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Thread: Five?

  1. #41
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pecky View Post
    I hope you're just drunk or tired or not serious when you state that "for every person that leaves two more join".

    If thats the case wouldn't you think they would be ADDING servers instead of CONDENSING servers?

    If there were 100k players at launch and 50k have left, then by that math there ought to be 150k players right now.
    Not to get into this again but of course there was a large crowd that joined on release then left when they found the game wasn't for them. That will happen on any game. If they did a second merge, then I would be worried. I am willing to be that over the last 6-12 months or so numbers have remained pretty stable however. Whenever I roll a new character I always PUG with a few new players while levelling.
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
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  2. #42
    Community Member Raithe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    Sorry, but some/many of us would still play. The entire "its the journey" crowd would still play.
    So you could run the same quests (journeys) over and over? For how long? Indefinitely?

    You've got it backwards. DDO runs really low on journeys and really high on end rewards. Yes, some may stick around long enough to complete each journey (if they find it actually worth the while) and then be done with it. No one is going to continue paying anything to repeat already traveled pathways over and over with no roleplaying and no character dynamics. Sorry, I just don't believe you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    That type of player is not in it to "win", but to play and enjoy the process.
    Play what? Enjoy what? What is the game of DDO? As far as I can tell the only "processes" that exist in DDO are procedures to obtain loot, which is not about the journey. It's extremely difficult to find a game to play, let alone win.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    The same reason I played Baldurs gate thru to the end with perhaps a dozen characters of marginally different natures. I enjoyed the process of playing. Now if you consider getting to 16th level, the end and winning. Then you are done with the game. If you consider playing with friends, talking, gabbing and questing, even if you have already done it before fun, and many do, then you might never be done with the game.
    You can talk and gab with your friends in real life, over the phone, by email, by texting, or by instant messenger. You don't need DDO to do that. You could even play Baldur's Gate via network (there are game services to do this over the internet), which begs the question why you would pay 15 dollars a month plus the initial product cost to enjoy activities which do not need to cost so much. You're argument seems to be "your right it's not about the content, it's about the game structure" and then you go on to list a bunch of reasons for continued play that don't have anything to do with the game structure. Forgive me for saying so, but I think you are looking for excuses. Especially since I see you posting on the forums often.

  3. #43
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    The game lacks in both quantity and quality, Ive been sitting here seeing many bugs go unfixed, many features that should've been implemented not even see a squint of light. Alas the only reason I complain is because I love the game so much, I just wish it could become what its real potential is. I'm not seeing that come to fruition at any point in the future for this game because game mechanics have alrdy been set and changing them changes what the game is completely. I'm hoping DDO 2 will come alot closer to what I really want in an mmorpg, but this game has come the closest in alot of respects and I will still continue to support and complain for and about this game so that way when the game dies it will lead to ddo2 and not the death of a REAL D&D MMORPG of ever happening, thats why im staying to support the game that will come after, I think it will be as a big of a change in the game as the difference between BG2 and NWN1. I do hope however that ddo2 will be 3.5 rules and not 4.0, I would like 4.0 to take on a diff mmo, because 4.0 is not going to be the D&D I love, but I will still atleast give it a try.

    I love the game but I am getting tired of the half-done jobs done to add or implement anything into the game, crafting system is really a joke especially for a person that has turned into a casual player so repitition doesnt get the better of him. AH is a joke in aspects of being able to really find what you want, theres frankly alot of useless items as well. I really wish that the floating part of the game(areas in which you do not fight) were continuous world, teleporting all over the place makes me angry because theres no random encounters to fight, theres not real setting for the game just running, i hear alot of peeps complain about running in this game where peepos dont in others because you get to see the actual world your playing in. I love the way the dungeons are done with instancing, and the fact that chests share for everyone, and your not sitting there doing a dung 18 billion times to get an item that even tho its dropping everytime you cant get a good roll to win the item, but adding diff difficulties makes for more repition in the game having to unlock them when you should be able to open on w/e diff you think you can do, dung scaling would also be awesome as well, think bout it a cr 15 ww run, would be completely diff from the same cr 4 we do over and over and over. Those are just some thoughts, but eh i still love the game even tho it drives me up a wall sometimes coming so close to what i want in a game i can taste it but its still out of reach.

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