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  1. #1
    Community Member Shanara's Avatar
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    Default Dilema on last lvl for my Ranger\Rogue Build

    I am looking for some advice with regards to a Dwarven Ranger (14)/Rogue (1) build that i have. This build is based on a build that grenfeld put out there some time ago.

    This guy is more of a mele build then he is ranged, but still packs a decent punch with a bow or dual wielded dwarven axes, and has fairly decent rogue skills. I have been toying with the idea to take the last level (16th) in fighter (1) just for the extra feats, as opposed to going 15th level Ranger. If I had the alignment (LG) I would defiantly consider going Pali, but for some un-remembered reason I chose CG for my alignment.

    Any feedback/suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.
    Member and Officer of the 13th Circle
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  2. #2
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Well a 1st level of fighter will get you 1 chooseable feat (plus basic fighter stuff so heavy armor etc)

    While level 15 of ranger will get you among other things another Favored Enemy to choose from.

    What feats are so attractive that you want them and have not already taken them along the way?
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  3. #3
    Community Member Shanara's Avatar
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    I currently use a +5 & +3 Icy Burst Dwarven Axe or maiming in each hand (primary weapon pair, have many others) so my damage output is pretty good, so I was thinking about taking power attack as I have the oversize weapon feat so my to hit in each hand is 30+ when buffed, so the option for doing even more damage is a tempting one.

    This is first time I have multiclassed a toon so really just looking at all available options to see if i can make this toon any better before I make any rash choices and gimp my character.
    Member and Officer of the 13th Circle
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  4. #4
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    I would go Ranger 15 for additional Favored Enemy. Given how mobs cluster around certain types, with 4 FEs, you can cover a significant portion of the game.

    Fighter is good if you need a feat for something, say like Oversized 2WF, that you haven't been able to get, but I'm guessing you've been able to fit in all the feats you need if you're a STR build.

  5. #5
    Community Member Westerner's Avatar
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    I also have a 14/1 Ranger Rogue. I plan on taking Ranger for level 16 because:

    -Rogue skills would keep up
    -4th FE as others have mentioned. FE damage bonus will increase significantly. (3x+6 = 18 vs 4x+8 = 32)
    -additional 4th level spell (CSW in my case, for better self healing)
    -Introducing a 3rd class to the build for just a 1 level benefit might cause regrets down the road.

    You can always respec feats if you want to squeeze something in. I took SF:UMD, Toughness, CE, PA, IC: Slash, IC: Ranged. CE is not pulling its weight and I'd like to swap it for Improved Trip or Stunning Blow. IC:Ranged could potentially go out as well.
    EDIT: CE is a prereq for Improved Trip. Thanks to QuantumFX and Yaga for the catch.
    Last edited by Westerner; 02-15-2008 at 01:57 PM.
    Torgomund 17/1 Rngr/Rog . . Thundorf 16/2/2 Bard/Ftr/Barb . . Zarron 10/2 Wiz/Rog
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  6. #6
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Personally I'd go with the 15th level of ranger. It should make you eligable for the tempest 2 enhancement when Turbine finally gets it ironed out and in a mod. It will make sure that you have the option of Hide in Plain Sight at the next cap increase. And you get an additional +2 damage to all your current FE's and allows you to add another monster type to your FE.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Riekan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Westerner View Post
    CE is not pulling its weight and I'd like to swap it for Improved Trip or Stunning Blow. IC:Ranged could potentially go out as well.
    I can't find it on the compendium right now, and I'm at work and can't check, but I'm pretty sure that CE is a prereq for Improved Trip, so you'd be stuck taking Stunning Blow. Still not a bad choice if you have a good strength and can afford a few Action Points in enhancements.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riekan View Post
    I can't find it on the compendium right now, and I'm at work and can't check, but I'm pretty sure that CE is a prereq for Improved Trip, so you'd be stuck taking Stunning Blow. Still not a bad choice if you have a good strength and can afford a few Action Points in enhancements.
    CE is required for Improved Trip.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
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    I'm personally going 15ranger/1rogue on my Round Mound build.

    I too thought very hard about taking a Fighter level, but ultimately decided against it. First, I have no idea what will happen with STWF, but I won't have the base Dex to consider it since I started with 12. I have to hope we Rangers get it for free in some way. Second, if they make us take Tempest II enhancement to get STWF, then I'm thinking more levels of Ranger is probably a good thing.
    Third, since I no longer have Extend, I want the extra 1 min duration on my buffs. Fourth, the extra FE will help for sure. Fifth, there's no good way to keep rogue skills maxed without Ranger level. Sixth, I have no idea what the enhancements will look like, but I'd like to have as many ranger levels as possible in case they give us something sweet requiring 15 Ranger (Dex IV maybe?)

    The defensive capabilities are way, way down. But the offense is looking good -- Ram's Might, Rage pot gets me to 32 Str. If I feel like going Madstone, I can theoretically get to 36 Str. Not shabby.


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