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  1. #1
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Default Shroud Weapon Maker (spreadsheet)

    I was bored at work today, so I made a spreadsheet that you can use to keep track of what you have and what you need for green steel items.

    The spreadsheet is here. I would make it available via google spreadsheets, but that destroys formulas and validation.

    To use it, select your Weapon or Item from the dropdown in A2. Then select your upgrades in A8, A14, A20 and A25. (If doing a 'simple' upgrade - i.e. all fire, select fire for both A20 and A25. The ingredient counts won't be doubled.)

    I'll update it as more of the 3rd tier abilities are listed in the DDO Wiki (or if weapon combos are found for the missing weapons) - I've not been very good about keeping up with Cambo's thread so that's out for me

    It won't show you the side-effects of combining different things (like the earth-grab on the supreme tyrant green steel weapon of earth) although that shouldn't be too hard to add in..

    The way I'll most likely be using it is to configure what I want out of it and then print the sheet so I can keep track easily of what I have and what I still need from an ingredients perspective..
    Last edited by binnsr; 03-19-2008 at 04:51 PM. Reason: updated instructions

  2. #2
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    updated with effects from the Wiki.

    I think I'll see about adding what special effects are applied based on the focus used as well (like earthgrab, etc)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Cool idea - needs some work. As a quick check you need 72 raw materials for a fully upgraded item.
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  4. #4
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    How do you figure that?
    At the alter of Fecundity, you need:
    - 12 tier-1 ingredients and 3 energy orbs to make your tier2 ingredients for your green steel blank. (total 15)
    - 3 tier2 ingredients, a signet stone and a power cell to actually make the green steel blanke (total 5)
    20 total items required for green steel blank.

    At the alter of invasion, you need:
    - 12 tier-1 ingredients and 3 Low Energy Cells to make your tier2 ingredients for your 1st upgrade (total 15)
    - 3 tier2 ingredients, the blank and a Low Energy Cell to perform the 1st upgrade (total 5)
    40 total items required for 1st upgrade

    At the alter of subjugation, you need:
    - 12 tier-1 ingredients and 3 Medium Energy Cells to make your tier2 ingredients for your 2nd upgrade (total 15)
    - 3 tier2 ingredients, the 1st upgrade weapon and a Medium Energy Cell to perform the 2nd upgrade (total 5)
    60 total items required for 2nd upgrade

    At the alter of Devastation, you need:
    - 12 tier-1 ingredients and 3 High Energy Cells to make your tier2 ingredients for your 3rd upgrade (total 15)
    - 3 tier2 ingredients, the 2nd upgrade weapon and a High Energy Cell to perform the 3rd upgrade (total 5)
    80 total items required for 2nd upgrade (77 if you discount the blank and its upgrades)

    Counting just tier-1 ingredients, you need 48 of those.
    Counting just tier-2 ingredients, you need 12 of those.
    counting just tier1 and tier2 ingredients, you need 60 of those.
    You'll need a total of 4 each of Low Energy Cells, Medium Energy Cells and High Energy Cells - 12 there

    Not trying to bash, just not sure how you got that number..
    Last edited by binnsr; 02-15-2008 at 11:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    There were several changes to the Alter of Subjugation page on the Wiki this morning, so I synced and uploaded a new version.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Fecundity: 21 Raw, 4 Manufactured
    Invasion: 18 (edited) Raw, 5 Manufactured
    Subjugation: 18 (edited) Raw, 5 Manufactured
    Devestation: 18 (editied) Raw, 5 Manufactured

    Total: 75 (editied) Raw, 19 Manufactured

    Missed three power cells
    Last edited by stockwizard5; 02-16-2008 at 09:42 AM.
    Characters: Maels
    Guild: Maelstrom
    Server: Thelanis

  7. #7

    Thumbs up Fabulous Spreadsheet

    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    I was bored at work today, so I made a spreadsheet that you can use to keep track of what you have and what you need for green steel items.

    The spreadsheet is here. I would make it available via google spreadsheets, but that destroys formulas and validation.

    To use it, select your Weapon or Item from the dropdown in A2. Then select your upgrades in A7, A12 and A16.

    I'll update it as more of the 3rd tier abilities are listed in the DDO Wiki (or if weapon combos are found for the missing weapons) - I've not been very good about keeping up with Cambo's thread so that's out for me

    It won't show you the side-effects of combining different things (like the earth-grab on the supreme tyrant green steel weapon of earth) although that shouldn't be too hard to add in..

    The way I'll most likely be using it is to configure what I want out of it and then print the sheet so I can keep track easily of what I have and what I still need from an ingredients perspective..

    Also, if I were more web-savvy, I'd convert this into a php application and host it somewhere.. *wink*wink*looks at tihocan and jjflanigan*
    WOW Binnsr that is one AWESOME spreadsheet. I'm bookmarking it. Also going to post it on our Guild's site as well.


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  8. #8
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    I just noticed an issue with the spreadsheet .. some items/weapons have identical effects (in particular, the insight bonuses to AC, the +6 stats and the exceptional stat bonuses) and as a result, VLOOKUP matches the first iteration (in the case of the AC bonus, it'll always show an air focus)..

    Once I figure out how to work around this, I'll upload a new version.

  9. #9
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    I just noticed an issue with the spreadsheet .. some items/weapons have identical effects (in particular, the insight bonuses to AC, the +6 stats and the exceptional stat bonuses) and as a result, VLOOKUP matches the first iteration (in the case of the AC bonus, it'll always show an air focus)..

    Once I figure out how to work around this, I'll upload a new version.
    I made the fields unique by adding a (A) (E) (F) (W) (N) or (P) as appropriate for identical entries. This'll make updates from the Wiki more complicated, but oh well..

    New file uploaded.

  10. #10
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    This is awesome work....

  11. #11
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    that's awesome man thanks for the hard work!
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  12. #12
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Default new version posted

    Uploaded a new version with todays additions on the Wiki..

  13. #13
    Founder ghale's Avatar
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    Awesome tool . Thanks!

  14. #14
    Community Member hirmor's Avatar
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    Default Work of Genius

    Finally starting to figure it all out (and making my shopping list) thanks to your spreadsheet... Man your candidate for this week best post. Hope they pick you up!!!

  15. #15
    Community Member Fura's Avatar
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    NIce work! /cheer
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  16. #16

    Default holy moly

    OMG this sooo rocks... mmm I love it... *hugs the thread*

    I was thinking about trying this and am so very glad you did it instead.

    See ya in Stormreach,


  17. #17
    Community Member Cedrica-the-Bard's Avatar
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    Default Wow!

    That is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Well done.

    I do have a quick question: I kind of assumed that if I wanted to end up with the 100 SP and +3 to Charisma skills that I would need to do the same upgrade at each altar, but it looks as though I can put different things on at each altar and I don't need to stack them, is this correct?

    For example, using the spreadsheet, I just put greater fire resist, +15 HP +2 Dex skills AND 100 SP +3 Charisma skills on a pair of gloves. Does it really work like that?

    And for a weapon, if I just took +2 exceptional strength at the last altar and mixed up the first two altars with different attributes, does +2 exceptional bonus stack with a +6 strength item?

  18. #18
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedrica-the-Bard View Post
    That is absolutely fantastic! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Well done.

    I do have a quick question: I kind of assumed that if I wanted to end up with the 100 SP and +3 to Charisma skills that I would need to do the same upgrade at each altar, but it looks as though I can put different things on at each altar and I don't need to stack them, is this correct?

    For example, using the spreadsheet, I just put greater fire resist, +15 HP +2 Dex skills AND 100 SP +3 Charisma skills on a pair of gloves. Does it really work like that?

    And for a weapon, if I just took +2 exceptional strength at the last altar and mixed up the first two altars with different attributes, does +2 exceptional bonus stack with a +6 strength item?
    Sadly, most of my knowledge is from the Wiki - I've only done the Invasion Upgrade on one weapon so far (here's hoping that I get the second tonight - I'll be adding acid burst to my shock khopesh), but to answer your question: yes, you can mix and match at each alter - there are differing side affects of mixing focuses (for instance, positive and positive will give you a true resurrection clicky and combining earth and fire will give you a Meteor Swarm clicky).

    the exceptional stat bonuses stack with the enhancement bonuses - for a +8 str in your case.

  19. #19
    Community Member augie's Avatar
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    Default perfect

    Wow, this is amazing work. Exactly what I've been hoping for. Been trying to make heads and tails of all the information through all the posts trying to figure out what I need for what effects and at what altars. This does exactly that in a very usable format.

    Much appreciated binnsr!!!

  20. #20
    Community Member lostinjapan's Avatar
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    I keep meaning to come back and post this....and finally getting around to it.

    I started a neat little dB for this...then decided to check the boards and found your spreadsheet. Saved me a LOT of work. Thank you.
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