Kay... so I go into VON 5 on hard (not elite)... just to test out these traps...
My trapsmith is a drow bard/rogue... 12/3... but pretty dedicated to the roguely arts... I started with an 18 Int and I have Disable, Spot, and Search all maxed out (Open Lock nearly maxed), along with Rogue I Spot and Search enhancements, and Drow II Spot and Search enhancements...
So I'm fairly serious about my role as the trapsmith....
My Dex is 24 (+7)
My Reflex saves are +8 from bard, +3 from Rogue = +11
I get +1 Trap Sense from 3rd level of Rogue
I have +3 Resistance Item
I have +4 Greater Heroism
I have +2 Head of Good Fortune
I have +1 from parrying weapon
I have +1 from Haste
Total Reflex save: 30
After several deaths running through the hallway with the lightning traps and the spinning blades, I have narrowed down the DCs... I failed on a 9 and saved on a 12... so figure around a 40 DC for a level 10 quest on hard....
Now, I plan on re-arranging my enhancements after I make 16th level... I'll probably be able to gain two points of Dex... I'll spend an Action Point for Trap Sense I.... I'll scour the Auction House for a +5 resistance item.... and maybe I'll get to the point where I only need a 6 or higher to save... which in that room... probably means death... Failing 1 out of 3 rolls for 80-100 points of damage a shot means I'm worthless as a rogue in that quest... even at 16th level with the best gear possible.
Now for those of you who say, "Well hey!, you're not a pure rogue!"... Let's take a hypothetical 11th level rogue into this room... (Pretty reasonable for a 11th level pure rogue to try VON 5 on hard don't you think?)
30 Dex (28 more likely, but let's be generous) +10
7 Reflex saves from 11 levels of Rogue
+3 Trap Sense from 11 levels of Rogue
+4 Trap Blast Goggles
+4 GH
+1 parrying weapon
+1 Haste
+3 Trap Sense enhancements
Total Reflex save: 33
Again, failing on a 6, maybe a 7 or lower... 80-100 points of damage per missed save.... Yeah, that rogue (who is FOCUSED on being on a trapsmith) won't be of much use in there.... You have to make a dozen saves while disarming those traps... Maybe with a dedicated healer... Maybe using up all of your Improved Uncanny Dodges (11th level rogue gets 3 or 4 of those for 20 seconds each?)
And that 30 Dex is almost required... Forget ever making a strength based rogue who can do traps... Cookie-cutter class suddenly...
I'm usually a big cheerleader for the devs... I believe the traps that you have to run through (or stand in!!) are too hard... please review your DCs...
Roll up a test 11th level Rogue, take him into VON5, and see if you feel like a master of traps... The one time you get to shine in full public view... and you die 2-3 times.... yeah that gives you a good reputation, and makes you feel proud of your character.