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  1. #1
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default Are +1 tomes that rare?

    I am asking this question because my cleric character seems to find a lot of tomes in chests or is getting them as end rewards.

    Now, when I mention this, the other party members mention that they are rare.

    OK, I have found ONE portable hole in a chest and been offered one PORTABLE hole as an end reward(I regretted not taking it later). I recently received the portable hole from the woman in the marketplace. But I am not counting that as a end reward as it was a given.

    I have never found nor have I been offered a Paralyzing weapon.

    I was offered a banishing weapon at the same time I was offered a vorpal weapon. I chose the +1 vorpal as it was a simple weapon, sickle?, and I could use it.

    I have found one CURSE spewing weapon.

    I have found a +2 smiting light hammer and a +2 smiting light or heavy crossbow.

    I have found or been end rewarded a total of SEVEN +1 tomes.

    No, I will not part with them currently. I am waiting for the 1750 favor and then we purchase a second account.

    I am just curious to know if this is common for clerics to get tomes more than cool weapons? I would rather have cool weapons.

    I also am offered a LOT and I mean a LOT of Ghost Touch Shields. Why would I want to stand there and bash a ghost for three hours with my shield? Sure I am harder to hit, but the length of time to bash that ghost would be quite looooonnnnnggggggg and in the game's current state I would probably crash out before I beat the ghost down.

  2. #2
    Community Member Laprion's Avatar
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    first off this is in the wrong place

    is your option to class releated end rewards on (to me it is yes) to find out it in the options panel last tab on the right

    that being checked means u get less likey to find BS , great axes and such and probably will find more tomes and other items that u probably wouldn't use

  3. #3
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default thanks for reply

    Should it go over into General Discussion?

    I figured in the marketplace I would actually get an answer about items.

    the question remains

    Are +1 tomes that rare?

    Your answer is
    Wrong place for this post.
    Do I have my check box clicked for end rewards only for my cleric?

    Thanks for your response.

    I will post in general discussion and mods can delete this thread. Unless I can.

  4. #4
    Community Member arcanehealer's Avatar
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    i think its a cleric thing. my cleric has been pulling a ton of +1 tomes lately.
    drspikey 16 elven cleric (kyhber)/Melheno 4 Monk (kyhber)/dagarnus 8 drow wizard (kyhber)/seasick ranger5/rouge2/fighter1/ Daemonson ranger 6 (kyhber)proud member of the dragon renaissance broterhood / knights of the goldon blade

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I think most people find that they pull nice items quite un-evenly. Some characters might never pull a tome, while others on the same account might pull one a week.

    To answer your question - no, +1 tomes aren't all that rare. They still have nice value on the Auction House however, since a lot of people use them when building characters to give them a bit extra. For example, if I'm making a Barbarian I might use a 9 for my Wisdom, knowing that I can eat a +1 tome to bump me to a 10. That sort of thing.

    I usually sold mine on the AH or saved them for trading.

  6. #6
    Community Member Nataichal's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    They come in waves. I just save them as I find them. that way, when I make a new toon, they can eat a full set of 6.

    Of course, now I need to save +2 tomes for my monk.......
    Guinglain 20 Barb Tynnian 20 Cleric Citrinitas 23 Rogue Nataichal 20 Sorcerer Dy Trying 20 Bard/Ranger Altar Boy 8 Paladin Wynds of Change 20 Pal/Fight/Rogue Near Miss 20 Ranger/Rogue Beeten Senseless 24 Monk/Fighter Systematic Elimination 16 Wizard

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