I have recently opened up drow elf and wanted to find a charater that would play to the races str. I was thinking at lvl 13 the rogue gets his final 2 feats, crippling strike and his final boost to sneak attack. Bard 3 would grant some CC and basic heals to the mix as well as Inspire Competence to assist in trap skills. If I stayed sword and board instead of following suit too the TWF that everyone loves so much and work with rapiers which drow get free skill with I'm hoping I could become a compitent trapmonkey and still stay viable as support DPS to some degree. I'd like to be able to handle the Cabal elite traps but dont want to totally gimp myself for all other use... If anyone has a build they think would work for me please post me a link or add it to the thread, I have messed around with the planner but seem to lack the aptitude with it to come up with a build that I feel would hold up, Thanks in advance for any help to all.