Hi guys, many of you may know my rogue- named Ruc
I was thinking of making something fun-
I started thinking about what a Union of Rogues so I created a forum in the general disscusion in order to encorage rogues and mostly rogues to keep the fight going-
for the most part- if you support the cause you don't have to be rogue like at all just acknowledgement of our skill would be nice.
here are the simply rules
is you are a rogue at least 80% of your build by lvl is rogue for ex ample lvl 10 character and 8 lvl's is rogue then you qualify for this:
(Name of the character) is a member in Good Standing of the Local Rogue Union 153 of Stormreach.
If you fall below the 80% no worries you can still support the cause even if you fall below 0%-
Thats right, you still be part of the struggle even if you are a cleric-
simply place this on your bio-
(Name of the character) is an associate in Good Standing of the Local Rogue Union 153 of Stormreach.
Thanks for those who will support the cause of wealth re-distribution.
Ruc the Pickpocket-