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  1. #1
    Community Member Valkinz's Avatar
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    Default Drow pally/Sorc questions from a newb's perspective


    Just wondering if how you would optimize this combo.

    Here are a few questions to start.

    1) Drow are they anti-pally? Are they Evil? (I am halfway to unlocking drow, so I haven't been able to play one yet.)

    2) Multi class - Would it be better to go Sorc first or Pally? When would you switch?

    3) will I have a problem with wands? arcane or divine?

    4) armor - will I want to wear it or just bracers or ...? (drow in loin clothes don't work for me)

    5) weapon - 2 handed fighting? 2 weapon fighting? 1 weapon and 1 shield? (drow prefer short swords)

    Preferably, I would like to be dps, without being pure sorc. I like to solo, but soloing isn't the main goal of this.

    Any thoughts on this build?


  2. #2
    Community Member Gorstag's Avatar
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    Well, if you decide to combine them, I would only go pali for 2 levels. then you would get the awsome chr save bonus, as well as...oh hell, the feat where you use your chr bonus as a will save modifier. A guildie of mine is a pali 2, sorc 14 will saves all into the 20's except his will save is in the 40's (unbuffed, I think)'s nearly insane. THough personally, I would forgo saves and stay pure sorc. Though that is my personal play style, you give up alot by leaving out the two levels of sorc IMHO.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Valkinz's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    When you switch from Pally to Sorc, do you loose any of the abilities?

    Alos, Can anyone answer questions, 1,3,4, and 5?



  4. #4
    Community Member Kamboe's Avatar
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    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Valkinz View Post

    1) Drow are they anti-pally? Are they Evil? (I am halfway to unlocking drow, so I haven't been able to play one yet.)
    DDO doesnt have evil yet. They might be in PnP, but not in DDO

    2) Multi class - Would it be better to go Sorc first or Pally? When would you switch?
    One of my guildies said to take Sorc 1, Pally 2, Sorc 13
    That way you can take a metamagic feat at lvl 1, when not a whole lot of feat are avaiable

    3) will I have a problem with wands? arcane or divine?
    You can use any wand that you class would normaly have the any arcane and any spell that a pally can cast(which heal is the only one i think)

    4) armor - will I want to wear it or just bracers or ...? (drow in loin clothes don't work for me)
    Any armor with little or no spell failure

    5) weapon - 2 handed fighting? 2 weapon fighting? 1 weapon and 1 shield? (drow prefer short swords)
    Pally's can use greataxes, which is what i've seen most Pally/Sorcs use when mana runs low/out.
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  5. #5
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    I run a Drow 2 pally/13 sorc.. it is a very tough build, and you can take it many different directions. In my case I went low-STR, max-CHA.. so for me at high levels the benefits are mainly in saves and HP, though I do melee now and then when out of mana.. with double-madstone rage and a paralyzer sword I'm pretty effective on the margins of a battle. Normally I am a orthodox sorcerer with extra HP and a couple spell slots missing.

    A battle sorc would have decent CHA (surely not less than 18 on a drow or 16 on a WF) and as much STR and CON as you can afford. I don't enjoy low-DC characters as much, but that's up top you/

    1) In DDO Drow have no class or alignment restrictions
    2) In this case (since you aren't leaning on skills) the order only matters for low-level play. I'd say take paladin first to get through level 1.. and the second whenever you feel you need saves and a BAB boost. You are going to wait a long time for spells, so maybe do Paladin at levels 1 and 10? That way you get Wall of Fire at level 9.
    3) You'll be able to use cure and restore wands, and anything arcane.
    4) Low levels - armor may be worth it with arcane fluidity. By level 10-11 I was in robes and bracers. This depends on your tactics.. and your gear.. I did not focus on AC raid-gear like the Chattering ring, so there's no way Aesa would get over 40 AC. At high levels you want heavy fort, stoneskin, jump, and blur.
    5) Anything will work, but with so few feats don't waste a feat on anything except toughness and metamagics.. if you wear robes go the great-axe route since AC doesn't matter. Your BAB will be awful, so expect to do tenser's from scrolls to melee (or acquire madstone boots), at which point you are just like a regular sorc casting tensor's with better saves and more HP.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valkinz View Post
    When you switch from Pally to Sorc, do you loose any of the abilities?

    Alos, Can anyone answer questions, 1,3,4, and 5?


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