Just wondering if how you would optimize this combo.
Here are a few questions to start.
1) Drow are they anti-pally? Are they Evil? (I am halfway to unlocking drow, so I haven't been able to play one yet.)
2) Multi class - Would it be better to go Sorc first or Pally? When would you switch?
3) will I have a problem with wands? arcane or divine?
4) armor - will I want to wear it or just bracers or ...? (drow in loin clothes don't work for me)
5) weapon - 2 handed fighting? 2 weapon fighting? 1 weapon and 1 shield? (drow prefer short swords)
Preferably, I would like to be dps, without being pure sorc. I like to solo, but soloing isn't the main goal of this.
Any thoughts on this build?