new classes (See 20 million threads about how long monks and druids are taking).

    Dungeon Scaling: I could actually see this working but would prefer to see it as done like Invaders is to WW.

    Dungeon Difficulties: No, people would then be complaining there is not enough content. At least this way it fleshes it out a bit. Yeah I know you can get a Guildie/Friend to open Elite straight up but still. Would prefer to leave it as is.

    Adding PC Dungeons: Copyright.

    Slayer Areas: Already have system for this sort of thing. It's called favour. Maybe dding favour to completing all rares in a explorer area I could agree to.

    Races: They are working on new raced. If you want to playa Duergar in the meantime play a dwarf and give him a grumpy face at character creation.

    Explorer/Slayer Areas: Tangleroot, Meridia etc...

    MERC'ING - Coyle. No thanks.

    More Character Slots: Would like to see this implemented when they introduce new classes and races as a goodwill gesture so people don't have to delete to try the new stuff.
    Some good points, but having to repeat dungeons over and over when you dont want to makes you think more about lack of content, because it makes you run dungeons over and over to earn some stuff and makes you think about the only real reason for this is lack of content implementing a re-running aspect to the game. As far as the copyright statement thing, players make maps and mods and dungeons on many other games and no real reason it couldnt be added to this game.

  6. #6
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    .................made a double post

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