Just a thought, but perhaps, if the alters to Craft in were located at the main entrance it wouldn't be too bad. Unless of course you did the raid for completion, then you would have to wait until timer resets once you have exited the RAID. Just move all three back to the beginning section. I have seriously given consideration to what placing them in meridia would do, and came up with goods, and bads. Somewhat an equal ground there, so figured this might be a better suggestion to placing them around town. This is of course, only an idea, but then you could complete the Raia, get your loot, DDoor back to the beginning, craft (Or exit) and obtain your reward. This way, no one would "HAVE" to wait for you to complete, and you wouldn't have to wait on anyone else. They could do anything they wanted, and not delay others.
This is also accesable ONNLY if you have gained access to the raid, so control is maintained.