... are actually worth.
As I've said before, a wounding of puncturing rapier is the rarest of the rare. Find me one other item (okay maybe the Fire Greaves) that drop with such low frequency. A +1 w/p rapier is ML 10. ML 10 stuff has been dropping since the VON raid went in if I remember right. If not then it has definitely been dropping since the first level cap increase. My point is that ML 10 weapons have been dropping for a long time. How many people actually have PULLED a w/p rapier? I only know of three people that have pulled one. I only know of 4 people that have one (and yes I know that Davey has 90000 of them).
Now let's compare that to something like ethereal bracers. Everyone knows where they drop and they are a named item that ALWAYS has a chance to drop in that chest. EBs are all over Argo. So why in the world would you send a PM asking to trade a set of EBs for a w/p rapier +1,000,000 PP. Another example, a full set of tomes will get you a couple of great weapons. But many people have 5 and 6 complete sets of tomes because of the "bug" in the Abbott pre-raid. That's great, I'm glad that you were able to get something that you wanted because personally I think the devs set the drop rate just a bit to low on the tome pieces. Just my opinion. But if you can get 5 or 6 sets of tome pages and you don't have ANY w/p rapiers even though those chests were dropping ML 10 weapons, doesn't that tell you something? Let's say you were extremely lucky and got a tome each chest you looted and you have 2 complete sets in 16 runs. You're still 0 for 16 for w/p rapiers. Let's say it took you 60 runs to get your two full sets. Now you're 0 for 60 for w/p rapiers. Do you catch my drift that a w/p rapier is MUCH more rare than any number of full sets of tomes you could offer up?
Now this isn't just a rant on the value of w/p rapiers, it's more a rant on the greed that I see both on Argo and the overall MMO community. Since we don't deal with each other face to face, 99% of the people feel it's okay to try to rip people off or at least to heavily stack the deal in their favor (and I've been guilty of that myself in at least one case).
I like trading a lot. On Mabar, I think more people knew me for trading that for anything else. Trading was/is my chance to meet new people and extend my experience on our little world. So all I ask for you citizens of Argo is this - If you are going to trade with anyone, or at the very least, trade with me, treat the other party with a little respect and think about the TRUE value of the item you want to trade. Please remember that a deal is only a good deal if both people walk away happy. If even one side begrudgingly goes through with the trade, you probably won't be dealing with that person again and I think that's a shame because why would you want to burn any bridges.
Sorry just a bit of rambling from Yaga. It's the Alzhiemer's.