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the problem i have with this whole crafting thing is i look at the recipes and forums on them and its all greek too me..add this tier that ...sorry i just dont have the patients for it lol..maybe im making it more complicated than it is cause i admit i havent even read up on it but from what ive skimmed just seems like anotehr grind..cant we just have regular crafting lol?
No... "You" weren't moving on, because "you" weren't part of that discussion. You felt like injecting yourself into a conversation that didn't concern you, and "move it on" because apparently you didn't want us to discuss whether or not +6 strength on a weapon is a good idea.
It is not a good idea in almost any circumstance, but I guess you think that's unresolvable. Rather than saying its an unresolvable question of opinion, you come in with content-free non-sequiturs.
Last edited by Angelus_dead; 02-19-2008 at 08:16 PM.
Look, you don't think a +6 strength weapon is a good idea. You put the reasons why you think this out there, and honestly they're good reasons if you ask me, so I'm inclined to agree with you. But he doesn't. And he already gave the reasons and scenarios he thinks he'd find them useful, and you disagree with him. But you guys don't have to agree. If he wants to make a bunch of +6 strength weapons, let him. You gave the reasons you think it's not a good idea (in any circumstance) and if he disagrees that's his prerogative, just like you disagree with his reasons for thinking it is a good idea. The beauty of the crafting system is that everyone gets to decide what they want to make. If you think such a weapon is pointless, then don't make one. If he finds value in such a weapon, then he can make one.
If what you really want to do is save him the trouble of making a "useless" weapon, the best you can do is point out the reasons you think the weapon in question would be useless and hope that he listens to you. If he doesn't, it's no skin off your back.
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"Watching and Waiting I'm known to strike at a moments notice..."
Let's play pretend... Let's pretend that you would be my friend, if you were real. I know you won't mind, your used to living in a dream...
Yes, yes. "Everyone gets to decide what they make [from the available options]."
I can understand the OPs complaint, though it's not a significant issue for me. +6 stat items drop enough for me in the Mod 6 content. I think I've pulled 2 +6 int items, a +6 str item and a +6 con item. A couple from running in the Vale, a couple as end rewards.
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wait wait wait. there are no axes, rapiers, or bastard swords. no armors, and no shields. no potency, no arcane lore.
a good portion of the upgrades are on par with combustion and acid guard.
crafting has to be done DURING the raid, and if anyone gets impatient, they can completely interrupt the crafting process. this interruption can also occur on a single accidental click.
there is 3x as much opportunity to loot medium ingredients as small ingredients.
...and the "MAIN" problem is that you can't get +6 stat on items? riight.
Last edited by Laith; 02-19-2008 at 10:58 PM.
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"Watching and Waiting I'm known to strike at a moments notice..."
Let's play pretend... Let's pretend that you would be my friend, if you were real. I know you won't mind, your used to living in a dream...
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Forgive me for hoping I might be able to place +6 dex in goggle slot, which does not drop anywhere to help me fit in all the stat. +6 items a good pally needs. Not asking for the +1, and +2 extra bonus. Sorry this is way to much to ask for, that I thought we getting when they announce crafting was getting added. I got bank full +6 items but dam if I can't wear the +6 boots goodbye madstone boots for damage. Since barb's do not worry about ac no biggie for them. If place +6 wis helm on goodbye to my toughness heavy fort. item taking one my rings off. The clattering ring or maybe the earth seal. So guess u right to much to ask for a +6 dex goggles to help me solve these issues. The hit point item not even worth sacrificing my con +6 item guess what get more from +6 con 16x3= 48 hp vs 45, plus lower saves and more chance to death from con damage woot. Sorry the goggles, bracers, ect.. u can make or big disappointment to me. There is a few bright spots I can see, but +10haggle lol pointless sorry can get +15 items here esp. haggle who cares if have on all the time does not help me kill the creatures. dip. items with +10 lol will not replace the +15 who knows when can use that extra boost. Now for the issue putting +str on weapons to give up constant damage every hit just what the doctor order lol or better yet lets place con. on it lol, more hp hit for less and kill slower so the more hp do not matter that much ).I've pulled several +6 items just running the vale and the new quests. Why not use those (since you can wear more than one at a time.)
In addition, the exceptional stat bonuses stack with other items too. So you can, if you want, just make an item that has the the +1/+2 exceptional bonus and give it something else at the first tier, then only use it when you want those three extra points.
Last edited by Peter Tamburro; 02-20-2008 at 01:56 AM.
Yeah, I understand the appeal of customizable +6 stat items in various item slots of your choice. (I mean who doesn't want +6 <stat of your choice> goggles, since goggles are such **** in the game at present.) Of course, all the reasons you list are probably the very reasons they don't let you craft +6 stat items. Deciding which item is more important is a big part of the game, and the "body slot affinities" play an important role in that decision.
Heh. It seems like an appealing combination for the Vale. Of course, shortly after posting that I managed to pick up a +4 cursespewing adamantine dagger of shattermantle, so I don't need one any more.
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"Watching and Waiting I'm known to strike at a moments notice..."
Let's play pretend... Let's pretend that you would be my friend, if you were real. I know you won't mind, your used to living in a dream...
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 02-20-2008 at 04:53 PM.
That's not possible.
To get the +6 wisdom bonus from Existential Stalemate one of your two first upgrades needs to be negative and one needs to be positive.
Positive does Charisma and Negative does Intelligence.
That said a +6 Cha/+8 Wis item (+EE//N??//W|EEE) with something else in there in the middle isn't so bad either.
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I am actually kicking around doing similar to this on a scepter for my cleric
Tier I = +6 Charisma (pos)
Tier II = Greater Nullify VI (neg) + (existential mods 6 wis / 10 haggle / 10 diplo)
Tier III = Superior devotion VI
I am doing the Pos/Neg split on my goggles for my main though.
+4 wisdom goggles are pretty nice even without the whistles and bells.
Ulyn-22 Halfling (7rog/7pal/6mnk/2epic) Alyn-19 Helf TR2 (13dru/6mnk/1rng) Glyn-20 Halfling Cleric
Ylyn-20 Drow (18brd/2ftr/2rog) Klyn-12 WF Wizard
Last edited by Mad_Bombardier; 02-20-2008 at 04:56 PM.
I also noticed the other day that Existential Stalemate makes some good potential for an actual Mystic Theurge item. (+EE/-?? for a sorcerer or -EE/+?? for a wizard and then a third tier that boosts either the wisdom or the int/cha whichever you prefer.)
Now if only they implemented the prestige class in some way...
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